

Suddenly a commotion outside caught Nie Huanzhang's attention. Upon hearing Zhou Chuyu's voice, he quickly opened the door immediately and saw Lee Da and Yu WeiWei holding onto Zhou Chuyu. Nie Huanzhang shouted:

"What's going on there?"

Mr. Yu explained:

"Mr. Nie, you've misunderstood. We just didn't want Mr. Zhou to disturb your conversation with my master."

"Then let go of him. I want to hear what he has to say." Nie Huanzhang addressed Yu Weiwei, though his gaze was fixed on Yuhong Xuan. After a glance at Yu Weiwei from Yuhong Xuan, they released Zhou Chuyu. Zhou Chuyu immediately ran to Nie Huanzhang and said:

"He told me everything. Ge, I don't need help."

Yuhong Xuan instructed:

"Weiwei, come in too. Lee Da, close the door."

Nie Huanzhang glared fiercely at Yuhong Xuan and turned to Zhou Chuyu, asking:

"What's going on?"

Zhou Chuyu pointed at Yu Weiwei and explained to Nie Huanzhang:

"He tested my knowledge and then told me that His Highness can help me enter the Imperial Academy or the Royal Clan Academy but he want me to persuade you to become a spy."

(The Royal Clan Academy is for the royal descendants to study.)

Yu Weiwei explained to Yuhong Xuan:

"Your highness, he has good knowledge and passing the provincial examination won't be a problem for him. That's why I told him the truth."

Zhou Chuyu said:

"Ge, I don't want help. I don't want you to do something dangerous." Zhou Chuyu looked firmly at Nie Huanzhang and said, "With our family's status, entering the Imperial Academy is not a problem. As for the Imperial Clan Academy, it isn't within my reach because my surname isn't Yuhong. I don't expect it and I just do everything by my own ability. I won't use any influence or people to achieve anything I don't expect. I want to accomplish things based on my own abilities, even if it means being naive or making a mess sometimes. But I will never harm my family. For me, my family will always be the most important."

Then he hugged Nie Huanzhang tightly. Nie Huanzhang reciprocated by holding Zhou Chuyu closer and reassured him:

"Don't worry, I will protect you well and I won't let anyone harm you."

Yuhong Xuan and Yu Weiwei exchanged glances and Yu Weiwei spoke:

"I'm Sorry that it is our fault. Mr. Nie and Mr. Zhou, we just thought Mr. Nie is a suitable candidate. After all, Mr. Nie is very familiar with the situation in Huichun Tribe. If we can understand the Khan's intentions and the internal affairs prematurely, it would help us in how the border army should respond in the future." At this point, Yu Weiwei sighed and continued to say, "Mr. Nie, you know that Liangzhou city has always been the toughest and most vulnerable place for the western garrison. It's not valued by the central government and that's why you chose to go though the border here. Without His Highness there, our border army wouldn't even have a proper meal or clean water to drink in that area. If the people from Huichun concentrate their forces to attack Liangzhou city and distribute forces to distract other border areas, Liangzhou will inevitably not be able to withstand. However, if we can know in advance the strength of this Khan and his forces, we can make corresponding and targeted responses. This way, we can achieve twice the result with half the effort. To be honest, this is why we sought Mr. Nie's help." 

After speaking, Yu Weiwei bowed deeply to Nie Huanzhang and Zhou Chuyu. Now Zhou Chuyu understood what Yu Weiwei had spoken to him before and looked at Nie Huanzhang, who seemed lost in thought. He said:

"Ge, I don't want you to get hurt. I am scared."

Nie Huanzhang gently patted Zhou Chuyu, comforting him, and unconsciously said:

"Don't be afraid, my baby. Don't be scared and I won't get hurt."

Yuhong Xuan and Yu Weiwei exchanged understanding glances, remaining silent as they waited for Nie Huanzhang's decision. After a while, Nie Huanzhang spoke:

"Let me think about it. I will go to Liangzhou city in about a month so I will visit Your Highness at that time."

Yuhong Xuan said:

"Alright, we'll see you again in Liangzhou city. We will definitely welcome Mr. Nie with great respect. As for him, your little brother, he can come to me at any time if he ever needs my help." 

The next day Yuhong Xuan and his guys left the inn early without any intention of traveling with Nie Huanzhang and Zhou Chuyu. However, Nie Huanzhang and Zhou Chuyu remained silent for a long time, not exchanging any word. Both knew what the other was thinking. They had different thought about whether Huanzhang would be a spy for Yuhong Xuan or not. Nie Huanzhang knew Zhou Chuyu was a bit upset. He looked at Zhou Chuyu, who was leaning against the horse's neck. Normally Zhou Chuyu only leaned on the horse's neck when he wanted to chat with Step Snow but now he was just lying there in silence. Unable to contain himself, Nie Huanzhang spoke:

"Angry? What's on your mind?"

Zhou Chuyu ignored him and continued to lie against the horse's neck. Nie Huanzhang gently lifted him up, embracing him and said:

"Don't be angry anymore. I didn't promise him anything."

Zhou Chuyu said with frustration:

"But you said you would visit him. That implies the possibility of agreeing to become a spy, right?"

Nie Huanzhang explained:

"The reason that I didn't agree at that time to leave myself room for maneuver. Honestly, there is another thing important for me that I want to discuss it with you and let you know the kind of deal I am making."

Zhou Chuyu was puzzled:

"Discuss it with me?"

"Yes, you are my relative, aren't you? Of course, I want to discuss it with you. I have to consider your feelings. You care about me and I care about you, don't you?"

Upon hearing these words, Zhou Chuyu immediately embraced Nie Huanzhang and couldn't help but kiss him on the cheek. Nie Huanzhang was momentarily stunned, slowly turning to look at Zhou Chuyu. Zhou Chuyu, realizing what he has just done, blushed and dared not lift his head, burying his face in Nie Huanzhang's chest, apologizing:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just got carried away."

"It's okay, I..."

Nie Huanzhang started to say and the words "I like you." almost slipped out, but he stopped himself, not wanting to overwhelm Zhou Chuyu. Instead he continued to hold Zhou Chuyu gently in his arms, savoring the warmth of the moment. Yes, he liked this boy in his arms. He knew it but he also knew this boy was too young and might not understand this kind of the emotion yet. He didn't want to put any pressure on this boy so the only thing he could do was to suppress his own emotion, wait for Zhou Chuyu to grow up, understand his feelings and maybe he would like him, a man or another man, or a girl who he would get married and have the children like most of the people. No matter what this boy would choose, Nie Huanzhang believed he would accept it. They could be lover, friends or brothers. As long as they stood by each other, it would be enough, just like what Zhou Chuyu refereed to as "relative."

While still nestled in Nie Huanzhang's embrace, Zhou Chuyu asked:

"Ge, tell me about your business. What kind of business are you in?"

Nie Huanzhang replied:

"Well, don't be scared when you hear it. I'm involved in dealing with stolen goods."

Zhou Chuyu inquired:

"What is that?"

"Well, it involves the people in Jianghu, like notorious thieves and master forgers. They either loot or steal valuable items that can't be easily sold in our country in public. So they found a way to sell these items abroad. There are also skilled craftsmen who create replicas of ancient artifacts and sell them as genuine. However, they don't want to get into the trouble directly. So they need someone to act as an intermediary, like Guan Yuheng and Feng Yuan. That's where I come in, a shipper like my master who ships these items for the intermediary to abroad. It's easy with the replicas because Guan Yuheng and Feng Yuan can find buyers in our country openly, telling them it's fake because we also don't want to make any trouble so if they're willing to buy or sell, we settle the deal. But for the stolen goods, they usually need to be smuggled out, and since I'm familiar with the region in Huichun and have connection there, I handle those cases more often."

Zhou Chuyu asked:

"That sounds very dangerous. Ge, how did you get into this kind of the business?"

"I told you, I don't have a family. I only have my master. He was in this business. He said my father was his partner. When I was a child my master started teaching me about antiques, Kung fu, and literacy. He took me to visit antique collectors for teaching me how to identify artifacts. At 15, I began accompanying him around the world. At 17 I started running errands on my own, continuing until now. Fortunately almost everything has been smooth, except for one time when I was caught by the border army in Liangzhou city."

Zhou Chuyu asked:

"What happened if you were caught by the border army?"

Nie Huanzhang explained:

"Nothing but they just confiscated the goods and gave me a beating. The most frightening thing is running into bandits. They're more likely to kill the people for the money and the goods."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Chuyu nervously clung to Nie Huanzhang and said in tremble voice: 

"Ge, don't do this anymore. Don't engage in such activities. Did your father died because he was also involved in this? No, Ge, don't do it. I am scared."

"Don't worry. According to my master, he and my father were partners for more than ten years. They had never lost anything and my father died for my mother. As for my mother, actually, I don't know what she happened. My master has never mentioned, only saying that she is still alive now. In fact, when His Highness asked me to be a spy, my first reaction was that this job was too danger. Being caught in Huichun just for business, it doesn't pose a significant risk to my life, but for being a spy it is different. It could cost me my life. So, I refused on the spot. However, what Mr. Yu told us the truth. The border army in Liangzhou city is the most challenging. Other border armies can cultivate the land, at least providing some of their own military provisions. But in Liangzhou region, it is the barren land and the desert and nothing can be grown there. The border army relies solely on the provisions allocated by the central government. If there is any change or delay in the government's provision of military supplies, the border army there will go hungry. They've even exchanged the money and goods they confiscated for military provisions. I think that's why the prince volunteered to be stationed in Liangzhou city. Who in the central government would dare to delay the military supplies for the prince?"

"Does that mean he is a good person?"

"Yes, he has a good reputation in Liangzhou city. He shares the same hardships as the soldiers. So, following him is a good way out. Although I rejected him on the spot, to be honest, I was somewhat tempted. Dealing in stolen goods is indeed a shady business. But when they used you as a bargaining chip, I couldn't bear and accept it. And as I said, I wanted to discuss it with you, considering your feelings, not wanting to make you worry or be afraid."