
Loved by the Villain and the Male Lead

Su Ning is a 29 year old lonely overworked accountant who have spent the better part her life supporting her unemployed alcoholic father. After several consecutive 16 hour work days, she suddenly dies of a heart attack on her way home from work. However instead of the afterlife, she inexplicably finds herself reborn in the body of 12 year old Su Ning, the beautiful and beloved daughter of Su Kun and Qin Lan. Faced with a second chance in life, Su Ning aims to live happily and comfortably with her loved ones. However along the way of searching for her dreams, she meets and befriends Gu YuChen and Lin JinYan. Though Su Ning was initially reluctant to get close to them, they soon become the two most important men in her life. The heir to the Gu Corporation Ltd., Gu YuChen has lived with constant threats to his life at a young age. Cold and aloof to everyone, he feels tenderness for the first time upon befriending Su Ning. Admired as a musical prodigy, the gentle prince Lin JinYan actually grew up detested by his siblings and blamed for the death of their mother. Suffering from trauma, he was comforted by Su Ning and discovers he is able to freely touch her despite having mysophobia. The villain and the male lead who was saved by Su Ning's warmth and kindness quickly realize their feelings have turned to love. Faced with adversity, will they be able to protect Su Ning? Who will she choose? Get ready for a slice of life story of a transmigrated soul who lets go of the past regrets and unexpectedly finds true love and happiness. Disclaimer: I do not own the cover illustration. Credits go to the original artist. In discord as buttonswrites ~~ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ

ButtonsWrites · Urban
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278 Chs

Chapter 22: Moving In

After everyone was seated at the wooden dining table, several sumptuous mouth watering dishes were placed by the servers. Su Ning noticed they were all her favorite dishes aside from the potato millet porridge specially set aside for Gu YuChen.

In the middle of supper, Old Madam Gu suddenly had a request for Su Ning. The latter who was in a good mood due to the meal immediately agreed to listen to the request. "NingNing-ah, Grandma Gu is getting older so I am not as strong as before. The incident with Xiao Chen really gave this old grandma a scare. I spoke with Qin Lan and Su Kun earlier about this but I want to ask our NingNing personally. Would you move into Grandma Gu's mansion to keep Xiao Chen and this Old Grandma company? Grandma would really like to foster you." Su Ning who had not been anticipating this at all had a mouthful of rice and sweet and sour pork ribs that suddenly felt difficult to swallow. She found four pairs of eyes staring intently at her.

'Ahh.. Is this what Mother Qin and Father Su discussed with Grandma Gu for the entire afternoon? But why me though?' Su Ning must have had a very bemused look on her face so Grandma Su continued, "NingNing, this old grandma really likes you and can see that you get along well with Xiao Chen too. Your mom will move to work at this mansion instead of the Gu Mansion and your dad will still work for Gu Co Ltd. You know I really wanted a granddaughter but I never got the chance to be close to Song Rui's child. This old lady's heart somehow feels empty because of that. And Grandma also thinks it will be safer if you stay here considering what had just happened to Xiao Chen."

After listening intently to Grandma Gu's request, Su Ning turned to Mother Qin and Father Su and found them both nodding at her. 'Aiii, turns out they want to protect me from Song Rui and Gu Han's retaliation. Although I didn't initially want to get involved since I didn't want to be in danger, Gu YuChen is also just an innocent 14 year old boy. At this point I don't want to abandon a friend.' Su Ning thought. "Okay, Grandma Gu I will move in with you and Gu YuChen. Please take care of me." Su Ning responded with a smile. Grandma Gu cheerfully gave Su Ning a hug and told her that she will be treated as her real granddaughter. 'Ahh that's a little too much?!' Su Ning was both happy and embarrassed at the attention. She was so focused on the old madam's reaction that she didnt notice Gu YuChen release a sigh of relief at her response. When Su Ning had turned to look at Gu YuChen, he was already quietly eating his porridge with a deadpan look on his face. 'As expected this facial paralysis kid doesn't care if there is another guest in the house or not. He must spend all day either studying or working.' thought Su Ning as she shook her head.

And so Su Ning's move to Grandma Gu's estate was quickly decided. Since she did not have much stuff at the apartment, it was decided that she will pack her luggage and move in early next week. Grandma Gu insisted that Su Ning didn't have to bring any toiletries or clothes but Su Ning still wanted to pack several outfits that liked to wear often.

On Tuesday, Su Ning went to school as usual and played with her buddies Li Youqing and Lin Miao. Occasionally, Su Ning would see Qing Mei glare at her but that was the end of it. Qing Mei still hung out with Ma KeLi and Qiu Wei though they didn't bother Su Ning anymore. Su Ning didn't tell her friends that she will be moving to Grandma Gu's mansion since it wasn't like she would be formally adopted into the family. So she acted as she normally did. That evening Su Ning decided to invite Lin JinYan to her apartment for dinner since she will be moving to Grandma Gu's mansion the next day.

Around 6:30pm Lin JinYan arrived at the apartment accompanied by Assistant Mu. Mother Qin was in the kitchen cooking and Father Su was working late at the office. Perhaps due to her excitement at having friends over during weekdays, Su Ning quickly dragged Lin JinYan into the house after she had opened the door. "Lin JinYan! Assistant Mu! You are here! Come in. Come in!" She totally forgot his mysophobia and didn't notice the shocked expression on Assistant Mu's face. 'Young Master Lin, didn't have his gloves on!' Still completely unaware Su Ning went to pull out 2 new pairs of slippers from the shoe cabinet and gave them to the guests. However, contrary to Assistant Mu's worst fears, Lin JinYan simply smiled gently at Su Ning and accepted the slippers.

"Mom is still cooking dinner. Did you want to check out my room? It's a little loud in the living room with the exhaust on." Su Ning asked Lin JinYan who nodded in agreement. "Uhm, Miss Su Ning, Young Master Lin, I will help Mrs Qin with the dinner preparations." Assistant Mu said politely. The two children didn't pay much attention to him and Su Ning ushered Lin JinYan to her princess style bedroom. "..." Assistant Mu.

"I only have one chair so you can just sit on the bed. The sheets are newly washed." said Su Ning who began to rummage through her desk drawers. Meanwhile, Lin JinYan who was quietly sitting on her bed commented on the decor. "Su Ning, seen to like the color pink quite a bit." "Ah. That was the previous Su Ning… I mean that was when I was younger. I don't like it much anymore. Tadahhh!" Su Ning pulled out a present in blue wrapping paper. Lin JinYan looked at her inquisitively. "Yes. It's a present I got for you. No matter how I think about it. I only found your gloves for you but you ended up treating my mom and friends to a very expensive dinner. Uhm.. it didn't seem fair so I got you this." Seeing the boy not responding, Su Ning got a bit nervous. "Uhm would you like me to sanitize the wrapping paper? It will get wet though." she said.

Finally Lin JinYan made a move to take the present. "No need. I was just a bit surprised. Thank you Su Ning." he said quietly. "You can open it ah!" Su Ning smiled. Lin JinYan opened the gift and saw a pair of socks and eye mask printed with music notes. The socks were warm and thick and the silk eye mask was especially soft to the touch. Though not luxury brand items, Lin JinYan could tell they were of very good quality. "Uhm, I couldn't afford anything expensive but I heard you travel a lot for competitions and it's pretty cold on the plane." Su Ning tried to explain. "Anyways! Congratulations on winning first place. I got goosebumps when I heard you sing." she continued. 'Aiii, why is Lin JinYan not talking? Does he not like it? Is it too cheap? But I made sure to get good quality ones though they are even from the same manufacturer as other luxury brands!'

At this moment, Lin JinYan was staring at the socks and eye mask with a lump in his throat. This was no doubt the cheapest present he has ever received but for the first time in his life his heart was moved. For Lin JinYan who was used to wearing a mask of a gentle prince for everyone, at this moment he truly wanted to be a prince for someone. He had never received a present that someone sincerely picked out for him. They were always given with an ulterior motive, to vie for a connection with the Lin Family. Slowly a warmth began to pervade his heart.

"Lin JinYan? Lin JinYan? Could it be, you don't like it?" Lin JinYan finally raised his eyes to look at the pretty girl innocently staring at him with a worried face. 'Su Ning, this warmth...I can't let it go in this lifetime.' Lin JinYan thought with conviction. To her astonishment, Lin JinYan gently clasped Su Ning's hands and he gave her a beautiful genuine smile. "Thank you Su Ning. I will use them well." "That...Lin JinYan. Your mysophobia." Su Ning reminded him apprehensively. "If it is Su Ning, it's alright." Lin JinYan said as he tightened his grasp. Su Ning's eyes widened and she grinned, "This is great! Your condition must be getting better!" Lin JinYan didn't bother to refute her words as he continued to smile.

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