
Love Without Regrets

Shin Nicole is the personal assistant of Mr. Smith, one of the billionaires and a good-looking guy in the industries who are secretly loving her. He was afraid to admit how he felt for the girl because she was only seventeen years old and seven years away from him. The man did not know that the girl also liked him. A few months passed before Shin could no longer wait for the man to confess. So she decided to go to the condo in the middle of the night. She was very nervous as she walked the clean and carpeted floor to Mr. Smith's unit. He was shocked when he opened it and let her in. When she entered, Shin wasted no more time and immediately admitted what she felt toward his boss. He looked at her in shock. 5 minutes passed when Shin didn't get a response from him, so she decided to leave instead. But when she only took two steps to reach the door, her eyes widened when she felt a huge hand grab his arm and sent it to him. "I love you too." only the young man spoke and then he it suppressed a kiss. 2 years passed when the girl felt a pain in her head. A few days before she checked up and she found out that she had brain cancer and it was getting worse.

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I reluctantly went back to the room. My other classmates look at me but I didn't  pay attention to them.

That bastard! If I would meet him again, I'll really hit him with my 6 inches heels. Even though he is handsome, he has no right to turn his back on me while speaking. What a disrespectful man!


When I got to our dorm. I caught the two siblings smiling. I sat next to them still frowning. I felt the turn of their gaze on me so I looked at them too.

"Why are you frowning?" Cheery asked in surprise holding chocolate. I looked at it, I grabbed it and opened it while still frowning and chewing the chocolate.

"Can I have this?" I asked without humor.

"Wow! Then you just asked for something to eat, huh? Tss." Cheery's said in sarcastically way. He folded his arms and stared at me. "What happened that made you angry?"

"There's a handsome- I mean, I encountered a pest earlier. I accidentally throw what I drank earlier on his clothes, and when I was about to speak, he turned his back on me?" I said in this belief, as they were just staring and listening to me. "That sh*t! If I would meet him again, I swear I will hit his face with a dog poop."

I was struck by the two where they did not speak. I frowned. The two looked at each other and laughed out loud at the same time!

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" the witches laughed.

"Is there anything funny with what I've said?" I asked them while still folding my arms.

"Seriously, Shin? You're really a warfreak Hahaha!" Charlyn said while still holding her tummy. Tss. Crazy!

I decided to stood up instead because I feel like I was just wasting my time with this two crazy girls. I felt earache when I heard the laughter from the two. It's time to take a bath.

"Cheer? When do I start my work?" I asked Cheery when we got our dinner.

She stopped eating and looked at Charlyn as if it was time to say something and then continued eating.

I turned my gaze to Charlyn who was already wiping her mouth with the table napkin. "Uhm..my sister and I have already talked," he drank some water first before continuing to speak. "It's up to you to decide when you start. We can't decide because mommy herself also said that we should just let you decide when you want to start. Besides, It's your only decision to work us tho."

I secretly smiled with what she have said.

I finished the rest of the food on my plate first before I answered. "Can I start tomorrow?" I immediately reached for Cheery's water as he choked on the food.

"Why tomorrow?" Charlyn asked me as she lowered the dinner spoon and dinner pork on the table. Why are they shocked?

"Nothing. I just want to start. I'm ashamed of you and to your family. I feel like a burden."

Cheery took my hand and smilingly turned to the sister. "Are you rushing to work?"

"It's not like that. I just want to finish my work at the end of this school year." I explained. "And then I'm ashamed of you." I said once pout in front of them.

"Are you still shy?" I looked up at what Cheery said. "SHAME is not a trend for us, is it?" She said more and emphasized the last word. I smiled. "Perhaps you forgot yourself taught us shamelessly?" He laughed at the promise.

We laughed at what Cheery said. Yeah, what he said was true. When it comes to me. I don't want you to be ashamed of yourself. The beautiful should not be ashamed. Right?

We stopped laughing as Charlyn spoke with a frown on my forehead.

"Of course, Shin. My older brother came here earlier. It's a pity you didn't see him." There was a look of regret on his face.

I raised an eyebrow at what she said. "So?" I asked her rudely.

"Nothing, my sister and I are just planning to introduce you to him. I'll be happy if you and kuya will be each other in the future. Yieee ..." Charlyn said and poked me in the side which surprised me.

I winced at the reaction shown by the two who still looked thrilled.

Duhh? Are they out of their mind? I consider them as my sisters and the Wangs are also my second family. Then they said they wanted me for their cousin? Gosh!

"Stop this nonsense topic, will you?" I exclaimed as the two stopped. "I treated your family as my second family . Don't you think that is sound gross if I hit your brother slash your cousin?" I said and snorted again.

"Shin, I know you think of us as a second family. But, we're not your REAL family." Charlyn said.

"Also, even if you treat us as your second family, Kuya Chris is just our COUSIN." Cheery added.

I went straight to the veranda after we ate. Cool, right? Our dorm has a veranda. Well, every dorm has a veranda. It's not just a dorm if you can call it that. It used to be like a luxury hotel. Then, before you get to the restroom, the swimming pool will meet you. Yes, each room has a swimming pool. That's why only the riches people can study here because the tuition fee is very expensive.

When I finally got out of the veranda. I close my eyes to the freezing cold of the air that meets me, at the same time inhaling the air. I immediately blew it out when I inhaled the air that smelled like buffalo ears! What the?!

Tomorrow morning I will actually slaughter all the buffaloes here!

I decided to just go in because I couldn't stand the smell. I even came across the two siblings who were still talking in the kitchen so I just went straight to the bedroom to put away my belongings.

I have to leave early tomorrow because I'm still have a class in the afternoon.

"Where are you going and and why are you packing?" Cheery asked in surprise to enter. I looked up at the screamer and saw Charlyn.

"Hey! Ate, we're not done yet--" Charlyn chased after Cheery who had just entered the room. He cut off what he was going to say when he looked at me. "Why are you packing?" Charlyn asked. She frowned when her eyes drifted on my bag pack.

I smiled at them. Tss. They already forgotten, huh? "Isn't it tomorrow that I will start working in your mansion?"

The earlier astonishment and frown on their faces were gone. "Yeah? But why are you packing? Aren't you coming back here?" Charlyn asked.

"I'll be back, of course. I just saw my schedule's that my class is in the afternoon so I brought some clothes to replace if my clothes get wet with sweat." I said and smiled to them.

"Are you sure you're going to work with us?" Cheery asked me.

I nodded. "Yup!" I answer while not removing the smile from my lips.

"E, madame ..." I looked at Cheery who was sitting next to me. "You don't need to do this. You don't need to work. We put you here, not to help you. But for the three of us to be together, right, Charlyn?" He looked at her sister.

"Yes, madame. Just don't work." Charlyn replied.

"Madame, I can't-- ok, I'm not going to work," I saw the two grin and their eyes light up. But that disappeared when I spoke again. "I'll just move to another school. I'll study in a public school and find another job, instead." Even the sadness I feel in my heart. I knew they could do nothing with my decision.

"All right! All right!." Charlyn's answer was forced with more artistry on her voice. Tss.

"Fine." Cheery said. "Just. Tell us if the majestic old nanny tortured you there, ok? If she really tortured our boss. I won't hesitate to kick her out." Cheery sighed.

I laughed at what she said. I don't know what good I have done to God and I have been blessed with friends like this. What they tell me is touching.

"Yes, madames." I laughed in response to them. "Group hug?" I held out my hands to them and waited for their hug.

"Eww, what drama is that, Shin Nicole?" Charlyn's promise shuddered.

"Tss. Come on!" I said still not lowering my hands.

Cheery hugged me first. The cursed witch Charlyn did nothing to hug me. I laughed when I saw his face forced to hug. I tightened my grip on them.

Of the three of us, Charlyn really hates the most dramas or hug thing. But he is not the person who will judge you when you cry in front of her. Charlyn is a straightforward and cursed person, but she is the person who can't be let go when you become friends. She is the person who is helpful to all those in need.

So is Cheery. Actually, they have very much the same temperament as her sister. The only difference is that Cheerry is gentle and sweet compared to the cursed Charlyn. If Charlyn is artistic. Cheery is judgmental.

Ugh! I really can't explain how grateful I am to have them. It's so hard to find a friends as these two witch sisters. Even though their laughter was horrible, I was able to put up with it. Joke!

"What's that creepy smile, Shin." I looked at Charlyn as she spoke. She was still acting terrified. I laughed. Your laughs are even scarier! I said in my mind.

"I'm just happy."

"Tsk. We have to sleep. I already know where this conversation is going." Charlyn said and went to her bed.

"Come on, let's go to sleep Cheer. I'm early tomorrow." I said and walked over to the bed.

My bed is in the middle. Cheery's bed is on my right side, near the door. While Charlyn's bed is on the left side, which is near the veranda.

"Good nigh, madames." I smiled.

"Good night .." they both answered sleepily. Charlyn yawned.

I laughed heartily as I turned my gaze to the kesame. Good luck to me tomorrow! And I sowly closed my beautiful eyes ..

To be continued..