

Hanna Daniel got her dream job as an intern in the best architectural company, with a hidden agenda, after swearing not to fall in love, destiny has something else installed for her when she crossed path with Alexander Chen the CEO of Dream architectural group. her past put her on a path of revenge but she was willing to let go of her past for love but will her past let her go?

Hajara_Aliyu · Urban
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4 Chs


Fifteen interns were all seated in the orientation room, they sat on lemon green chairs waiting for the CEO to talk but he just had an evil-looking smile that sent shivers down their spines, 

            "Hanna right", 

he placed his hand on his chin, and nodded his head, 

      " you are fired."

The other interns gasped and began to murmur.

 with that, he left the stage. Hanna sat their tears gathered in her eyes, her breathing became difficult, and all her hard work has been washed down the drain, 

          "Dad, I failed you."

her eyes glistened with tears, she was trying her best not to let them fall. Shinra sadly looked at the girl, before turning his attention to the remaining fourteen interns.

     " the rest of you follow me."

He said before working out of the convention room.

      They looked at her before getting up and leaving the hall. 

    "I wonder what she did to the boss to be fired by him." 

a young girl said, 

     "I feel bad for her, she's such a beauty " 

the boy who has been admiring her since they entered the hall said. Hanna is still sitting on the seat with her hands clenched, her mind traveled back to when she was a kid her father's smiling face as he called her.

    "Hanna come to take a look."

 The Eight years old girl ran to him and lay her head on his shoulder as she stared at the paper he drew on.

 " wow! You finished your building,"

 she said, smiling at him.

 "yes I did even though it almost took me a year but I didn't give up, so my dear to achieve something you have to work hard and never give up."

 "Yes, I should never give up."

 she cried quickly running out of the hall and towards his office.

     But she was stopped by the receptionist.

     "Do you have an appointment ?" 

the sexy blonde lady asked, 

 "no, just tell him that Hanna wants to see him."  

the receptionist looked at Hanna as if she has lost her mind, 


*she folded hands* I am begging you." 

Hanna gave her sad puppy eyes.

 the lady called Alex's office, Flynn answered the call 

         "Okay, got it" 

    he cut the call, 

    "It's the girl, she wishes to see you", 


         "fire the receptionist."

 Alex went back to his meeting, Flynn's eyes widened 

     "You really want me to fire her?"

Fynn looked at his boss, 

   "I don't remember me stuttering," 

He said looking emotionless, the receptionist received a call and immediately ran out crying. 

       "What happened?"

 the workers stared at her, Hanna felt bad she had to figure out a way to get her and the receptionist jobs back. Alex and his clients were walking out of his office, they took the elevator and went to the reception area but they all came to a halt, Hanna was kneeling on the white cold tiles, 

"Please give me and the receptionist a second chance, we didn't mean to offend you."

 she pleaded with her eyes glistening with tears.

      "What's happening?"

One of the clients asked

      "It is nothing, security!" 

     Alex's cold gaze fell on her. 

  "Please, I didn't mean to tell you to follow the rules, so please forgive me."

 she started crying, gaining pity from his client, and he felt a headache coming.

   "I don't think that any company will take me now, and my grandma is still in the hospital." 

she said sobbing, 

 "What happened to your grandma?"

 the Asian client asked feeling pity for the girl, Alex rolled his eyes, 

"grandma forgive me am going to lie with your name" 

she said inwardly 

  "she's suffering from stroke", 

 she continued crying before his clients thought the worst of him; he dragged Hanna and took her to his office.


   "Wait for me."

He walked out on her.

She sat on an ash comfortable-looking couch. While admiring the yet simple design of the office.

  She heard the door opening and closing and the clicking of his shoe as he went ahead and sat on his black office chair.

 "You really want to work here?"


she said looking hopeful, 

"And the receptionist, please give her back her job."  She begged him.

"ok, I will, but you won't be working as an architect." His cold black mono lid eyes looked straight into her brown ones.


Hanna was worried and confused.

 "You will be working as my personal assistant." 

     He flashed her an evil smile, and Hanna was totally speechless.