
Lovebird Cafe

Owning a restaurant is its own adventure. Lacy Linden's fiancé and head chef walked out on her before she could open her new restaurant, Lovebird Café. Now she's starting over with a new head chef and a broken heart. Will she and her hot head chef be able to make their restaurant a success? Will she open herself up to falling in love again? Updates every Monday

Acton_Bell · Urban
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Everett's Journal - Sunday Cooking Lesson

Sunday, July 18

I ran into Lacy at the restaurant today, which is unusual for a Sunday. She usually takes a real day off. Thankfully, I came up with a good excuse so she doesn't know that I usually spend at least part of every Sunday doing some extra prep work for the coming work week.

It's not like I actually have to prep. I have enough employees to get it all done during work hours. Honestly, I just miss being in the kitchen if I stay away all day.

That makes me sound like a serious workaholic and maybe I am. I suppose there are worse things to be, though. Well. . . a workaholic who lies about it is really not great, is it? I should probably come clean to Lacy, let her know that I'm not actually taking a real day off. But then she'll probably feel guilty because she's nice and tends to take on others' problems even when she doesn't have to.

She did teach me some new recipes! I'm super excited to try out her mashed potato salad. Now I just need someone to invite me to a BBQ so I have an excuse to make it.

She also showed me her carrot cake recipe. I'll admit, desserts have always been my weak point as a chef. I just don't have the same intuition for sweet things as I do for savory. But I want to get better at that. Not that I want to push Alex out of a job. I don't expect to ever be as talented as she is, honestly. But it would be good to be a more well-rounded chef, you know, just in case.

The thought that if I ever get a girlfriend again, she might appreciate the occasional homemade dessert may have crossed my mind a time or two as well. It can't hurt, right?

Remember to comment if you're enjoying the story! It really helps me know if I'm going in the right direction when I hear from you! Love y'all!

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