
Lovely Dimple

On the first day of her transfer to a new school in the north, the female protagonist, Xu Yan, with her timid nature, decided to stay away from a classmate with a bad temper. Recently, however, everyone in the class was talking about the school's handsome guy, Xie Ci, and it seemed he was focusing on the transfer student. One day, when Xu Yan went to the early morning self-study session, she found a note on her desk: "Little cutie, people here have short tempers." Then, the story began.

Hayden_Y_ · Teen
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


The summer in Lin City was unbearably hot, with a clear blue sky and a hint of dryness mixed in with the white clouds.

After a rainstorm last night, the temperature actually rose instead of dropping.

The cicadas were deafening, and the roses were blooming beautifully on the black iron fence of the school.

Xu Yan carried a white backpack and leaned against the second floor of the building, peering through the dense tree shadows to watch the lively basketball court in the distance. A group of boys were running on the sun-baked plastic track.

After waiting for a while longer, Chen Lizhi and a young female teacher finally walked out of the administrative office.

Xu Yan stood straight and obediently shouted: "Auntie."

Chen Lizhi nodded and pulled her arm over, smiling at the slightly plump female teacher beside her: "Then our child is handed over to you."

Xu Huiru pushed her glasses and lowered her head to scan the name on the list, and read out: "Xu Yan, how strange, the same surname as me."

Lin No.1 High School, the best private school in Lin City.

Because of her parents' job transfer, Xu Yan followed them to this northern big city. Dragging Auntie to look for connections, she transferred into this school as an insert student.

The school has a junior and a senior division, and most of the students are local, there are not many boarding students.

When her father came, he was admonishing her all the way, telling her to study hard and not waste time when she got there.

Xu Yan has been an outstanding student since she was young and she is obedient and well-behaved due to strict tutoring.

Xu Huiru looks at Xu Yan's obedient look and feels very satisfied.

She couldn't help but think that finally a model transfer student has come and can set a good example for the class.

A bit worried after thinking about it.

The child is quiet and gentle, so it seems easy for her to be bullied.

She was appointed as the head teacher of class 9 for half a year in the last semester, and she worked really hard.

The students in the class are all troublesome.

They don't respect the teacher and don't care about the collective honor of the class, they like to fight and make trouble.

This private aristocratic school is full of young masters and young ladies. But class 9 is especially notorious for its naughty students.

They had an imperious temper and a strong sense of superiority.

When they arrived at the Textbook Division to pick up books, Xu Yan followed the homeroom teacher to their class. Just as the bell rang for the end of class, students in school uniforms walked past them.

In the hallway, they ran into two boys wearing basketball uniforms. When they saw Xu Huiru, they immediately stopped and saluted her. The two of them shouted in unison, "Good morning, Teacher Xu!"

The loud voices startled Xu Yan.

The northern boys were all tall and strong, and their voices were especially loud.

Xu Huiru nodded, as if in agreement, and asked casually, "Did you just have PE?"

"Hehe." One of the boys with dark skin and sweaty face stretched his neck and glanced at Xu Yan, who was standing quietly behind the homeroom teacher, and asked with a smile, "Teacher, is this our class's new classmate?"

Xu Huiru waved her hand and sent them away, "Nevermind."

Then they walked away.

Xu Huiru told her: "From now on, stay away from those uneducated boys in your class and focus on your studies, okay?"

Xu Yan nodded, "Okay, teacher."


Xu Huiru looked at the cotton dress she was wearing, then remembered: "After the morning classes, go to Zhicheng Hall and get your school uniform."

Around the corner, Class 9 was by the stairs.

The classroom was bustling, with everyone chasing and playing with each other and voices clamoring. But as soon as Xu Huiru stepped into the room, it gradually became quiet.

All eyes were focused on the unfamiliar transfer student standing behind the head teacher.

Xu Yan was holding a book and standing near the podium.

The bright sunshine softly outlined her shape, and her soft black hair hung down to her chest. Her white dress reached just below her knees, and her white socks showed her pale ankles.

Because the next physics class was about to start, the teacher was already waiting at the door. Without giving Xu Yan a chance to introduce herself, Xu Huiru clapped her hands and briefly said to them, "This is the new student, Xu Yan, everyone welcome her."

A brief silence.

"Welcome the new student."

Some mischievous boys in the back row sat on the desk, elbows supported their knees, and blew a whistle to Xu Yan, accompanied by a few boys' laughter.

"Okay, stop it!"

Xu Huiru pats the desk with one hand, stopping the atmosphere that was about to become agitated. She glanced around and pointed in the direction of the back of the fourth group with her finger, telling Xu Yan, "You sit in that empty seat first."

After two seconds, Xu Huiru seemed to realize that it was inappropriate, hesitated for a moment, and patted Xu Yan's shoulder: "You sit there for a while, we will change the seat next week."


So under the gaze of the whole class, Xu Yan walked through the gap between the groups and stopped in the aisle at the back of the fourth group several rows back.

The place was a mess, with several half-smoked cigarette butts scattered on the floor. Books and drafts of paper were piled up on the desks and chairs in a disorderly manner, and there was even a basketball under the bench.

Xu Yan stopped in her tracks, hesitating.

In the second to last row, a boy wearing a black T-shirt was sitting there without wearing a school uniform. He was leaning against the wall and looking down at his phone brazenly. It seemed that he hadn't lifted his head since she entered the classroom.

Seeing Xu Yan standing there, the person who had just whistled sneered at the boy playing with his phone: "Ci, your new deskmate has arrived."

The boy called "Ci", propped his head up with one hand, leaning on the desk.

It seemed that he had just finished running in the physical education class, and his black hair was wet.

He was chewing on a piece of gum and didn't pay attention at first.

After being pushed by someone, he slowly raised his head.

His dark eyes swept over the girl standing in front of him.

After a few seconds, he lazily moved his legs crossed on the chair and give up the seat to Xu Yan.

"Wait." Xu Huiru suddenly changed her mind and stood at the door of the classroom, shouting, "Song Yifan, change seats with your new classmate and let Xu Yan sit in the front row."

Xu Yan sighed with relief in her heart.

The next class was Physics, and the teacher was a middle-aged Mediterranean man nicknamed "Ironhead Li". He was also one of the most notorious strict teachers in the grade, treating students like enemies and mercilessly like the autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

Although the students in Class 9 were not afraid, they still had a little awe of Ironhead Li.

The group leader collected the exercise books of the physical homework one by one.

Xu Yan lowered her head, taking out the books and pencil cases from her schoolbag and putting them on the desk, then arranging the newly received books neatly one by one.

Her deskmate was a very beautiful girl, with cosmetics and a curling iron scattered on the desk.

Her deskmate, with her hair in small curls draped over her shoulder, was putting on lipstick with a small mirror.

Xu Yan quickly glanced and straightened her body, looking at the blackboard, ready to listen attentively.

The group leader of the fourth group was a girl with glasses, tall, and with a ponytail.

She slammed her notebook onto the table behind Xu Yan's, her voice sharp and high-pitched: "Xie Ci, turn in the homework."

So his name was Xie Ci.

Xu Yan thought to herself silently.

After a while.

"I didn't write it."

An indifferent voice sounded, as if laughing but not laughing.

Song Yifan said with a weird tone, "Group leader, why are you focusing on Ci when you don't take our assignments as a group?"

"Is that ...?" He deliberately elongated his tone, with a meaning of provocation and teasing, which made the group behind him burst into laughter.

"Song Yifan, why are you so annoying!"

The group leader cursed and flung her hair, carrying the assignments in her arm and leaving.

Xu Yan wanted to focus her energy on the podium, but she still heard the laughter coming from the back right side.

"The group leader is awesome."

"Ironhead Li" is going to teach a new lesson, Electromagnetism.

Electromagnetism is one of the major difficulties in high school physics. Xu Yan had already finished it in the tutoring class and solved a lot of questions. She took out the physics book and flipped to the page the teacher was going to talk about.

For her, learning and doing questions was as instinctive as breathing.

"Eh, new classmate, what's your name?" Fu Xueli finished her makeup, picked up Xu Yan's student card on the desk, and looked at it for a couple of seconds, "Xu Yan?"

Xu Yan lowered her voice and nodded slightly.

"The name sounds a bit strange."

"It seems like it."

"My name is Fu Xueli." She introduced herself.

Xu Yan quietly looked at her and nodded again, "I remember. Your name is very nice."

Fu Xueli let out a laugh, thinking this kid was a bit naturally silly.

Seeing her act like an obedient student, speaking carefully in class so as not to be noticed by the teacher, Fu Xueli found her really adorable.

The friends she played with were either old slicksters or rebels, none of them were afraid of the teacher.

Class 9 was severely divided into two groups: those who studied hard and were wealthy.

Both sides looked down upon each other, but had an agreement to not bother each other. Fu Xueli belonged to the typical type who had money but still hung around with those who were lazy and indulged in eating, drinking, and playing.

Like Xu Yan, this kind of girl with a plain face, gentle voice, delicate and clean eyes and eyebrows, she was really the first time she had ever encountered.

Her face was small and her height was short, like a middle school student.

It was obvious that she had a regular life and was an excellent student.

Fu Xueli silently complained in her heart, and returned Xu Yan's student card to its original place, and took out her mobile phone to play out of boredom.

There were still two classes left in the morning, and it passed in a flash.

When the bell of the fifth class rang, the people in the class quickly dispersed to have dinner.

Xu Yan didn't like to be crowded, so she decided to walk after everyone else had left.

She grabbed a piece of scrap paper, leaned it on the table, and slowly worked on a problem that the teacher assigned in class.

"New classmate, you really love studying."

Song Yifan walked past Xu Yan and glanced at her, lowering her head to write. He exclaims in admiration, "Wow, you are very hard-working."

Mischievous voice.

Xu Yan's pen suddenly stopped.

After a few seconds, not knowing what to say, she buried her head and continued to do the math problems.

Suddenly, a book hit Song Yifan on the shoulder.

Fu Xueli glared at him and said bluntly, "Don't tease the little girl."

"Damn it," Song Yifan rubbed his shoulder in pain. "I was just your deskmate, why are you so violent, can't I show some care for the new classmate?"

"Get out of here."

Fu Xueli was too lazy to bother with Song Yifan, she know what he was thinking.

She slung a shoulder bag and squeezed out from behind Xu Yan, "Xu Yan, when are you going to have dinner?"

"Ah?" Xu Yan looked up at Fu Xueli and thought for a while before saying, "I'll go soon."

At this time, a group of boys from outside the class were waiting at the door of the class. Someone poked in and shouted, "Ci, are you ok?"

Song Yifan immediately agreed, "Coming, coming, I and him will go soon, you guys go ahead and block people."

As if there was a sudden gust of wind.

In the remaining light, a pair of black and red sports shoes appeared in Xu Yan's sight.

Xie Ci stopped beside her, holding his school uniform jacket in one hand.

Suddenly, the draft paper on the table was taken away, and Xu Yan was caught off guard.

The black water-based pen draws a line on the paper.

Her gaze shifted. She collided with a pair of jet-black eyes, with a slight arch in the corners.

That person, leaning against her desk, pinched the thin paper with his index finger and middle finger, looking disdainful, and glanced at it.

On the draft paper.

There were several lines of neat and beautiful small regular script, and the formulas for solving the problems were neatly arranged.

"Write me a physics homework."

He lazily finished his sentence and then left the classroom with the rest of the boys in the class.