
Lovebird Cafe

Owning a restaurant is its own adventure. Lacy Linden's fiancé and head chef walked out on her before she could open her new restaurant, Lovebird Café. Now she's starting over with a new head chef and a broken heart. Will she and her hot head chef be able to make their restaurant a success? Will she open herself up to falling in love again? Updates every Monday

Acton_Bell · Urban
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36 Chs

Everett's Journal - The Magazine Interview

Saturday, June 12

My interview yesterday went great! It was way easier to talk to the journalist, Jonathan Edmundson, than I expected. He was really nice. I made lunch for him and Lacy (who was there for moral support), and he really liked my food.

After we ate, Lacy disappeared into the kitchen. I didn't think about it at the time, but I bet she was giving me privacy. That was considerate of her.

Anyway, Jonathan was really cool! He asked mostly about what got me interested in cooking and what brought me to Charlotte. We talked a little bit about my time at Natal's, of course. Thankfully he didn't dig in too deep, so I didn't have to lie or say anything negative about Chef Natal.

We spent most of the interview talking about Lovebird Cafe, what made me apply and what inspired the menu. It was nice to be able to talk in depth about my vision, what different chefs and flavors influenced my dishes.

He said to expect the article in the next month. It will be good for the restaurant, of course, but also I can't wait to see myself in a legit culinary magazine. I thought being the head chef at a restaurant was the top rung of the ladder, but I think getting an article published about you is a step up.

The interview was the highlight of yesterday. The worst part of the day was after work. Lacy had another date with Henry, and she just left with him! I asked Alex where they went and she told me that Henry had said it was a surprise.

Lacy just got in the car of a man she barely knows so he could take her to an unknown location. I was so scared! Like, what if something bad had happened and none of us knew about it! I barely made it to closing, I was so worried. And then I waited by her car for her to come back and she didn't get back until AN HOUR after closing!

So, of course, I turned into a freaking rage monster and yelled at her. And then she yelled back and pushed me. And then she walked away and said goodbye to Henry. He totally gloated when he gave her a goodnight kiss on the cheek.

I tell you, I nearly punched him then and there. Thankfully I had (barely) enough self-control to turn away and count. I think I reached over 200 before Henry left and Lacy came over. I was cooled down by then and feeling more ashamed than angry. We had a good, calm discussion and parted on good terms. She admitted that it was dumb to go with him and that she would take precautions next time.

I still think something is off about Henry. He makes me uncomfortable. I'm not really sure how to find out what it is, though. I mean, I stalked his social media and looked into his business and all of that seems legit.

Maybe I should hire a private investigator to investigate him. That would be kind of funny, a PI watching a PI. We'll see. If I still feel this way after I get to know him a little better, I'll do something. I'm not about to let Lacy get taken in by some jerk again. Not on my watch!

Thank you all again for adding this to your library! I hope you enjoyed the extra chapters! Let me know how you're liking the story so far in the comments! Much love!

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