
Lovely blood roses

Roses are lovely. Red Roses symbolises love. But what if the love is stained of death? What if the roses that behold purity is dipped in blood?

Narissa_Radisson · Horror
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

'It's have been a year after meeting Dolly. She didn't even dared to make a phone call for the past year. Why didn't she took mine either?'

John was confused about going back to his home town. He wasn't sure about their relationship either. What if her conscious is warning about it? What if she is trying to conceal their relation over her family? Even his moral sense was on an alarm. Even he have the perfect family everyone wishes to. He have the most luxurious apartment in the United States no one else could even imagine to afford. Most loving wife, most adorable children in the world. Is this correct, even? Traiting his family? Traiting Dolly's family? No, not Dolly 's family. Traiting his own family. Traiting his own brother. Traiting his own father. Traiting his own mother. He crushed the red rose he have been holding for about an hour with his right hand. Its petals fell down the floor, staining the white marble with fresh plumbing red juice. The Thrones stabbed his palm just like the dagger of his sins. He opened his palms and to let the flower free. Along with the stem oozed his pain just to wash out the white floor in bloody red. Turning back, he left the airport, his tears suffocating his breath and vision, he crumbled the ticket and threw it into the waste bin at the exit.