
Loved by chance

Jodie, a sophisticated beautician who has had her fair share of heartbreak and just got out of a relationship. She meets Zayne. She’s attracted to him but he wants just a one-night stand with her and nothing more. Will she succumb to his wants or will she be able get him to fall in love with her.

Nechel_1 · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter 8

 "Jodie!" Sophie screams into my ear as soon as I pick up the call. "The baby is coming, my water just broke" 

 "Oh my God Sophie! Is Jason in?" I check the time it's just 3:00pm. So he can't be back. 

 "No, he's not!" She shrieked. 

 "Okay, just stay put I will be there in 5 okay?" I say with my heart racing so fast I could almost hear it. I pick up my car keys, have a few instructions to the receptionist and raced to my car. I call Kayla as I was driving to Sophie's. 

After a few rings, she picks up "hey Kay, Sophie's water just broke" I say hysterically

 "What? Where is she?" I can hear her racing about probably trying to get dressed. 

 "She's in the house, I'm driving over there to pick her up" I say 

 "Why didn't you call an ambulance?" She asks. 

 "I wasn't thinking. Kay. I'm almost there though. Meet us at the hospital" I end the call and dial Jason's number immediately. He picks up immediately. 

 "Jason! Sophie's water broke!" 

 "Yeah. I'm at the house now" he replies sounding very calm. 

 I drive into the car park to see Jason helping Sophie into his car. Her eyes were shut and her face clearly in pain. I shut off the engine and race towards them. I assisted Jason to support her to the car.

 "Hey girl, you're gonna be alright" I whisper as we lead her to the car.

 "Go get my bag Jodie" she screams. I run into the house, the bag was by the door. I grab it and ran back to the car slid in beside her at the passenger seat. She stifles a moan. I kept rubbing her back whispering in her ears.

 * * *

I stood in the hallway listening to Sophie scream. It's been about 30 minutes of her excruciating sound fills the hall. She has been practicing quite well for this. Jason was allowed into the labour room. Kayla gestures to me, to come seat beside her. I walk to her shaking.

 "She's gonna be fine" Kayla says hugging my shoulders.

 "Isn't it taking too long" I ask worried.

 "You know what let's talk about something else"

 "Like what?

 "Like how are things between you and Zayne?" She asked tugging a strand of my hair. "The last I heard he slept in your apartment, I'm curious?"

 "Yeah. I've not heard from him" I reply "is it okay if we don't talk about it?"

 "Okay" silence fills the hallway, save for Sophie's scream which pierces the silence. "I told him about Sophie going into labour. I doubt he'd come"

 "That's fine" I really don't care if he shows up or not. It's been weeks since he left my apartment and I put the thought of him out of my head.

More silence.

I clear my voice and sit upright when I don't hear Sophie's scream. is the baby here? I look at Kayla who assures me with a look and runs my back.

 "I was in labour for about......." She stops short when we both heard a baby cry fill the air. We jumped up in relief, hugging each other.

By the time Sophie was settled into her ward room, Kay has listed about 10 names for the baby. I stare at the little pink bundle in her cradle. Sleeping calmly. Kayla stands at the foot of the bed to taking pictures of the baby, Jason and Sophie. Jason is happily posing for pictures. Sitting at the edge of the bed, I cradle an arm around my sister as we both stare at the baby. She looks worn out. My sister, a mom!

 "I can't believe you birthed a human being Sophie. She's so beautiful" I say

 "I know right. I can't believe it too" she grins "you should have seen me screaming my lungs out"

 "I heard it all from the hallway" I say resting my head on hers.

 "Jonas was amazing" she says taking his hand in hers.

 "Hello, can you hear me? you're here? Ask the receptionist" Kayla says into her phone. I wonder if it's Robert or Zayne she's speaking to.

Zayne walks into the room holding a bouquet of flowers, my breathe ceases for a second. I keep forgetting how beautiful he looks. He looks around, with a smile on his face.

 "Congratulations beautiful" he says handing Sophie the flowers and shakes Jason. He throws a quick glance at me, his eyes lingers on my face. "Jodie" he says.

 "You should see the baby, she's so beautiful" she says as she pulls him towards the cradle right beside me. Sophie nudges me as he and Kayla stood admiring the baby. I hear Kayla listing all the names she had suggested. 

 * * *

 "You really don't have to drive me home. I could take an Uber" I say as we both walk to his car. I left my car at Sophie's.

 "It's fine. I'd love to and besides I promised Kayla I'd take you home" he says putting his hands in his coat pocket "Congratulations on becoming an aunt".

 "Thank you" I reply smiling.

We walk to the car in silence. He opens the front door quickly as I got in. I feel awkward with the silence we drive in.

 "Do you like any song preference?" He asks to my relief.

 "Any of Adele's will do" I glance down adjusting my coat.

 "I see, a fan of Adele's right? Let's see what we have here" he plays set fire to the rain and I sing along.

He drives into my drive way "thank you Zay" I say looking at him. He nods.

 "I hope the baby gets to look like you" he says out of nowhere.

I laugh out "oh please, that's the same as looking like her mom"

 "Your eyes are more captivating" he says looking serious, gently touching my cheek.

I feel my face warm up Uber his touch, I feel my body melting under his touch. I'm not falling for this. Not again. "Goodnight Zayne. Thanks again for bringing me home" I opened the door and came down before he could utter a word.