
Love You More than Life

what if bakugou loves you...

writing_with_ANG · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Part 2-finalpart :3 :D :P

"Didn't you get my texts stupid?"

Your eyes slightly widened as you reached over to get your phone and saw the unread texts, "Ah… sorry… I didn't hear my phone even going off…" Wincing slightly you hoped he understood but then you saw him look at you with a slightly horrified look.

"What the dang it, what are you doing…?" Why did he sound so shocked and disgusted?

"Sitting… and uh… eating a midnight meal…?" You answered him very awkwardly since that WAS what you were doing but why did that shock you?

"And what the dang it is that…?" He pointed at that… dreck that he was referring to, even though you really didn't see what the problem was. "Hot pasta from 2 days ago… well… actually it's more lukewarm than anything but… still tastes good." You still sounded awkward and got a little bit nervous because you could still feel his eyes on you.

You dared to look up and you could definitely see more disgust in his features, "Do you… want some?" Probably shouldn't have asked him that as his eyebrow twitched a bit, "Hell no! Don't eat that crap! It's the worst thing for you at this hour! At least get something quality!" He started to fuss and make a rant about how you sometimes ate the worst things as you just pouted a little as you put another forkful of pasta in your mouth.

"Argh! Stop it! I'll just cook you something better!" He couldn't take it anymore, he wasn't going to just let you eat that garbage and you couldn't help but smile a little bit. Your boyfriend just wanted you to eat something that was actually good compared to just reheated noodles.

"It's like 11 at night…" You muttered a little bit of logic to him, but he didn't seem to care, "I don't give a crap, my girl is NOT eating that kind of trash." He replied to you coolly as you giggled a bit. "Okay well since it's night-time, I'd like a crepe."


He sounded angry but he would make you the best darn crepe you've ever had in your life, because you were his girlfriend and you were only going to eat the best, quality food. "Arf!" And cupcake happily barked at him for being nice enough to actually cook you something at this time of night.

Bakugo stared back at the dog when he heard him back, and the dog wasn't growling at him, in fact he seemed to be happy? He couldn't tell, it was a dog. "Arooo~." cupcake gave a low, sweet little bark though that made Bakugo scoff a bit. "Dumb dog…" He muttered as he just focused on starting to cook for you.

You were so going to gain extra weight but you didn't care as you just ate up not one, but two deliciously made, piping hot crepes that your boyfriend so sweetly made for you with the right amount of crème and strawberries. "They're so thin!!" You exclaimed through a mouthful of crepe as Bakugo just stared at you, beaming with pride as you ate up what he made just for you.

"Good." He pretended that he didn't care even though the smirk was clear that he was proud to give you something WORTH eating. "Thanks Katsuki! Ya know you really didn't have to go through all the trouble…" Still you felt kind of bad that he did a lot of hard work and took time out of his schedule just to cook you something.

"There's no way in HELL I'm letting you eat that kind of crap. As long as we're dating, you're eating good." He said to you somewhat sternly as your cheeks warmed at this. Bakugo was a jerk, yes, but it was clear that he loved you, and dammit you loved him too. Who doesn't love a man who can cook?

"Ahhh… now I think I can go to sleep…"

Once you were finished with your dessert you were resting peacefully on Bakugo's bed, rubbing your stomach now with a pleased look on your face, much to Bakugo's slight annoyance and amusement. "Good, you don't sleep good either…" He uttered as you giggled a bit, and cuddled up to him at just how much he cared for you.

"I will tonight~." And you said a little flirtatiously as he blushed furiously and rolled his eyes, but didn't dare move away from you.

At least…

"Arf!" cupcake jumped onto his bed, already walking his way over towards you and Bakugo, as you perked up and smiled, "cupcake!!" You beamed as Bakugo grunted and growled, "Hey! silly… you little…!" He nearly shouted but the puppy wasn't deterred as he curled up in a little ball right at your feet and gave a small yawn.

"Awww~." You cooed at how cute he was but Bakugo didn't find him as cute, dammit he wanted to be alone with you tonight but of course that pup just HAD to follow you. "Just go to bed…" However, he knew cupcake wasn't going to leave so he just sighed in annoyance and plopped his head onto his pillow, and to his surprise you still cuddled up to him with a smile.

"Good night Katsuki~. Thanks for tonight~." You tiredly but sweetly said to him before you rather quickly fell asleep and Bakugo couldn't help but scoff and smirk as he put his arm around you.