
Lovebird Cafe

Owning a restaurant is its own adventure. Lacy Linden's fiancé and head chef walked out on her before she could open her new restaurant, Lovebird Café. Now she's starting over with a new head chef and a broken heart. Will she and her hot head chef be able to make their restaurant a success? Will she open herself up to falling in love again? Updates every Monday

Acton_Bell · Urban
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36 Chs

An Evening Out - Part 1

"I have so many regrets," I say two hours later as I collapse back onto the couch next to Kim. She just laughs.

"No you don't. You're super excited."

While the main thing I'm feeling right now is exhausted, there is an undercurrent of excitement running through my veins. I haven't done anything crazy with Kim since before I started dating Jeff.

It only occurred to me today as we were out shopping for masks to match our nicest formal gowns that I didn't feel comfortable doing anything weird or crazy when I was dating Jeff because I was afraid he wouldn't approve. I just kind of locked away my wacky side for a couple of years.

Now wacky Lacy is free and she is very ready to do something wild! Sensible Lacy is glad that she insisted on inviting Dante. He's the calm to Kim's crazy. With him along for the ride, I know things won't get too out of hand.

After a short break, Kim and I use my newly clean bathroom to get ready for the evening. We can't change into our dresses until after we do our jobs as waitresses, so we focus on our makeup and hair. Kim helps me prepare my eyes to look extra stunning under a mask. We have to put our hair up to waitress, so she straightens my wild curls and pulls them into a loose, pretty bun at the nape of my neck with a braided crown across the top. She then pulls her shoulder-length, dark hair into an intricate updo.

We bag our formal dresses and shoes and stow them in her car (since mine is as much of a wreck as my apartment was this morning). Dressed in our waitressing uniforms (dark shirts, pants, and shoes), we hop in, pick up Dante (who uses his large frame as an excuse to kick me out of the passenger seat), and drive to the fancy, upscale hotel where the shindig is happening.

Garret greets us and sends us to join the rest of his waitresses and waiters. He quickly describes the dishes he has prepared and explains the plan for the dinner. Again, I find myself grateful for all the time I spent waiting tables to get myself through college.

`A woman in a fancy suit peeks her head into the kitchen as he finishes his explanation. "They're ready," she says in a soft voice.

"Perfect!" Garret claps his hands together and grins. "Let's do this, people!" With that, we quickly line up and get ready to serve.

The waitressing goes quickly. For some reason, even though I'm very much a klutz, I've always been able to move fairly gracefully when serving food. I catch glimpses of Dante and Kim and they also seem to be doing fine. There are no spilled plates or glasses, no shouting or angry people, no catastrophes. . . It's a miracle!

I'm still thinking that everything is going far too smoothly when we finish gathering up used dessert plates and join the other waitresses and waiters in the kitchen. Garret stands and gives a short speech expressing his gratitude and telling us that he's already gotten lots of compliments on his food and his staff.

"And since we have some leftovers, feel free to grab yourself a plate before you head out." Those magic words have me making a beeline for the food. I've been dying to try his delicious looking and smelling creations all night.

Kim stops me with a hand on my arm. "Where are you going?" she hisses.

"Food," I say in a 'well, duh' voice.

"We don't have time. If we want to get into the masquerade, we need to get changed asap!"

"But I'm hungry," I whine in a soft voice, frowning because I know she's right.

"Too bad. We'll find you something later."

We head to the bathrooms where Dante meets us with our bags. He takes his into the men's room and we head into the women's. It's super fancy, like the rest of the hotel, with little dressing rooms even. We pile into one of the dressing rooms together and quickly change into our gowns. Kim is in a long sleeve, deep red number with a low v-neck (which isn't as scandalous as it sounds thanks to her slim figure).

Mine is a deep green mermaid style dress that hugs my curves but is loose enough around the legs to walk comfortably. The top has a low sweetheart neckline and cute little off-the-shoulder sleeves, all with a lace overlay.

We change out our dark, comfy shoes for heels- Kim's are eye-catching gold stilettos while I opt for more sensible (especially with my less-than-stellar balance) silver wedge heels. We then add our nicest jewelry. I wear my silver diamond necklace from Grandma Linden and the matching diamond earrings Mom and Dad got me when I graduated with my Bachelor's degree. Kim wears a beautiful ruby necklace from her mom and a pair of dangly gold earrings Dante got her for their first anniversary.

We turn to our hair next. After fixing a few loose bits of her intricate style, Kim fixes the bun, pulling a few strands out and curling them with the curling iron she brought so I have artfully dangling ringlets.

Finally, we add our masks. Kim's is black with gold detailing around the edges. Mine is silver with white lace lining the edges. We stand side by side and look in the mirror, smiling. Dang, we look good!

We gather our waitressing stuff and shove it in the bags, then hide the bags under the fancy little settee in the dressing room. We'll come back for them later.

Dante is waiting for us in the hall. With his dark hair slicked back, his black tux with a red tie that matches Kim's dress perfectly, and his red mask with black trim, he looks incredible. I smile when he catches sight of Kim and his mouth drops open in awe. "You look wonderful," he says, pulling her into his arms for a quick kiss.

She giggles. "Thanks, so do you!"

Dante turns his attention to me. He gives a friendly smile as he compliments me. I thank him and he holds his arms out for us to grab hold of. "I'll have the two most beautiful ladies in the room on my arm," he brags, leading us to the large, ornate ballroom.

I've seen the ballroom here before in passing, but tonight it looks like a scene from a movie or something. The ballroom's chandeliers are set to a very dim setting, giving the room a dusky feel. Plants around the edge of the room make it look almost like we're entering an indoor garden party. The center of the room is used as a dance floor for the many couples swirling about to the sound of a live orchestra on a small stage nearby.

Kim and I stop, awestruck, to stare around in wonder. We only have a moment before Dante pulls us forward. "Come on, you loons. You're going to give yourselves away before we even get started."

He drags us to a small, delicate looking wooden table along the wall and seats us in the beautiful and thankfully sturdier wooden chairs. "Stay here while I fetch us refreshments."

Kim and I sit quietly, too interested in looking around to talk. It feels like a fairy garden party with the delicate strings of lights, the ornate lanterns, and all the plants. Not just a few small bushes and baby trees either. There are quite a few good-sized trees breaking the edges up so there are private areas set among the greenery. Our own table is hemmed in by the back wall, a maple tree at least 8 or 9 feet tall (not big for a maple, but very big considering it's in a freaking pot), and a hedge. Other small plants add to the foliage.

We have a nice, open view of the dance floor. I watch in awe as women in elegant dresses and glittering jewels spin around with men in fancy suits and nice haircuts. I don't even feel like I'm on the same planet anymore. In fact, I almost forget this isn't actually a movie until Dante returns with our refreshments.

"They didn't have any food, just drinks," he says apologetically, placing three glasses on the table. He got whiskey for himself and wine for Kim. Thankfully, he remembered that I do NOT hold alcohol well and especially not on an empty stomach.

I sip my water and smile. "Thanks, Dante. Thank you for coming with us. This feels magical."

Dante laughs softly. "It may look magical, but I promise, these people are anything but. You're looking at the snobbiest, most back-biting group of people you'll probably ever see."

Kim frowns. "It can't be that bad."

"It can. Most of the people here tonight are so spoiled, they think they can take whatever they want, dash the consequences. The reason most of them are even putting in an appearance at this charity ball is because they all want to show off their fancy manners and fancy clothes. Everyone is comparing themselves to the other attendees and preening at how much better they are."

Kim and I share a look of confusion. Nothing in the view before us even hints at such motives. Everyone seems to be smiling and laughing. I peek through the foliage to our left and see a group of people talking animatedly. They appear to be having fun.

Dante senses our disbelief and smiles a very cynical smile. "If we hang around long enough, you'll see what I mean."

We watch in silence for a few more minutes and then Kim grabs Dante's arm. "Can we go dance?" she asks with a hopeful smile.

Dante looks questioningly at me and I nod. "Sure Love," he says, standing and pulling her with him to the dance floor.

I watch them go with a sad smile. I'm really glad that Kim is so happy, and I enjoy spending time with her and Dante. But sometimes seeing them together reminds me that I'm alone.

I'm trying not to sink too far into my self-pity when a couple of men stumble into our little nook and collapse on the seats Kim and Dante have just vacated.

"Hey gorgeoussss," one of the men slurs. He's tall and slim, with dark hair and bright golden eyes. From what I can see under his black mask, he's very handsome. The other is a little shorter and more muscular with blond hair that looks intentionally messy and dark blue eyes. The strong smell of alcohol that joins them at the table tips me off that they are rather inebriated.

"Hi." I'm not really sure what to do now, so we sit in awkward silence for a moment before the blond chimes in.

"What'sh your name hot shtuff?"

I giggle at his really horrible attempt at flirting. "I'm Louise," I answer, giving my middle name.

"I'm Trenton and that dude over there ish Isaiah," Blondie (Trenton) says.

"Nice to meet you."

There's another beat of awkward silence before Isaiah pipes up. "What'sss a hottie like you doing here all alone?"

"I'm not alone. My friends are just out dancing."

"And your essscort?" Isaiah asks.

"I didn't come with a date."

"You can leave with one," Trenton offers, giving me what he probably thinks is a smoulder. Really, it's just a goofy grin with an eyebrow raised.

"I'm good, thanks," I answer. I'm starting to hope that Dante and Kim hurry back. I haven't had to deal with drunk men on my own before and, since they're both clearly stronger than I am, I'm pretty worried.

"Hey, do you wanna shee something cool?" Trenton asks unexpectedly.

"Um, sure," I answer tentatively.

"Show her your ring," he says loudly to Isaiah, who seems to be nodding off in his seat.

"Huh? Oh yeah! Here, lookee at thissss," Isaiah says, pulling something out of his pocket. He stumbles out of his seat to stand next to me and hold out what appears to be a golden ring with a large emerald set in the middle.

Unfortunately, before I can get a good look, it slips out of his fumbling fingers and flies. . . right down the neckline of my dress.