

Yuhong Xun also didn't understand why he was so obsessed with Zhou Chuyu. Perhaps it was those lively and affectionate eyes, the cute demeanor and the sweet smile. He felt that having someone like him would bring him a bit of comfort. Even though Zhou Chuyu was no longer a virgin, he didn't care. 

Looking at his surroundings, his father, the Emperor, never showed any particular favoritism toward any child. His mother was executed by his father for incest and his only brother was the result of incest. His wife, though beautiful, was dull and those boys and girls who sexed with him were just his toys. Initially, he thought of Zhou Chuyu in the same way but Zhou Chuyu's behavior surprised him. Unlike others who either feared or flattered him, Zhou Chuyu neither bowed down nor yielded to his authority. This sparked his possessiveness and desire for conquest. During Zhou Chuqi's capture, he discovered Zhou Chuyu's vulnerability, his family. Zhou Chuyu's love and concern for his family made him envious and jealous. He also hoped to have someone love and care for him in the same way. That was also what he wanted. During Zhou Chuqi's captivity, he used it as leverage to force Zhou Chuyu to stay with him. His plan was to keep Zhou Chuyu around, shower him with love and gradually melt his heart, making him focus wholeheartedly on him. However, everything happened too quickly. Zhou Chuyu didn't give him a chance, countering his coercion with disfigurement. Since that's the case, he decided to establish some rules for Zhou Chuyu. 

One this day, Yuhong Xun entered Zhou Chuyu's room. Zhou Chuyu's face was wrapped in bandages, leaving only his eyes, mouth and nostrils exposed. He was sitting there, writing <Diamond Sutra>. Despite Yuhong Xun's entrance, Zhou Chuyu remained indifferent, not bothering to lift his head as he continued to write. Yuhong Xun didn't mind his disregard and said:

"Don't write more. I've arranged for you to meet someone. Come in."

Zhou Chuqi walked in and when Zhou Chuyu saw him, he closed his eyes sadly. The tears rolled down from his lifeless eyes onto the gauze. Zhou Chuqi quickly approached, tightly embracing his brother while crying and saying:

"Foolish! How stupid you are! How could you hurt yourself so much? Chuyu, Chuyu, you're afraid of pain, the most afraid of pain. How could you treat yourself so cruel? 

"Chuqi, don't cry any more. It's already like this. I thought I could trust his promise but he still caught you back. Indeed, I shouldn't have any expectations for such a person."

"Doesn't matter! I'll accompany you. This way you won't be too lonely."

Yuhong Xun said:

"There isn't only Chuqi with you but also your whole family is here to accompany you."

He waved his hand. All of the Zhou family, including Dun'er, were bound and gagged as they walked in. Then Yuhong Xun pulled a charming woman close to him, saying: 

"This is my concubine."

Upon seeing Zhou Xiang, both Zhou Chuqi and Zhou Chuyu felt a wave of dizziness. Fortunately, Zhou Chuyu had been in Zhou Chuqi's arms the whole time, preventing him from collapsing. Despite feeling a mix of resentment and fear, Zhou Chuqi firmly supported his younger brother, who seemed unwell. The entire Zhou family, witnessing the plight of their two children, especially Zhou Chuyu covered in bandages on his face, became extremely agitated. They cried and tried to rush to their children but they were firmly held back. Zhou Xiang was already crying on the ground. Zhou Chuyu nestled in Zhou Chuqi's embrace and whispered:

"What do you want?"

Yuhong Xun had noticed that Zhou Chuyu was extremely weak. Although he really wanted to be the one holding Zhou Chuyu, it wasn't the right time. This was the moment to set rules for Zhou Chuyu, to prevent him from causing trouble. Yuhong Xun said;

"It's very simple. You stay obediently by my side. Don't do anything foolish, like suicide or self-harm and so on. I guarantee they will be fine. Otherwise, whatever you do to yourself, I will do to them. If you commit suicide, I'll kill one of them. If you harm yourself, I'll cut one of them." 

Zhou Chuyu said weakly but firmly:

"If any of them suffer harm, you will see Zhou Chuyu covered in scars. I promise you that I can do what I said. Yes, your threats may control my actions but they will never break my spirit. I'll accept whatever you do to me but their safety is my only concern."

Yuhong Xun added:

"I'll have people watch you all day to ensure you don't get a chance to harm yourself."

Zhou Chuyu smirked contemptuously and said:

"If someone truly wants to self-harm, they will find a way. That day, didn't you search me thoroughly? Four strong were watching me, weren't they? But look at my face." Zhou Chuyu pointed at his face and Yuhong Xun glared at Zhou Chuyu with intense hatred, grinding his teeth. Zhou Chuyu continued, "Release my family back home. I promise to stay obediently by your side. However, once I find out they don't have returned home, the consequences will be beyond your imagination. I will create troubles that will make you regret it. Don't doubt what I said."

After saying this, he pushed away Zhou Chuqi and stood there firmly, visibly struggling. Zhou Chuqi was about to come and support him but Zhou Chuyu rejected him and said:

"Chuqi, please! Now it is time for Your Highness to set the rules for me. I need to take advantage of this opportunity to gain some benefits for myself. Since I can't escape his control, I won't let him exploit me without resistance. Don't you agree, my Your Highness?"

Yuhong Xun retorted:

"You are really smart but do you think I'll let you have everything you want?"

Zhou Chuyu challenged:

"Let us see."

With that, he rolled up his sleeve, bit into his own arm and viciously tore off a piece of flesh. Everyone was shocked as he held the bloody piece in his mouth, smiling at Yuhong Xun. Yuhong Xun was left dumbfounded, unable to utter a word. It was Zhou Chuqi who reacted first, using a handkerchief immediately to cover Chuyu's wounded arm and supporting him. He yelled at Yuhong Xun:

"Quick, call for a doctor, please! Hurry up!"

As the crowd finally reacted. Yuhong Xun kept shouting for a doctor while the Zhou family members tried to break free and resist. Perhaps Zhou Chuyu's shocking act had intimidated the servants as Zhou Chuqin and little mom managed to break free. They ran to Zhou Chuyu's side. Covered in sweat from the pain, Zhou Chuyu spat the piece of flesh onto the ground and removed the gags from Zhou Chuqin and little mom. He looked towards his parents in the distance and weakly said:

"Dad, mom, little mom. I've been unfilial. Not only can I not make up for your regrets and serve you but I've also brought this undeserved disaster upon you. I'm sorry. Consider me as if I were never born or I'm already dead. Chuqin and my sister-in-law, I'm sorry for involving you!"

After uttering these words, he whispered "it hurts." and fainted in Zhou Chuqi's arms. Zhou Chuqi lifted him onto the bed. Little mom hurried over, unable to do anything due to being bound, only able to cry. Zhou Chuqin, with eyes filled with tears, cast a hateful glance at Yuhong Xun. At that moment, a doctor walked in and was about to provide assistance but Zhou Chuqi stopped him, saying:

"I'll take care of it. I've been bandaging his wounds since he was a child."

The doctor glanced at Yuhong Xun, who nodded. Zhou Chuqi took out Ma Fei San (a traditional Chinese medicine, the function is like anesthetic.) from the medical box, applied it around the wound and then proceeded to dress the wound carefully. After finishing the bandaging, he stood up and addressed Yuhong Xun:

"I think it is best for you to send my family back home, as he suggested. I will stay behind. I won't leave him alone here. No one knows what he might do and the extent of harm he might cause to himself is unpredictable. I'll stay to personally take care of him. Besides, if there's anything, I can talk to him and maybe ease the tension between you."

Little mom spoke firmly:

"I'll stay here too. I'm his birth mother. It's unbearable for a mother to avoid her child's suffering. Chuqi, please don't try to persuade me. By staying here, I think my lady will be more at ease. Please arrange a small kitchen for Chuyu in his yard. I'll cook for my two children."

Yuhong Xun said weakly:

"He said he wouldn't see anyone."

Little mom replied confidently:

"He won't want to see others but he'll never refuse to see his birth mother and elder brother."

Yuhong Xun said exhaustively:

"I can't promise that all of you will go back home. I know your business affairs are managed by Zhou Chuqin. I can send them back but as for your parents, sorry, they will have to endure a bit. I'll arrange some house for them separately. Trust me, I will treat them well."

Zhou Chuqi said:

"Frankly speaking it is hard to believe your words but we are all in your hands. We are like meat on your chopping block. However, I'll say goodbye to Chuqin's family because Chuyu trusts me."

Yuhong Xun asserted:

"Rest assure, I keep my words this time but he has to be stay here honestly."

Zhou Chuqi added:

"I will try to talk with him."

Feeling defeated, Yuhong Xun instructed his servant to arrange everything and then left. He left the space for Zhou Chuqi and little mom to take care of Zhou Chuyu.