

Zhou Chuyu was genuinely happy. He felt a renewed sense of hope and a promising future. This was what Nie Huanzhang had told him the last time they met. Someone had already started dealing with Yuhong Xun and it's a significant person. Nie Huanzhang didn't tell him more details and he didn't ask more either. He trusted Nie Huanzhang and his words. However, who could this significant person be? The only notable person he could think of was the Eldest Prince. That's why he was jumping around in his room, only to be seen by Yuhong Xun. Fortunately, he quickly came up with an excuse to get away with it. Still, he found it odd that the Eldest Prince had returned to Lianzhou. Did the Eldest Prince have to wait for a long time before dealing with Yuhong Xun? Regardless, having hope for Zhou Chuyu was a good thing.

However, seeing Yuhong Xun frequently holding secret discussions with his advisors recently, Zhou Chuyu felt that someone was indeed taking action against Yuhong Xun. He knew that if the state affairs, Yuhong Xun should discuss with officials in the council. The fact that Yuhong Xun was having secret discussions with his advisors raised suspicions. What exactly were they plotting? Zhou Chuyu was curious to overhear their conversation so that he could inform Nie Huanzhang. However, how could he eavesdrop on them? Every time they held secret discussions, the doors were closed and there were two bodyguards outside, making it impossible for Zhou Chuyu to get closer. The only fueled Zhou Chuyu's curious even more.

One day at noon, Zhou Chuyu headed towards Yuhong Xun's room. Today it was his duty to serve Yuhong Xun for lunch and afternoon nap. Just as turning the corner, Zhou Chuyu overheard Ouyang Liang's voice:

"Your Highness, everything is ready. Tonight at 9 under the pretext of rescuing the Emperor and the father. At that time there are about two thousands officers and soldiers from the royal troop and the garrison in Jingdu. They will follow you."

Zhou Chuyu didn't dare to listen further but what he heard was sufficient. However, how could he tell Nie Huanzhang? Nie Huanzhang had told him earlier that if something happened, he could go to Princess Yun's mansion. But if he left now, Yuhong Xun couldn't find him and it might raise suspicions. Zhou Chuyu decided to stabilize the situation, not let Yuhong Xun change the plan. He quickly crossed the yard and walked towards Zhou Xiang's room in a hurry. Zhou Xiang was sitting in the corridor, doing embroidery. Glancing around to ensure no one was present, he promptly pulled Zhou Xiang into her room and shared what he had just heard. Finally, he said: 

"You must find a way to sneak out of the mansion without being noticed. Hurry to Princess Yun's mansion and inform Nie Huanzhang this information. Remember, once you're out, don't come back again."

Zhou Xiang asked anxiously:

"But what about you? What about our parents?"

"Elder sister, tonight is the key point for success or failure. If he succeeds today, all of us will die. If he fails, we might have a chance to survive, including our parents. Be extremely careful! Don't let others suspect anything."

"Don't worry, Chuyu. I'm just a concubine. They don't care about me and recently they don't watch me anymore. I will tell my maid that I'm tired and want to sleep more, asking her not to disturb me. She'll be happy to take a break."

"Okay, I have to leave. Take care, elder sister!"

"Be careful too."

The afternoon passed away calmly but Zhou Chuyu remained restless in the room. He wanted to go to Zhou Xiang's room to check whether she had left but he didn't dare. He had to protect her. He had no choice but pace back and forth in his room. At dinner, which war earlier than usual, Zhou Chuyu sat next to Yuhong Xun, holding a wine jug, as usual but inside he was extremely nervous. At this moment, an eunuch rushed in, looking flustered, and said:

"Your Highness, Concubine Xiang is disappeared."

But upon hearing this, Zhou Chuyu suddenly felt relieved. Yuhong Xun showed no reaction, looking up at the eunuch and said:

"Who is disappeared? A concubine? If she's gone, let her go. Don't need to make a fuss. Leave!"

After the eunuch left, Yuhong Xun said to Zhou Chuyu:

"Just a concubine is disappeared. I don't care about her. As long as you're by my side, it is fine. It is only you who I want you." While he was about to kiss Zhou Chuyu, he suddenly realized something, staring at Zhou Chuyu, "Who is disappeared? Concubine Xiang? Zhou Xiang? Your elder sister? Do you know about this?"

Zhou Chuyu remained silent and expressionless. Suddenly, a loud slap echoed as it struck his face. He tumbled from the chair to the ground as relentless kicks from Yuhong Xun followed. With blood oozing from mouth, Zhou Chuyu endured the constantly assault. After venting his anger, Yuhong Xun sneered and said:

"I have never expect you to be quite capable, silently rescuing your elder sister like that."

Zhou Chuyu, still with a cold smile, allowed Yuhong Xun to grasp his chin, the latter threatening:

"You don't need to look down on me. After tonight, you'll know who holds the power in the world. I will trample those pests underfoot, Yuhong Xuan, Zhao Hai, Aunt Yun, Wang Qing and Uncle Yang, all of them will be exterminated. And you, my beloved pet, I'll make you writhe beneath me, screaming incessantly. You'll submit to me until I grow tired of you. And then, I'll end you with a single sword, ensuring no one else can have you."

Leaning down, Yuhong Xun licked the blood at the corner of Zhou Chuyu's mouth and laughed, while Zhou Chuyu continued his cold, silent demeanor. 

Approaching at 9 at night, Yuhong Xun, dressed as a warrior, looked at the huddled Zhou Chuyu, still clutching his stomach, shrinking and trembling on the ground. Kicking him once more, Yuhong Xun remarked: 

"Come with me and witness how I claim what rightfully belongs to me. Go to Palace!"

With his arms bound, Zhou Chuyu was lifted onto a horse. As they exited the main gate, a well-organized group of soldiers awaited them, Yuhong Xun led the way and Zhou Chuyu's horse was guided by a soldier. As they galloped towards the palace, a messenger approached, reporting:

"Your Highness, there is something wrong. Some mansions are on alert, including Princess Yun's and Lord Dun's. And the palace is guarded by the royal troop."

Yuhong Xun was shock. His rebellion was supposed to be a well-kept secret. Suddenly a mocking laughter reached his ears. He turned to see Zhou Chuyu, his mouth, holding a sly smile, his eyes no longer lifeless but filled with a glimmer of determination. Yuhong Xun approached him and asked:

"What are you laughing at?"

He didn't have expected Zhou Chuyu to say anything, as it was typical of Zhou Chuyu to remain silent. However, this time he received a response: 

"Your Highness, you are doomed today. Once the arrow is released from the bow, there is no turning back. No matter what you do today, you can't escape the charge of rebellion. Yuhong Xun, do you have ever wondered why my elder sister managed to escape from your mansion today?" 

After saying this, Zhou Chuyu looked at Yuhong Xun with disdain once again. Yuhong Xun landed a punch on Zhou Chuyu's face. Seated on the horse with his arms bound, Zhou Chuyu nearly fell off. Yuhong Xun grabbed his collar, looking at Zhou Chuyu covered in blood and said with hatred:

"You dare to betray me at this moment. Let me tell you how many soldier can defend the palace, five hundred, and I have three thousand soldiers in my garrison. Do you think how long these soldiers can protect the palace and fight with my soldiers? And I also have the reinforcement. Do you know this?" Then he gave his order to his soldiers, "Forget those mansions and let us focus on the palace. Attack the palace with full force."

As they approached the palace, Zhou chuyu saw a group of troop standing outside the palace. The number of this troop was indeed not too much. Apart from the leader of this troop, Yu Weiwei, with a sword in his hand, also stood by this leader's side. Yuhong Xun didn't waste time. He swung his sword and directed the garrison to charge towards the palace gates. In an instant, both sides clashed in battle. Although the royal had superior quality in fighting, they are outnumbered. Slowly, they began to retreat along the moat bridge towards the palace gates. Just as they were retreating, a sound of a whole team of horses suddenly came from the rear. Yuhong Xun was stunned and then he joyfully exclaimed: 

"Zhou Chuyu, look at this, my reinforcement is coming. Let you see who has laughed the last. You were so late to deliver the message to them. They had no time to prepare."

Yuhong Xun turned his horse's head and recognized the approaching troops. He was stunned. The Eldest Prince, Yuhong Xuan, shouted with high voice:

"Yuhong Xun, this rebellion is over. You don't have a chance to win. Surrender now!"

Apart from Yuhong Xuan, there were also Nie Huanzhang and Lee Da standing by Yuhong Xuan's side, leading approximately two thousand border troops, precisely brought to the capital by Zhao Wei from the western.