
Love you or leave you

"I know that you love me and I am thankful for that but sorry lisa, I can't love you back. You were, are and will be the most important person in my life but you know.. I don't have control over my heart. This heart only beat for her... and only her. If I had control over than I would have surely loved you since I know you for so long but you know that its not possible. Sooo, sorry I can't except your love. I am really sorry,Lisa. Thank you for all the things you have done for me. Hope we can still be friends" He stood up and left without waiting for reply. She sat on the chair with smile still on her face and tears running from her eyes down her cheeks. She knew she didn't stand a chance against her from the starting but she still insisted that may be ...may be there is still some place in his heart for herself but no.. there was not. What she will do know?? Will she forget her 13 years old love for him and move on or she becomes villain and snatch him from her?? ......... Author's note: Dear readers, thanks for reading. hope you like my story.

alita1561 · Teen
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9 Chs

Aftermath (3)

At Rob's Apartment

After Lisa went out of his house. His fiancee, her cousin, Rose came closer to him and said concernedly," How can you let her leave like that? Have you seen her condition? What if something bad happens to her?"

"No, let her be like that. She needs to come out of her princess world. Don't worry, she has her brother and her father, nothing will happen to her. I believe they even dispatched some bodyguards for her protection. Nothing bad will happen to her. Plus I'm still angry at her." Rob said lovingly gazing at her. Then kissed her forehead.

"Still I'm worried about her. I think we should go and check on her or maybe we should drive her to her home." She said worriedly.

"Don't worry, dear. You are pregnant that's why you are overthinking. She will be fine." He said.

"I don't know, I just feel something bad will happen." She murmured and raise her head to look into his eyes "We should at least go and check on her whether she has gone safely or not. ok"

"Ok, ok!! .. as you wish, darling. Wear something and we will head out to look for her. Maybe she hasn't gone far. We will find her to give her a ride. Cool." He said

They come out from apartment building holding each other's hand. They saw Lisa standing in the middle of the road, looking somewhere and smiling.



Before they could think about anything, a car crashed towards her. It happened so fast and instantly that they didn't have any time to react. They both were shocked seeing Lisa on the ground with a pool of her own blood.

Seeing this Rosa immediately pulled her hand from Rob's and run towards unconscious Lisa. While Rob stood there like a statue unable to move his feet. His heartfelt like it has stopped. It was like his soul left his body. He slowly walks towards the unconscious beautiful lady lying on the floor.