
Lovecraft X DXD: Samael Ravana Lucifer With His Dungeon Gacha System

Dying and getting Transmigrated In DXD as the twin older brother of Vali Lucifer, was not on my agenda going to the store for groceries, but like when they say: When Gaia opens her pussy, you better get to eating. ...Or was it something else? Eh, who cares. ~~~~~~ [ MAIN TAGS: Lovecraft | Highschool DXD | Nasuverse/Fate Grand Order | Bleach | Naruto ] [ SIDE TAGS: Marvel | DC | | Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z | Danmachi | Chivalry of a Failed Knight | | Tensura | Monster Girl Encyclopedia | Monster Musume ] [ 1-Disclaimer: I write for fun and my own pleasure | This is pure WishFulfillment, so if you don't like it, you don't have to read It~] [ 2-Disclaimer: I don't own anything, other than my MC, OC's, and my Original ideas.]

GodOfLovecraft · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4: Loli Is Justice Even If She Is Genderless And Ageless




Opening my eyes and finding myself in "my" room, I smiled," Ah~ That Dungeon was a great workout~" Truly It was. Even though I could have gone full-blown Shadow Of War on those Undeads and Goblins, making them submit far easier, I now at least know, there are other ways to Corrupt beings In far more fun ways.


" Hm?" Hearing someone at my front door, I blinked my eyes and smiled," Be there In a sec!"

Walking out of my bedroom and throwing on a long opened-up jacket over me, I passed through many-many vacant bedrooms and restrooms, only to stop at a black and golden double door.


Unlocking the locks, a sound akin to a vault door sounded out.


Right when my door opened, my eyes widened seeing an otherworldly cute young girl with long black hair down to her hips and black-grey eyes. Her ears differ from a normal human's as they have pointed tips(kinda like mine) although her long black hair makes this feature difficult to notice. Her attire consists of a black Gothic Lolita fashion.

" Silence." The Ouroboros Dragon, said to me emotionless as ever, blankly looking into my red eyes.

She then gives me a black book, reading In the Devil Language with bright white letters:[ How to Put A Baby Into A Infinite Dragon God Even If She Genderless & Ageless 101: Written By - Rizevim Livan Lucifer -For- Samael Ravana Lucifer].

"...Weird book." She said plainly, still looking Into my eyes.

"... I know." Taking the book and throwing In my Inventory(that I just find out I had), I smiled at Ophis," Hungry?"

" Cookies." Nodding, she said plainly as ever, Still staring Into my eyes with a profound look In her eyes.

" Hmm? Do I have something on my face?" I finally asked, touching my face, as I closed and locked the door behind us.

" No...Your eyes are pleasant to look at, that's all." Blankly she explained to me.

" Are they now?" I asked with a chuckle, making our way to my kitchen, where a bowl of freshly baked cookies is resting, a bowl of cookies the old me cooked up for himself, as he to himself loves sweets, especially cookies, like our Infinite Dragon God.

" You can have them," I said to the cute emotionless Ouroboros Dragon, who is glancing at me and then the cookies a few times.

" All?" She to asked, with a cute tilt to her head, staring into my eyes once again.

" Yes, you can have them all." I nodded, sitting down on one of the chairs at the table, carrying a slight smile, a smile that showed nothing but benevolentness.

" Mhm~" Nodding cutely, she moved the cookies In front of me and sat right above my crotch, with shining blank eyes.

Then in a controlled yet calm way, she started eating the cookies. Every now and then, she would give me a cookie In an emotionless manner, gazing Into my eyes, that she likes so much.

" You, want snake?" Ophis suddenly asked me, putting a cookie In my mouth, still emotionless as ever.

" You're giving me a snake?" I inquired with a smile on my face.

" I, don't mind." Settling In a cookie In her mouth, she mumbled.

" Then, I don't mind either." As I said this, a black snake appeared from Ophis's right hand and made Its way Into my skin, worming In and out throughout my skin, making Itself home.

Smiling, even more, I put a cookie In Ophis's mouth, feeling my mana and strength get a large Increase In numbers and power. From what I can gather, a normal fireball from me now can annihilate a common forest with ease. And a normal water ball can flood a typical City street with ease also.

"...Hm? More, snake?" Ophis asked, seeing something different about me.

" As of now: no. Let me get adjusted to my newfound power, okay?" I explained to the emotionless Dragon God.

" Mhm." Nodding, she went back to eating the cookies that were really good If I do say so.


After some time, me and Ophis both finished the big bowl of cookies, with her eating the most.

" Doughnuts," Ophis said, looking Into my eyes, once again.

" We just finished a big bowl of cookies, and your still hungry?" I asked, with a chuckle.

" I, want doughnuts."

" I can see that, but-"

" Doughnuts."

" Yes, b-"

" Doughnuts."

"... Doughnuts it is then," No use fighting an Infinite Dragon God, over some doughnuts, now is there?

" Mhm." Nodding, she jumped off my lap and pulled me along, straight out of my door.


Locking my door with Telekinesis, we were off.


" That would be 24,000(210.33$) yen, Sir!" The employee of one of the most famous doughnut shops of Kuoh Town, said to me, eyeing the big bag of doughnuts, Ophis picked out. Of course, because of the kind man I am, I put my jacket over her, because I'm sure her black Gothic Lolita we're not going to cut It out here, especially with her looking like a 12-years-old.

" Here you are~" With a charming smile, I handed her 30,000(262.91$) yen and started walking with Ophis right next to me, glancing at me and the big bag of doughnuts.

" Sir your change!"

" Keep it." Waving my hand off, we were off once more.


After getting away from the doughnut shop, we walked to the closest park, where we can chill and eat some doughnuts, which are 60 doughnuts In total.

Through, when one normally bought doughnuts they usually bought only one or two from a bakery store, between the prices of 115-147 yen depending on the type. And yet Ophis wanted to buy sixty, meaning I paid between 6900-8820 yen.

But that wasn't the worst part of it. No, the worst thing was that the place she wanted me to buy the doughnuts from was notoriously known for its prices that boarded on extortion; usually at around 400 yen per doughnut.

This meant that I had bought the doughnuts for... 24,000 yen.

I repeat, I had bought 60 doughnuts for 24,000 yen... Yeah, I am so-so lucky being a Devil from the Lucifer clan, gives me a vast amount of money, I can spend freely for about my whole Devil-life. And before anyone asks: no, there was literally no difference in quality and taste between that stands doughnuts and store-bought doughnuts, one just makes you look well-off and the other not so much.

" You must really love doughnuts," I said with a small chuckle, placing the bag of doughnuts In front of her.

" You, want a doughnut?" She asked blankly, moving the bag of doughnuts In front of me, while she sits on my lap once again, like before.

" If you don't mind, then sure."

" I, don't mind." Nodding, she picked out two glaze donuts, that she gave one to me and kept one for herself.

" Mhm, good."

" Mhm."

And like that, me and the Ouroboros Dragon: Ophis stayed at the park eating about half the bag of doughnuts, with her eating the most like before.



Unlocking my door, I went Inside as Ophis followed right behind.

Making my to my room, I laid on my bed and and smiled," Today was fun." Truly It was. One doesn't get to even see a Dragon God, less talk and eat with one, so today was a pleasure.

" Today, fun?" Looking as If she was In deep thought, Ophis asked, laying on my bed next to me, still fully covered In my long black jacket, with the hoodie covering her hair and ears, only showing her profound boundless blank black-grey eyes.

" Yes, today was fun. You are quite a pleasure to be around." I nodded.

" Me, a pleasure to be around?" As If I'm lying to her, she inquired again looking Into my red eyes with her emotionless black ones, with a deeper voice, that almost sounded like a dragon roar.

" Mhm, yes." I nodded once more, smiling at the Infinite Dragon God: Ophis.

"... You're Interesting." As If taking what I said as a truth, Ophis gave up and said, moving closer to me.

" Thanks, y-"

" Like really Interesting." Now face-to-face with a Dragon God, and feeling her cold breathes, I smiled even more.

" You are really Interesting, too."

" I know." Turning the other way, Ophis mumbled out.

" Wo-"

" Sleep."

" Bu-"

" Sleep."

"... Goodnight Ophis." Giving up, I closed my eyes, spooning a Dragon God. This is not what I thought I'll be doing today, not one bit.

" Night, Samael." With the last bit of my consciousness remaining, I chuckled out In my mind,' So you do know my name.'




