
Be a decent lady

When Amy and Emelie got home, they saw Emelie's grandpa at the gate, "Dad, why are you here?, Are you waiting for us?", Amy asked, "Don't you know what time is it now and you're still asking me why am I here, ofcourse,I'm worried about you two, you said to me that you'll be here after you eat lunch outside, and now it's already quarter to 2:00 pm when you got here!" grandpa Xiao said angrily but with worried face,ofcourse as an elder, you'd still be worried to your own daughter and granddaughter when they're not around of you're security, what if they're lack of safeties when they're outside and some strangers would kidnap them. "Relax grandpa, you see, we're already adult and could protect ourselves against danger,don't worry." Emelie said while wearing a sweet smile on her face that could melt everyone's heart by just seeing it,"Okay okay, I forgive you both right now, but if you repeat that again I'll give you a punishment" grandpa Xiao said with a serious face, he actually didn't mean it,he just wanted to scare them to prevent repeating what they did. "Master Xiao, Young ladies, the snacks are ready to eat" Aunt Jiang,whose been serving them and been treated like a family by them suddenly reached the door to open it and called them from inside the house."Let's go inside and eat some snacks",said by grandpa Xiao.


After they have eaten snacks at the table, "Oh yes,Aunt Jiang,do you know where's grandma Xiao?",Emelie suddenly asked, "Well,she's at the garden house" Aunt Jiang replied.Grandpa Xiao, whose been satisfied by the snacks and heard what Emelie asked to Aunt Jiang just now, he suddenly wanted to give some snacks to his beloved wife grandma Xiao, if he is satisfied with some things ,he also wanted to make grandma Xiao be satisfied with it also. He then grab a plate at the table and put some snacks onto it until it was been full and said, "Ladies, go and take a rest and your Aunt Jiang will go and check some decent dresses for you to wear since the banquet of the Xi family is on tomorrow so I want both of you to be so formal, I received an email a while ago by the assistant of the Xi's that tomorrow night, there will be a ballroom dance and each single ladies must choose of a male partner , ah yes! the Young master or to be known as the youngest son of the Xi's will choose a lady to dance with since he's still single ,but I'm here to remind you that you must be decent,don't be like other ladies who prefer wearing an indecent dresses to expose their body just to catch a man with an outstanding background or whatever,understand?" The ladies both nodded and agreed , "Don't worry dad, we would never do put a shame to our family, and also this will be the first time for Emelie to attend a banquet since the incident of losing her parents that she was still so young, both you and mom were the only representative in each occasion in a sudden invitation by a friends of yours. As her kinship, all I could do at that time was to comfort her from her sadness,now that she's moving on from the incident,we'll make sure to show our identity and will be known as a decent lady of the Xiao's." Amy said it with a confidence in her heart and it could also be seen on her face that she's sincere on what she said just now. Grandpa Xiao was stunned for a while on what her daughter Amy said but he still appreciated her words and said,"Okay, then I hope you can make it" he left after replying to Amy's words and went to the garden house to give grandma Xiao some snacks to eat.

Emelie,on the other side ,felt somewhat sad when she heard about her parents again but as a fact, she really did moved on towards the incident 6 years ago even is she was still young and weak at that time to endure all the pain in her heart.Therefore,her aunt Amy always tried to comfort her that time and that she didn't spent her time going with her parents into a banquet to be with Emelie all that time, just as what Amy mentioned just now to grandpa Xiao.


Amy was so happy that she already got the gown she wanted to wear and her only problem was the one on her side asking her with somewhat confused tone,

"Aunt Amy, what do you think should I wear?" Emelie asked Amy with an ignorant reaction while pointing to the two beautiful gown, through detecting it, the one was colorful and it can be described as an abstract, you'll just gonna be confused on it's color though the design were not that bad, the other one was a scarlet gown, it seemed to be more decent to be seen , and if you wear it ,it would not expose your body a hint of somewhat being indecent person, Amy smiled with satisfaction on her face then she picked the scarlet dress and gave it to Emelie to wear, Amy could imagine how can her niece be so pleasant with the gown she just decide for Emelie to wear for the banquet.

When Emelie finally got the gown which her aunt choses for her, she rushed to her room to wear it ,she was somewhat excited and happy that there is already a gown for her to wear for the banquet, and she couldn't wait for the dance, choosing a male partner to dance with, could he be kind and gentle, what if my aunt Amy said before becomes true, that I will finally meet my true love there after getting to know each other, ah! what if not, what if my partner is not that kind of person I'm thinkin', well I must attend the banquet to know if my dream will come true. huhu