

Nie Huanzhang took a look at the person and recognized him as Guzi, Zhou Chuyu's servant. Guzi, seeing Nie Huanzhang, quickly got off the bed and knelt before him, crying:

"Mr. Nie, please save my masters. Something big has happened for them."

Nie Huanzhang replied:

"You get up first and and tell me slowly what happened."

"You know that my second Master Chuqi studies at the Imperial Medical Academy, following a good physician named Du. One day,Dr. Du was treating an imperial concubine, Concubine Xian, in the palace when he had my second Master Chuqi accompany him to learn and write prescriptions. I heard this concubine wasn't sick seriously and Dr. Du didn't do anything wrong. Unexpectedly, she fell ill in the middle of the night. Luckily, prompt rescue prevented any harm. However, it was discovered that she was allergic to one of the herbs in the medicine she had taken. Every doctor in the Imperial Hospital knew this. Consequently, Dr. Du was arrested and my Master Chuqi was taken as well. Master Chuyu was in a panic, not knowing what to do. We don't know anyone in the capital besides Ms. Zhou Zheng's family. So he went to visit this family for help as they have an official in this family. However, the people in this family were heartless. Upon hearing the story, they kicked my Master Chuyu out and even forbade Ms Zhou Zheng from leaving the house or contacting my Master Chuyu. This information was shared with me by Cui'er, Ms Zhou Zheng's personal maid. Later, the situation improved and they confirmed that Dr. Du's medicine and my Master Chuqi's prescriptions were fine. They should be released soon but my Master Chuqi never returned. We waited at home anxiously. My Master Chuyu, Uncle Zhao and I went to the prison to wait and inquire many times. They all said he had been released but there was no sign of him. All of us were so anxious and didn't know where to find him. Master Chuyu was desperate and cried at home every day. After about five days, a gentlemen suddenly arrived at our house. Master Chuyu turned pale upon seeing him and this gentlemen took him away, not allowing us to follow. So my Master Chuyu also disappeared. Uncle Zhao and I had nothing to do but waiting at home. After three days, Master Chuyu returned home, accompanied by that gentleman and other two stronger men like bodyguards. However, Master Chuyu seemed like a different person, lifeless, vacant look in his eyes and devoid of any joy. He just instructed us to pack for Master Chuqi. That gentleman asked us to prepare a carriage but Master Chuyu insisted on three fast horses. Later Uncle Zhao told me that Master Chuyu whispered to him not to go home and to head western till Liangzhou in a hurry, seeking help with the Eldest Prince." 

Nie Huanzhang gave Guzi a cup of water and asked:

"Why three fast horses?"

"Mr. Nie, please listen to me. As expected, Master Chuqi returned home the next day. As soon as he came back, he asked where Master Chuyu was. I told him that Master Chuyu was waiting for us outside the city, as instructed by Master Chuyu. We took our things and headed straight outside the city. Master Chuyu was indeed there but there were four warriors nearby, seemingly watching him. Then Master Chuqi and Master Chuyu had a private conversation, appearing to be in some kind of dispute. In the end, both of them held their heads and cried bitterly. Finally Master Chuyu got down on his knees and knelt down on the ground for begging us to leave in a hurry. Having no choice, Master Chuqi, Uncle Zhao and I quickly left the capital on fast horses but Master Chuyu stayed there. However, we were intercepted by a group of people after only half a day of travel. Uncle Zhao told Master Chuqi and me to run while he tried to hold off those people alone. Actually it was impossible for us to escape. Master Chuqi told me to find you and pushed me down from the horse, rolling down the steep slop and found a place to hide myself. However, Uncle Zhao couldn't stand a chance and in the end. I saw them kill Uncle Zhao and throw his body down the mountain. They took Master Chuqi on horse back and left. I was so shocked and scared at that time and it wasn't until nightfall that I recovered. Master Chuqi told me to find you but I knew you were in Huichun and I didn't have more money to go there. However, I knew where Mr. Feng Yuan lived so I bought a donkey and managed to find Mr. Feng along the way."

Upon hearing this, Nie Huanzhang immediately rushed out but Feng Yuan grabbed him and shouted:

"What do you intend to go? Where are you going?"

Nie Huanzhang urgently replied:

"To Jingdu. Wangshi is in Jingdu."

Feng Yuan asked:

"And then what to do? You have already been there with no news. Those living there are influential and powerful people. Do you know who detained them? Why were they detained? Is it directed at Chuqi or Chuyu?"

Nie Huanzhang fiercely pounded his fist against the wall and cried:

"Wangshi, Wangshi, my baby, what has happened to you?"

At this moment Guzi suddenly remembered something and quickly said:

"There's something strange. Just the day before Master Chuqi had trouble, he suddenly mentioned that Master Chuyu was going to leave Jingdu. He would return to Jingdu before the examination. At that time Master Chuyu's mood was very low for some reason. Uncle Zhao and I discussed this but neither of two masters mentioned the reason. We didn't dare to ask. However, I vaguely heard Master Chuqi telling Master Chuyu that we knew nobody here and there was no choice but to hide because he was a noble and powerful person."

Yuan Feng remarked:

"It seems like someone with status and influence, not an ordinary official."

Nie Huanzhang added:

"Yes. Otherwise the magistrate in Yucheng wouldn't have sent people to keep an eye on the Zhou family."

Guzi asked:

"What happened to the Zhou family? Search the house and confiscate the property?"

Nie Huanzhang replied:

"No, but all of Family Zhou were taken to Jingdu and all of the stores are under surveillance."

Guzi murmured:

"Did Master Chuyu anticipate this? That's why he forbade us from returning home."

Nie Huanzhang asked Guzi:

"How long ago did this happen?"

Guzi replied:

"About two months."

Feng Yuan speculated:

"Maybe this is a secret operation. In other words, the Zhou family might be secretly detained and it's uncertain if they even reached Jingdu."

Nie Huanzhang asked:

"What makes you say that?"

"Huanzhang, this is just my speculation, not necessarily accurate. Don't rush to conclusions. Consider this: both young masters went to Jingdu for study. While Chuqi was briefly detained as Guzi mentioned, it seems he's fine. However, someone decided to detain him. Why? I think it's related to Chuyu. In other words, Chuyu might have offended someone influential and powerful in the past. This person not only detained both boys but also the whole Zhou family. And all of this is not happening openly. Do you understand?"

"I see. Someone is using his influence to oppress people. So even if I go to Jingdu, I won't be able to do much. If that's the case, I'll find someone with even greater influence to help me."

"Yes, do you have a person like this?"

"Yes, the Eldest Prince, Yuhong Xuan. He owes me a favor and he promised Wangshi to help him."

"This sounds substantial. I didn't expect you to know the Eldest Prince. No wonder you had a smooth journey in Liangzhou."

"I won't waste more time. I'm heading to Liangzhou now. As for Guzi..."

"Don't worry. He can stay here with my family or follow me on business trips. I've got him covered."

"You're my friend. Thank you! I'm leaving now."

Within two months, Nie Huanzhang came and went days and nights hurriedly towards and out of Liangzhou, praying as he rode, seeking blessings for Wangshi, his beloved. However, fate did not align with his hopes. Yuhong Xuan was absent from Liangzhou and even Yu Weiwei was away, both having gone to the Grand Marshal's Mansion in Duanzhou. The reasons for their absence remained unknown as did the timing of the return. Just as Nie Huanzhang hesitated over whether to continue towards Duanzhou or stay in Liangzhou awaiting Yuhong Xuan, Yuhong Xuan unexpectedly returned. However, his expression was grave and marked with urgency. Without exchanging greetings, upon seeing Nie Huanzhang, Yuhong Xuan quickly retreated into his room.

Yu Weiwei patted Nie Huanzhang on the shoulder and said:

"Did you say that you wouldn't return to Liangzhou again? What's the matter? Oh, please forgive His Highness. His mood is not good now."

Nie Huanzhang urgently explained:

"I have an urgent matter that requires His Highness's assistance. Wangshi has gone missing in Jingdu, possibly detained by someone influential and powerful. It's not just Wangshi but also his whole family is involved."

Yu Weiwei stared at him in disbelief and exclaimed:

"Are you sure they have disappeared in Jingdu?"

Nie Huanzhang affirmed:

"Yes, I'm sure."

Yu Weiwei said:

"Come with me. Let's see His Highness. It seems that Jingdu is in turmoil." then leading Nie Huanzhang, he knocked on the door of Yuhong Xuan's room and said, "Your Highness, Huanzhang's boy and his family have gone missing in Jingdu."

The door opened as Yuhong Xuan glanced at Nie Huanzhang, saying:

"Come in and tell me the details. Weiwei, you also come in and listen as well."