
Loveless Marriage to my Boss

"It's about Miss Reyes. She's plotting against you." "What the hell are you talking about? Why speak such blasphemy against my fiance? Are you bent on losing your job or something?" He asked me, his face red in anger. In the corridors of power, where ambition meets deceit, Rosie, the unsung heroine, unleashes a storm when she exposes the conniving ways of her boss's gold-digging fiancée. David Crest, her longtime employer, finds himself not only in awe of Rosie's courage but also entranced by her quiet strength. As their professional bond deepens into an unexpected love, they're thrust into a whirlwind of betrayal and greed. With a vindictive ex-fiancée and a long-lost, avaricious twin brother emerging from the shadows, David and Rosie must navigate treacherous waters to protect their budding romance. But can their love withstand the tempest of lies and deceit that threatens to tear them apart?

MayAmelia · Teen
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12 Chs

The Unappreciated Secretary

Rosie's POV 

I sat at my desk, typing away on my computer as fast as I could . I had less than 15 minutes to round up with the reports I was supposed to submit to my boss, David Crest, for the meeting we were to attend in 20 minutes. I had been working as Mr. Crest's secretary for the past 5 years of my life, and I must say, it has not really been a pleasant journey.

My name is Rosie Johnson. I am a 27 year old woman who simply loved her job, but the only thing is I wasn't really appreciated for what I did. Although I'm being paid well, it feels like I'm being paid only because it is something that ought to be done. My boss, Mr. David Crest was the CEO of Crest, an international, a very successful company in New York City.

He never really acknowledged me for the job I did. Most times, he would just pass by my desk and not act like I existed. Whenever he gave me tasks to perform, he never really looked my way or appreciated my efforts. He treated me like I was a mere robot that he could just use to carry out tasks anytime he wanted and would not have to show appreciation for it. 

I was just the quiet, unimportant secretary in the background. Many times, I wanted to quit my job, but when I thought about the pay that I got every month, I overlooked these things. When I heard some of my colleagues talk about how jealous they were of my position, I tried to refrain myself from telling them of the challenges I had to face. 

My best friend, Jessica, was also there to support me, encouraging and reminding me that I needed to gather enough money to start my own business, which had always been my dream. You are probably wondering how come I have not gathered enough money in the 5 years that I had worked in Crest International. That's because the money I had saved before was spent on treating my father's illness and paying for his hospital bills.

I don't regret spending the money on him, but what I regretted was that even after all the treatment and everything, he still did not survive it. I was badly hurt, not about the money, because more money can be made, but about the fact that my father died eventually. Anyway, I hoped to work hard and get more money to start planning my own business again.

I was so engrossed in what I was doing that I did not notice when Mr. Crest stepped out of his office and walked over to me.

"Are you done with the reports?" He asked me.

"I'm almost through with it, sir," I replied.

"You're too slow. I don't pay you to be this slow with your job. Be fast about that. I need to go through it before we go to the meeting," he replied.

He didn't even wait for me to reply before he turned around and walked back into his office. I resisted the strong urge to flip him the middle finger. I cracked my knuckles and my neck and, once again, went back to typing as fast as I could on my computer. In the next 5 minutes or less, I was done. I went through it one last time, ensuring that I had implemented the corrections to all the mistakes he corrected earlier before I went ahead and printed it. 

I took it to his office and stood in front of him, waiting to hear what he had to say.

"Thanks to my intervention, this is better than the rubbish you presented to me the first time," he said, and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. 

Suddenly, the door to his office opened, and Sofia walked in. Sofia was his fiancée and they were set to get married in a couple of months. I could see a smile break out on David's face. He looked so in love with her. This was one of the rare times he smiled, and it was beautiful. 

"Sofia baby," he approached her, and right in front of me, they shared a very deep kiss.

I gagged and made my way out of the office. I went back to my space and waited for Mr. Crest to come out so we could go for the meeting. Eventually, when he came out, he was alone.

"Let's go," he said to me, not even looking my way.

We walked to the boardroom, with him leading the way. The executives and everyone else in the boardroom got up to acknowledge his presence, and they only sat back down after Mr. Crest sat down. Soon, the meeting began with one of the executives talking. Suddenly, I saw Mr. Crest beckon at me.

"If you know you still want to keep your job, you would go back to the office now and bring me the report you printed out. How could you walk with me and not notice that I wasn't holding it. I give you 5 minutes," he whispered into my ears.

I grew mad because it wasn't my fault but yet I turned around and speedily walked out of the boardroom. As I made my way back to the office, I muttered some really un-nice things about David, things I could never say to his face. As I got into the office and made my way to his door, I heard a voice.

"Trust me, baby. By the time I'm done with David Crest, he will be poorer than a church rat," the voice said.

Who could that be? I thought as I pulled out my phone to record the rest of the person's conversation. Suddenly, I felt the urge to open the door. When I did, I was dumbfounded when I saw who it was.