

Furu clan was the neighbor of Liangzhou city, but its southern region extended further south where the land was fertile and rich. The northern was dominated by minerals and iron. In the past Furu often traded these minerals and iron with Yuhong Dynasty in exchange for salt and other luxury ornaments they need. However, Khan Zakkel's issued a prohibition on selling iron and horses to Yuhong Dynasty, leading to the dissatisfaction of Furu clan. Although they Officially complied with this rule, they continued to engage in private trade with Yuhong Dynasty secretly, especially in Liangzhou region. Originally Yuhong Xuan didn't intend to send Nie Huanzhang because many merchant caravans frequently visited Furu. However, Nie Huanzhang was different in that he always traveled alone and his matter must be kept secret. Therefore, they decided to send Nie Huanzhang but they were concerned about his ability to handle the situation so they also decided to have Yu Weiwei accompany him.

Nie Huanzhang and Yu Weiwei rode their horses swiftly out of the pass, saying very little to each other along the way. After a day of travel, they finally entered the territory of Furu clan and then turned towards the southern, heading towards the location of the chieftain's large tent. At this point, they slowed down and occasionally stopped to chat with herders, find lodging and have a drink of water. All of this was at Yu Weiwei's insistence. In the past, Ni Huanzhang would always head straight to the chieftain's tent without stopping to chat with the herders. Now, watching Yu Weiwei amicably engage in small talk with the herders, discussing the resources that the Furu people needed, he couldn't discern the significance of these conversations, just following along with Yu Weiwei.

Nie Huanzhang said to Yu Weiwei as they rode slowly:

"I really can't see the point of chatting with those herders. Is it useful?"

"It's useful. Chatting with the herders, let us to understand their thoughts about the chieftain in the clan and the Khan in Huichun Tribe. This way, we can make more targeted decision."

"It's not as complicated as you think. It seems people like you are better suited for this. If you ask me to come alone, I'll go straight to the chieftain's tent without overthinking. None of these twists and turn."

Yu Weiwei smiled and said:

"Honestly I quite like your personality. Genuine, saying what needs to be said, not overly deferential to His Highness, sincerely caring for and indulging your younger brother. Oh, how about him now? What does he do?"

Upon hearing Yu Weiwei mention Zhou Chuyu, Nie Huanzhang couldn't help but smile and replied:

"Oh, he is doing very well now. He has passed the local examination and ranked first. Now he is at home preparing for next year's provincial examination."

"He is a talented boy. If he continues like this, he's sure to achieve something in the future. I guess he's also the family's hope. Wangshi, such an interesting zi."

"Yes, their family is considered well-off locally but they don't have a scholar in the family. That's his father's regret. However, Wangshi has been pampered too much at home. I doubt he can endure hardships in other aspects."

Yu Weiwei glanced at Nie Huanzhang and said:

"I didn't expect you to dote on this unrelated younger brother so much."

His words may not have seemed significant but whether it was due to a guilty conscience or recent intense thoughts about Zhou Chuyu, Nie Huanzhang felt a deeper meaning in that statement. He couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed and chuckled twice, not continuing the conversation. Yu Weiwei burst into laughter and said:

"Huanzhang, keep cherishing your younger brother!"

With that, he whipped his reins and galloped away. Nie Huanzhang, with a hearty laugh, assured:

"Rest assured. I like him!"

Then he chased after Yu Weiwei.

Soon they arrived in the city quickly where the chieftain's tent of Furu was located. Unlike other clans, the chieftain's tent of Furu didn't form a fixed town. This was mainly because Furu was adjacent to Yuhong Dynasty, which had been at war with Huichun Tribe for years. The area was always a battlefield and to avoid being wiped out, they had to form these tent towns for easy migration. The chieftain's tent was in the central area, surrounded by tents of various royal families, followed by officials, merchants and others placed based on their ranks. 

Leading Yu Weiwei, Nie Huanzhang arrived at a medium-sized tent and shouted from outside:

"Cheng Hao'er, you old guy, are you alive?"

Although the person didn't show himself immediately, a voice reached them:

"Oh, my god! My little ancestor, where the hell have you been? It took you so long to come see me. If you didn't come, I wouldn't know where to bury my old bones."

As he finished speaking, the man appeared. He was in 50-year-old with a scruffy beard. He pulled Nie Huanzhang into a tight embrace, giving him two hearty pats. Before Nie Huanzhang could react, the man pulled him into the tent. After some banter and teasing, Nie Huanzhang introduced Yu Weiwei to Cheng Hao'er:

"This is my friend, Wei Dayu, who also wants to join our business. He asked me to take him out for a visit and gain some experience. Dayu, this is my friend and partner, Cheng Hao'er, an old hand in the business."

Using the alias Wei Dayu, Yu Weiwei quickly bowed and said:

"I've heard a lot about you. Fengting (Huanzhang's zi) always speaks highly of you, saying you're an expert. I'm here to learn, please take care of me."

"Wei Dayu?" Cheng Hao'er glanced at Yu Weiwei, then poked Nie Huanzhang, saying in lower voice, "My friend, is your friend here to feed the fish? And not just any fish but the big ones?"

(Here Cheng Hao'er was playing a word game with the names. The pronunciation in Chinese of "Wei Dayu", Yu Weiwei's fake name, sounded the same as "feeding big fish.")

Upon hearing Cheng Hao'er playful remark about Yu Weiwei's name, Yu Weiwei was momentarily surprised. Changing his family name and given name, with a casual switch of a character in the pseudonym, unexpectedly turned into a reference to feeding big fish. He couldn't help but chuckle. Cheng Hao'er, seeing that Yu Weiwei didn't mind his playful exaggeration, also laughed and approved of his new friend. He said:

"Come, have a seat. Let me take a look at the goods."

While Nie Huanzhang and Yu Weiwei were opening their crates, Cheng Hao'er asked again:

"Hey, How about my old friend, your master?"

Nie Huanzhang replied:

"Oh, he is fine now. Nowadays, he's immersed in chanting scriptures and seeking enlightenment, detached from worldly affairs." 

"Your master has a broken heart. When you dad, his best friend Zhang Chao, died twenty years ago, I could see that he became disheartened. If it weren't for you, I reckon he would have found a corner to stay in and not come out. Now that you've grown up and made something of yourself, you don't have let him down in fulfilling the promise to your dad. Your dad, sacrificing his life for a woman, truly not worth it."

Cheng Hao'er sighed to himself. Nie Huanzhang remained silent, arranging several items in front of Cheng Hao'er for appraisal.

"Well, this vase is nice. It should be an antique. Just this one can fetch a high price and even at higher price." Cheng Hao'er patted Nie Huanzhang on the shoulder and said excitedly, "My friend, we're going to strike it rich this time."

Nie Huanzhang chuckled and said:

"While this vase is indeed an antique, I don't expect it to fetch a high price. Honestly, I didn't count on making big money from this item. Why are you so confident that we'll strike it rich with this?"

Cheng Hao'er gave him a contemptuously look and said:

"My kid, you don't know. Setting aside regional price differences, this vase may not be a rare item in your country but it is a treasure among us in our tribe. That's one. Moreover, the chieftain of Furu is searching for treasures everywhere for a marriage alliance."

Nie Huanzhang asked with curiosity:

"Marriage alliance? What's going on? Please tell me."

"Do you know that the chieftain of Furu, Zandan, has a son whose name is Runge. Zandan is currently seeking a girl from Doga clan for this son. This girl's identity is extraordinary because she is the only princess in Doga clan. Although she isn't the biological daughter of Doga chieftain, Ruta, she is the adopted daughter of the chieftain's wife. Originally, Ruta wanted to take this girl as his concubine, but Ruta's wife insisted on giving this girl the title of Princess. Now Ruta is in a difficult position, as he's planning to find her a suitable husband. Initially, he intended for her to marry Runge, but the news leaked and now it's complicated. Khan Zakkel also wants this girl to marry his younger brother and this news is spread out. Haji from Antare clan also wants this girl to be his concubine and even a prince from Jinghan clan, among at least five or six suitors. It's putting Ruta in a dilemma, not knowing whom to choose."

Yu Weiwei chimed in:

"The marriage alliance has always been a traditional between Furu and Doga so Runge and the girl might indeed get married."

Cheng Hao'er glanced at Yu Weiwei and said:

"Feeding-Fisher, you seem to know quite a bit about Huichun Tribe."

Yu Weiwei replied calmly:

"Oh, I inquired about some things about Huichun before coming and also asked Huanzhang. I know a little."

"Right now, Ruta is a bit of indecisive. He's considering waiting for the best offer. You know, the situation in Huichun Tribe has changed significantly. In public Zakkel talks about forming an alliance with the eight clans but, in reality, he wants to weaken their power. Despite, the strong opposition from the major clans, Zakkel has already integrated many smaller clans. With the support of Hural clan and Danghui clan, his influence is unlike before. Xiyue and Yanjin are like a see-saw, leaning towards whoever is stronger. Jinghan is still hesitating, mainly waiting for the decision of Furu clan. And Furu and Doga used to move together even a bit disregarding the Khan. But now, the situation is different. Ruta of Doga wants to use this marriage to increase his bargaining power, gaining maximum benefit among the clans and Khan. This has displeased Zandan of Furu so he wants to use some rare and expensive items to increase the possibility of an alliance between the two clans and consolidate their relationship."

Nie Huanzhang said:

"So do you want to sell this vase to Zandan?"

Cheng Hao'er laughed and said:

"Sell to Zandan? That would be a loss for me. Do you think I am stupid? I will go to the area where the royal and the officials' tents are, stroll around and spread some rumors. To suck up to Zandan, those people will surely come looking for me. This way, the price of this vase will skyrocket. At that time I sell it at higher price."

Yu Weiwei gave Cheng Hao'er a thumbs up, said:

"Extremely admire! I've learned something from you."