

The second day when Zhou Chuqi and his group left Jingdu, it was the first day for the Emperor to run the country again after his poison. It also was Nie Huanzhang's first time entering the central government. Initially, he had no intention to attend this meeting but his mother, Princess Yun, informed him that his uncle, the Emperor, wished to meet him. However, due to the busy state affairs, there might not be time for a private audience. Nie Huanzhang agreed, thinking that he would meet Zhou Chuyu early in the morning but didn't want to disturb his sleep by visiting too early.

All of the officials gathered in the council. It was a comprehensive summary of Yuhong's rebellion. 

The first, for his own interests, Yuhong Xun and Yuhong Zhen formed a faction and orchestrated a rebellion against the law and the Emperor. They mobilized their forces, pressuring the imperial palace and the Emperor. Although he had been executed, his guilt could not be absolved. His family properties were confiscated and his descendants were deprived of any titles within the central government and the imperial family and reduced to commoners for generations forever. 

(Upon hearing this, Nie Huanzhang furrowed his brow slightly.)

The second, Yuhong Zhen, who formed a party with Yuhong Xun for his own interests, rebelled against the throne, bribed palace eunuchs and ladies in the palace to poison the Emperor and the concubine and embezzled the treasury of the country. He committed regicide and patricide. He was executed on the spot and his descendants were stripped of any titles within the central government and the imperial family. All members of his family were sent to serve in labor camps, never be allowed to return to the capital. 

The third, Shen Lijing, an assistant minister of the Ministry of Revenue, who, in charge of the auction house in Nanyue, embezzled significant sums from the state treasury. He was beaten to death on the spot, and his family was exterminated. The male persons were sent to labor camps, permanently barred from official positions, while the female members were consigned to official brothels. 

The fourth, Qi Hui, the fifth, Liao Yunxi and other officials were punished to the different degrees. 

Where there is punishment, there is reward to the meritorious persons. 

The Eldest Prince, Yuhong Xuan, had stationed at the border throughout many years to defense the border and the country and resolved some of the crises between Yuhong Dynasty and Huichun Tribe. In this rebellion, he led troops to suppress the rebels. Now he was appointed as the Crown Prince, returning to the central government to hand state affairs. His wife was granted the title of the Crown Princess. They are rewarded with ten thousand taels of golden, ten pieces of jade and ten batches of silk and brocade. 

Yuhong Yang, Lord Dun, showed unwavering loyalty. During the Emperor's poisoning incident. He diligently handled various state affairs. He is specially titled as the Iron Helmet Prince, bestowed with a golden elixir and an iron scroll. He is rewarded with ten thousand taels of gold, ten pieces of jade and ten batches of silk and brocade. 

Xu Xing, being an official in the central government, had been stationed at the border as an advisor for a long time, providing strategies and counsel. He played a crucial role in investigating the Emperor's poisoning and strategizing to quell Yuhong Xun's rebellion. He was granted the title of the Grand Guardian of the Crown Prince as well as the Prime Minister. The former Prime Minister, Wang Qing, temporarily resigned due to health reasons and a new appointment is yet to be determined. 

Xie Guansan, an assistant minister of the Ministry of Revenue, uncovered a major embezzlement case in Nanyue. Actively assisting in verifying the accounts documents related to Nanyue's case, he was credited as the first contributor to its resolution and was appointed as the Minister in the Ministry of Revenue.

Then Zhao Wei, Yuhong Ye, Yu Weiwei and other officials were rewarded to the different degrees.

Nie Huanzhang listened patiently to various commendations. It was simply torture at this point so that he was almost falling asleep. If it weren't for Zhao Wei poking him discreetly from the side, he might have truly dozed off. Bored! Suddenly, he heard his own name:

Nie Huanzhang, the son who was lost and regained by Princess Yun's. (Nie Huanzhang's thinking: Princess Yun said I am her son as well as my teacher said the same. Okay, I am her son.) He has had a rough life since childhood, (No, I don't have a rough life. I like that kind of the life.), shuttling between Huichun Tribe and our country, providing a wealth of information about Huichun during these years. (nonsense, not these years, just two years.) In this recent suppression of the rebellion, he bravely killed enemies, ensuring the timely arrival of reinforcements and shortening the time it took. (It is okay, not very hard.). He also killed the leader of the rebellion, Yuhong Xun. (It was a long time that I wanted to kill him who almost destroyed my baby, my beloved.) He was appointed the title of the viscount, (I don't want.) rewarded with five thousand taels of gold, ten pieces of jade and five batches of silk and brocade. (This is good for my baby.) He was also granted marriage to the daughter of Xie Guansan, Xie Yulan. (What is fuck it? Marriage? What's going on?)

He was about to speak but Zhao Wei gave him a strong pull. At this moment, he heard Zhou Chuyu's name:

Zhou Chuyu is from Yucheng. Although he served as a toy-boy in Yuhong Xun's mansion, he timely delivered some information. He was granted one thousand taels of gold and could study in the Royal Academy. Further rewards would be given to him after he would be successful of his imperial examination (What the hell is this? How is his suffer being compensated for the hardships he endured? What about his family's losses?)

Huanzhang couldn't hold back any longer, finally spoke up, regardless of Zhao Wei's attempts to stop him:

"Wait a moment! I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I have to say something about Zhou Chuyu. Being a toy-boy of Yuhong Xun's, did he want to be this willingly? I believe the Crown Prince know what kind of boy he is. From the children's examination to the provincial examination he has always ranked the first. He is a talented and lovely boy who is single-minded about his career. What did he come to Jingdu for? He came for officialdom but what did await him? Yuhong Xun made use of the lives of his entire family to force him to stay with him. The way Zhou Chuyu fought against Xun was self-disfigurement. What did he have suffered? Abuse, humiliation and whipping. He was even forced to drink poison. As a result, his little mom was beaten to death by Yuhong Xun. His servant was killed by Yuhong Xun's bodyguards. His elder sister was forced to be Yuhong Xun's concubine. Can someone give them an explanation and justice? Now he is only 16 years old who has suffered the self-disfigured, poisoned, covered in scars and with severe health damaged. Is a mere 1000 taels of gold enough? Studying in the Royal Academy? Do you think he would still be willing to study in Jingdu? Do you think he wants to stay in Jingdu? Jingdu has become his nightmare. Do you know what his first words were when he woke up from the faint? He said that he wanted to go home . He didn't want to return to Jingdu again. His career has been ruined and his health has been damaged completely. No, this 1000 taels of gold isn't compensation for what he has suffered. It is compensation for the valuable information he provided, allowing us all to gain unparalleled honor and disgrace." At this point, Nie Huanzhang wiped away his tears, took a deep breath and continued, "As for the marriage to me, I'm sorry. I can't accept it. I know this is Your Majesty's decree and violating it would mean death. I don't care. Mr. Xie, please forgive me. It's not because of you and your daughter. It's because I'm simply not worthy. I don't belong in this officialdom and I can never adapt it. I won't be the ideal man for your daughter. She won't be happy with me. This is one reason. In addition, I have someone I love, the only one for me in my lifetime. I will never consider anyone else. The last is that I am a ronin and coarse man. My speech can be brash. If Your Majesty don't mind my impudence, spare my life and take back all of the rewards and titles bestowed upon me.

Having said that, he knelt down in a bow.

At this moment, the entire council fell into a silence that seemed to last for a long time, with no movement or sound. Nie Huanzhang knelt there and Yuhong Xuan felt anxious for him while Zhao Wei appeared worried. However, none of them dared to utter a word. Yuhong Guang sat above them, his expression grim. Though he had heard a bit from Yuhong Xuan about the situation with that boy, he chose to overlook those details. After all, Yuhong Xun was his son and he had forgiven his son's quirks and indulged in his actions. As for Nie Huanzhang's marriage, it was personally requested by his younger sister. Feeling that this long-lost child deserved a better future, Yuhong Guang had generously rewarded him and arranged a good marriage to compensate for his past hardships. But now, the situation had taken an unexpected turn. From the words of Nie Huanzhang's, Yuhong Guang sensed that he was a person who cared little for consequences, indifferent to the gains and losses in the political arena. Therefore, he spoke:

"As for that boy, I will consider giving him more rewards to compensate for his losses. But regarding your marriage, what are you doing if I don't agree?"

"It is simple. Please kill me because I will never obey it."

"If I force you, what to do?"

"I'll kill myself."

Yuhong Guang glanced at Nie Huanzhang for a while and said:

"Okay, I will discuss this with your mother."

"Don't need to discuss with her because she has no right to decide everything for me. Since I was a child, I have decided everything by myself."

"Let's talk about this later. Where is that boy now?"

"He is recuperating in my mother's mansion. He was shot with an arrow."

"I will send a doctor to treat him. When he feels better, I want to meet him. If his academic achievements are as you claim, consistently ranking first, I will reward him generously." Yuhong Guang smiled and remarked, "You are quite protective of this boy."

"Yes, he is my lover, the only one."

Upon hearing this, Yuhong Guang was shock as well as all of officials. But Nie Huanzhang didn't care anymore and he only wished to hurry back and guard his baby.