

Hanna Daniel got her dream job as an intern in the best architectural company, with a hidden agenda, after swearing not to fall in love, destiny has something else installed for her when she crossed path with Alexander Chen the CEO of Dream architectural group. her past put her on a path of revenge but she was willing to let go of her past for love but will her past let her go?

Hajara_Aliyu · Urban
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4 Chs


     A beautiful tan-skinned lady stood close to a grave, her brown large eyes were filled with so much sadness, and her dark brown hair danced to the wind.

 She smiled but the smile didn't reach her eyes, "mum, I am now an intern in the Dream architectural group, yeah I know" she chuckled and cleaned the tears threatening to fall, "you don't support this but I have to do this, I believe, I can prove dad's innocence, so please bless me. 

With tears coursing down her cheeks, she bit her lower lips trying to suppress her tears, she knelt in front of the grave touching the name written on it ALICE DANIEL " we couldn't even use your real name, I promise you, I will get our identities back we won't be living under false names forever."

 The tears uncontrollably flowed down, her shoulders trembling as she cried, remembering her father's death people threw rotten eggs on his grave and cursed him to rot in hell all the people that lost their families and loved ones attacked them at any given opportunity.

   Their uncle had to fake their deaths and snuck them out of pearl city with new identities, Her phone started ringing she saw the caller and quickly cleaned her tears and cleared her throat, she picked up the call, 

"Hey bro"


he shouted, making Hanna move her phone away from her ear, 

 "What are you doing? are you trying to burst my eardrums!" 

she yelled into her phone making Carlos fall from the couch with a thud

 "am sorry,"  

he said laughing while he groggily gathered himself from the ground rubbing his behind.

 " come home, I will cook something delicious for you." 

"Ok, I'm coming home" 

she cut the call with a smile, 

"bye mum, I will come to visit you soon".


       A black limousine parked in front of a cake store, A man in a black suit stepped out of the car and opened the passenger door, A tall handsome man with a perfect strong jawline, and eyes dark as night stepped down, he looked at the store with transparent door and all the cakes in the showcase were strategically placed towards the door, 

" I should thank the owner of this bakery" 

he spoke with his soothing seductive voice to the bodyguard who stood rooted next to his boss, 

"young madam will be mad at you if you forget to buy her the cake she requested." 

   the man's voice was huge, and the ladies passing by kept ogling at the handsome sculpted god in a royal blue suit, 

"Stay here, I will be right back,"

 he said, living behind his bodyguard. He entered the cake store, the walls were tiled with a baby pink color while the floor, counters, and tables were tiled with a dark pink color.

 The wedding cakes look exquisite while the party cakes have a playful feel to them, he saw a cake of a purple pony, and the pony was under a rainbow, 

"I will get this for Xiao li" 

he thought to himself, he went in front of the lady who was next to place her order, the lady in charge of the counter was completely smitten by the beauty in front of her, 

"How may I help you?" 

she said tucking her hair behind her ear with a smile, he wanted to speak but the woman behind him kept tapping his shoulder, he tried to ignore it but she didn't stop, he abruptly turned around making her lose balance and almost fall on the ground, 

 "what do you think you're doing"? 

 he yelled at her, 

 "I should ask you that!" 

she yelled back at him. 

"I was here first"

 he cut in "how is that my business, am here to buy a cake,"

 he said with so much arrogance, 

"then go to the back of the line we were all here before you" 

the others started supporting her, a man came out of the line, 

"go to the back" 

he shouted at the young man, 

"am a very busy man," 

the young man said, 

 "We are all busy, we all have something to do with our time" 

Hanna glared at him, 

 "get in the back of the line your wasting our time", 

 the other customers joined in, and the lady at the counter had no choice but to support the customers, 

"Please sir, go to the back of the line,"

the young man was angry he has never been this humiliated, he glared at the young girl before stepping out.

 " What kind of cake do you want to order," the woman asked with a genial smile, 

 "I would like to order A half chocolate half vanilla cake and write congratulations, Hanna, on top" 

"ok, you can now sit in the waiting area." said the woman to Hanna who nodded her head before stepping out of the line.

    Ten minutes later the white background cake with black chocolate glaze on one side was coming her way, Hanna could only see the cake and not the woman holding it, her mouth was already watering thinking of the delicious flavor.

 She stretched her hands waiting to receive the cake, 


A woman's voice resounded through the store, she was wearing a red short gown that hugged her body and she was around her late thirties, 

"Sorry, this bakery is closed!"


 the other people started murmuring, 

" Is she, not the owner?" 

one of the customers asked with a puzzled look.

     "Why are you closing the store?" 

"Yes we demand an answer, why are you refunding our money instead of giving us what we ordered!?"

 they kept bombarding her with questions, 

" Because the new owner said so"

 the woman answered them, 

 "A new owner."

 They started whispering amongst themselves again. A young man in a royal blue suit walked in and went towards the woman, 

" Meet the new owner!" 

the woman held his hand, and he looked at Hanna with a smug face, Hanna was too shocked, 

"the new owner" 

murmured to herself.