
Loved by chance

Jodie, a sophisticated beautician who has had her fair share of heartbreak and just got out of a relationship. She meets Zayne. She’s attracted to him but he wants just a one-night stand with her and nothing more. Will she succumb to his wants or will she be able get him to fall in love with her.

Nechel_1 · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter 10

My phone beeps just when I walk into my office. It was from Zayne.

Zayne: Jodie, I can't keep you out of my head. What's really going on?

I smile as I took a selfie of me sticking out my tongue and send to him. I reply his text.

Me: I did warn you didn't I?

He texts me back almost immediately.

Zayne: let's do dinner tonight. Pick a restaurant.

Me: I can't. My mom's in town. I'm taking her to dinner.

I watch the dots on my phone move back and forth. He types for like a minute.

Zayne: that sounds nice, is there room for one more? I don't mind tagging along"

I stare at his text in surprise. He wants to meet my mom? Didn't we just start dating about a night ago? How did this man go from not wanting a relationship to wanting one with me and now meet my mom..... this man is really addicted to me. My mom will love him.

Me: no p. I will text you the details. Meet us there.

 * * *

I lock the doors to the studio and walk to my car. I stop short when I see someone leaning against it. It takes me a while to register the face and recognize it. He's on a call and waves at me as soon as he looks at me. I feel my heart skip a bit.

Didn't he get the address I had sent to him earlier. I continue walking to my him….. my car.

 "I'd call you back, something important just came up" he says standing up and smiling at me and opening his arms to me.

 "I thought we're meeting at the restaurant" I ask entering his embrace. He kisses the top of my head.

 "You kinds look different" he says looking at my face closely. "You're wearing makeup aren't you?"

 "Yeah. I am. My mom loves me wearing makeup, so I glammed up for her"

 "You drive me crazy without makeup on, and with it on, I can't say what it does to me" he says kissing my fingers.

 "I see. We better start going" my car makes a sound as I press the unlock button. He opens the car door as I get in.

 "I will drive behind you" he says shutting the door.

My mom was already seated at the table I reserved earlier by the time we arrive the restaurant. Her back was turned to us, so she didn't see us come in. Zayne follows behind me very closely with his hand on my lower back as I lead the way to the table.

 "Hey mama" I say hugging her from behind. She looks up from her phone.

 "Hey baby" she grips my face with her hands to observe closely and with a satisfied smile"you look amazing"

 "Thanks mama. You also look great" she really does. I'm sure I got my fashion sense from her. I began to pull off my jacket and slide into the seat opposite her. My mom squints her eyes at Zayne who she had not noticed earlier. My mom smiles at him.

 "Hey there! Are you two together?" She asks.

 "Mama he's with me" I say as Zayne stretches his hands towards her.

 "Good evening ma'am, I'm Zayne" my mom returns the handshake looking back and forth at the both of us.

 "I'm Sarai. Jodie's mom. Nice to meet you" I feel the "Jodie's mom" was kind of exaggerated like she expected more of the introduction asides his name. Zayne didn't seem to notice as he settles into the seat beside me.

 "So Jodie, who's your friend?" My mom asks leaning in. I can't believe I'm like actually going to say boyfriend! But that's what he is. Zayne watches me closely as I fidget, he places a hand on my thigh.

 "He's my boyfriend, mama. Kayla's brother"

My mom leans in closer with a huge smile on her face. "I wondered why I've seen a familiar face to this. You both look alike" my mom says.

He nods "I hear that a lot of times"

 "Just like Sophie and Jodie here" my mom smiles at me "both look exactly like me. Who do you both look like?"she asks looking back at him.

 "We both look like my mom also" he says. I feel him squeeze my thigh softly again and I suppress a laughter.

 "So how long have you two been together and why am I just hearing about it? My mom quizzes.

 "Oh mama, calm down. We only just started dating, and besides you're the first to know and not a word of this to Sophie. Please!"

 "Really?" She squeals and turns to Zayne "just so you know, you're also the first of all Jodie's boyfriends I actually got to meet"

Zayne looks at me, leans in and kisses the side of my head "I didn't know about that"

I roll my eyes at them. The waiter comes to take our orders.

 "So what do you do?" my mom asks as soon as we place our order.

 "I'm a physiotherapist, I currently run a private clinic"

 "Wow, you're a doctor?" she asks with admiration in her eyes "Jodie wanted to be a doctor growing up"

He looks at me, the kind of I didn't know you so well. I roll my shoulders but didn't reply.

 "It takes a lot to practice" he says looking back at my mom.

"Tell me about it" my mom leans forward with interest. Zayne begins to tell her about school, practice as the food comes in, I begin to eat leaving the both of them to continue conversing. They occasionally throws questions my way which I reply with a nod or yes. I watch loving that he was able to charm my mom because she clearly is obsessed with him already.

I enjoyed the meal, my mom already booked an Uber back to Sophie's. We both walk her to the Uber, I know she'll be calling me in the next few hours to chat about him.

Zayne walks me back to my car. I lean against the car and he leans on me. I love his weight pressing me. He wraps his hands around me, kissing my neck.

 "I would have gone home with you, but I have a patient to attend to very early tomorrow, if not I don't mind spending the rest of the night inside you"

I kisses him on the lips disappointed "I should probably get some rest too"

 "Your mother is wonderful by the way and thanks for letting me come to dinner with you" he says opening my car door. "I think you should meet mine too. She will love you"

I pause, meet his mom? "Zayne, are you sure you want me to meet your mom? I ask not hiding my surprise.

 "Yeah. Didn't I just meet yours?"