
Loveless Marriage to my Boss

"It's about Miss Reyes. She's plotting against you." "What the hell are you talking about? Why speak such blasphemy against my fiance? Are you bent on losing your job or something?" He asked me, his face red in anger. In the corridors of power, where ambition meets deceit, Rosie, the unsung heroine, unleashes a storm when she exposes the conniving ways of her boss's gold-digging fiancée. David Crest, her longtime employer, finds himself not only in awe of Rosie's courage but also entranced by her quiet strength. As their professional bond deepens into an unexpected love, they're thrust into a whirlwind of betrayal and greed. With a vindictive ex-fiancée and a long-lost, avaricious twin brother emerging from the shadows, David and Rosie must navigate treacherous waters to protect their budding romance. But can their love withstand the tempest of lies and deceit that threatens to tear them apart?

MayAmelia · Teen
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12 Chs

New Changes

Rosie's POV 

"M... Mr. Crest? What are you doing back here? I'm sorry, I mean, are you back?" I asked, shocked to see him. 

"Yes, I'm back," Mr. Crest said.

"Oh, okay. I just saw it the door open, and I thought to check in case someone had broken in. I will return back to my office now, Mr Crest," I said and turned to leave.

"Hold on, Miss Johnson. Can I see for a moment, please?" Mr. Crest said with a calm voice.

I was stunned. Not only did he ask me politely, but he also asked with a calm voice. The Mr Crest I know speaks harshly to me and never uses the words "please" or "sorry." In my confusion, I turned around to face him, waiting to hear what task he was about to order me to do.

"I will go straight to the point so I don't waste your time, and you can get back to your work. I just wanted to say thank you for helping me expose Sofia's evil intentions against me. I know I haven't been the best boss to you, but yet you had my best interest at heart. Thank you," Mr. Crest said.

My eyes widened in shock. Was Mr. Crest apologizing to me? I blinked twice while hoping it wasn't all a dream.

"It's... it's nothing, Mr. Crest. I... I was just..I was just doing my job," I stuttered.

"Still, I appreciate it, and from now hence forth, I'll do my best to be a better boss to you," he said, trying to smile.

I simply nodded, not finding the words to say. With that said and done, I returned back to my office, still in shock. I sat at my desk and began the day's work. After working for so many hours, Mr Crest finally walked out of his office.

"Aren't you going to go for your break, Miss Johnson?" He asked me.

"It's not yet..." I was saying but stopped talking the moment I looked at my wristwatch and saw that 10 minutes at gone out of my break time. 

I had worked late into the afternoon that I hadn't realized it was time for my lunch break. I immediately got up from my seat and began to clear my table.

"I'm sorry, Mr Crest. I was too focused on what I was doing that I didn't remember about lunch break. I'll just go now," I said.

"It's fine. There is nothing to apologize about because I am not angry. You can go for your lunch break, and you can take an extra 10 minutes to make up for the 10 minutes you've missed already," he said, giving me a bright smile, much to my surprise.

"O...ok, Mr. Crest," I replied, confused and in shock.

Just as he was about leaving the office, he turned around and said,

"Why don't I take you with me to have lunch instead?"

I looked at him wide-eyed as if he had just grown another pair of head.

"Lunch? With you? If I may ask, why Mr. Crest?" I asked.

"Consider it a way of me saying thank you for helping out with the whole Sofia's situation," he replied.

I opened my mouth to protest, but he stopped me and continued,

"Don't refuse it. Just come with me."

At this point, I knew there was no other choice but to follow him and have lunch with him. He walked out of the office, and I walked out with him. We made it to his car, and he drove us to a very fancy restaurant, one of the best five-star restaurants in New York. He ordered the most expensive dishes. The prices of the food almost made me choke.

After we were done eating, Mr Crest and I returned back to the office.

"Thank you so much, Mr Crest, for lunch. Although the food was very expensive, I still enjoyed it," I said as we walked through the door into the office area.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," he said.

We stood there staring at each other, and for some strange reason, I felt my heart beating very fast. I immediately realized what I was doing and quickly took my eyes off my boss, feeling quite embarrassed. What the hell is wrong with me? I asked myself.

"I'll... I'll just go back to work. Thank you once again, Mr. Crest," I said, avoiding his eyes.

I already went back to my decks and sat behind my computer, typing away as fast as I could on my keyboard. After standing there for a couple more seconds, Mr Crest finally made his way back into his own office. The days that followed were quite different. Mr Crest's behaviour surprised me, and I couldn't help but be scared. 

He would smile at me while greeting me or replying to my greetings, and most times, he would greet me even before I had a chance to do that first. Sometimes he asked for my opinion about some certain work-related matters and I always gave my honest and sincerest opinions. He complimented me on how smart I was and how great my answers to his questions were. 

His attitude towards me completely changed for the best. The whole situation with Sofia and my involvement in it had probably opened his eyes to see my significance in the company. One day, after giving him an honest opinion on a work-related matter, Mr. Crest said,

"I hadn't realized you were this intelligent. If I'd discovered this a long time ago, I wouldn't have been struggling with some things."

"Well, I had always been this smart. It's just that you've not noticed it. Despite all the hard work I put into my job, I still am not appreciated for it," I said.

"I'm really sorry about that. I know I've wronged you greatly, which is why I planned something for you," he said.

"What's that?" I asked.