

Nie Huanzhang urged his horse westward with great speed. He felt sense of emptiness, riding during the day and sensing that there was something missing from his embrace. Besides tightly clutching his money pouch and a small Ping'an Fu inside it, the nights were lonely. No one lay beside him, listening to his tales from all corners of the world, finally falling asleep in his arms. He spoke to himself:

"Wangshi (Chuyu's zi), I miss you. How about you? Do you miss me?"

After approximately fifteen or sixteen days, Nie Huanzhang finally arrived in Liangzhou city. He quietly made his way to the general's mansion. After paying respects to Yuhong Xuan, the two sides took their seats. Nie Huanzhang noticed that, in addition to Yuhong Xuan and Yu Weiwei, there was also a man around 50-year-old. After being introduced by Yu Weiwei, he learned that this person was named Qian Wulian. Yuhong Xuan inquired:

"Mr. Nie, where is your younger brother? Didn't he come with you?"

Nie Huanzhang smiled and replied:

"Your highness is aware that he wants to attend the Imperial Academy. Now he is preparing for the academical examination this year and provincial examination next year. Besides, he's too delicate. He wouldn't last a day here. I think he'd end up in cry."

Yu Weiwei remarked:

"Well, he has a good grasp of knowledge. Although he still looks immature, his literary and strategic insights are quite impressive. Given time, he will surely have a promising future."

Yuhong Xuan got straight to the point:

"Yes, he is quite an interesting boy. Mr. Nie, what is your decision on what we had discussed?"

Nie Huanzhang pondered for a moment before speaking:

"I'm afraid I have to disappoint Your Highness's high expectations. I don't intend to be a spy for Your Highness. After all, it's too dangerous and I value my life from now on. I'm a person who will cherishes life now."

"Aha." Yu Weiwei chuckled and continued to spoke out the information about Nie Huangzhang, "Nie Huanzhang has exceptional kung fu, courage and strategy. You are a bold and ruthless person, adept at dealing with Huichun people. But now you are discussing cherishing life with Your Highness. I think it's not that you values your life more. I think it is that you are cherishing your life for someone."

Nie Huanzhang smiled faintly:

"Whether it's cherishing my own life for myself or for someone else, isn't it normal? The business I'm involved in outside is one where I lick blood off the blade. It's only right to protect myself well and ensure peace of mind for my loved ones at home, isn't it?"

Suddenly Yuhong Xuan's expression changed and he spoke with a darkened face:

"It is fortunately that only the three of us heard your word. If such sentiment were made public to the border troops, I would have to take severe action in the name of subverting military morale and undermining military authority. Killing you would be a warning. If everyone were as keen on cherishing their lives as Mr. Nie, who would defend our borders, and who would protect our citizens? It wouldn't be a matter of cherishing life but a tragedy of widespread suffering, leading to the collapse of our nation and the destruction of families."

Nie Huanzhang stood up and bowed to Yuhong Xuan, saying:

"I understand the meaning behind Your Highness's words, and I appreciate the sentiments. I deeply admire every member of the border defense forces. Their selfless dedication to the greater good is beyond my humble comprehension. Especially someone like Your Highness, born of noble blood and prestigious status, yet willingly stationed in the desolate wilderness to defend our country. I am truly in awe and can only express my admiration. In the past, I would have unquestionably followed Your Highness, looking up to you as a leader. But now, I…I have to weigh my options, considering..."

Yu Weiwei exclaimed helplessly:

"How damn that boy is! That little scoundrel is truly infuriating. How did he manage to beguile you like a cunning fox spirit?"

Nie Huanzhang frowned and said displeased:

"Mr. Yu, please refrain from speaking ill of him. If this is how you view him, then there is no need for us to continue our discussion."

Yu Weiwei was taken aback, glanced at Yuhong Xuan, then quickly bowed deeply to Nie Huanzhang, saying:

"I apologize sincerely. It was wrong of me to disrespect your younger brother. I offer a sincere apology, Mr. Nie. Please continue."

Nie Huanzhang felt relieved and continued:

"Your highness, if I were to completely refuse you, I wouldn't have come to visit here. Yes, I have no desire to be a spy but I am still a citizen of our dynasty so I am willing to contribute in ways within my capacity. You know that I frequently travel between our country and Huichun Tribe. I naturally have connections with various clans in Huichun Tribe. I won't deliberately inquire about every aspect of the Huichun Tribe but I can share any information I come across honestly with Your Highness. Additionally, I am willing to visit the tribes designated by Your Highness and see how I can be of assistance."

Yuhong Xuan smiled and said:

"That is acceptable, Mr. Nie. Mr. Qian is one of my assistant, mainly involved in small-scale business between Handu and Liangzhou. If you have any urgent matters in Handu, the capital of Huichun Tribe, just find him at his shop there. Qian, tell us what kind of shop you have in Handu."

"It's a moderately rated small tavern called Lanquan."

Nie Huanzhang remarked:

"I go there frequently and the drinks are good. By the way, even if in Liangzhou city, it's probably best if I don't directly visit the general's mansion. Is there a place or someone where or who I can meet with Your Highness?"

Qian Wulian suggested:

"Your Highness, I think Xinglong Inn should suffice."

Yuhong Xuan nodded:

"Yes, Xinglong is a suitable place, unassuming and discreet. As for people, everyone there is my trusted confidant."

Then Qian Wulian handed Nie Huanzhang a small jade ring and said:

"If there is any danger in Handu, wear this ring to Lanquan and someone will help you."

Nie Huanzhang joked:

"Can I get free drink with this ring?" .

Qian Wulian ingratiatingly replied with a smile:

"Hehe, it is a joke, joke. A person's gotta make a living, small profits, small profits."

As Nie Huanzhang was about to leave, Yu Weiwei stopped him:

"Mr. Nie, please wait. His highness wants me to inquire if you have any specific requests, aside from the money."

"Thank His Highness. I don't have any particular requests. Just, if Zhou Chuyu enters the government as an official in the future, I hope His Highness can offer guidance and care."

Yu Weiwei remarked:

"No problem. But I didn't expect Mr. Nie to be so concerned about your young brother."

Huanzhang says nothing but farewell to him.

After Nie Huanzhang left, Zhou Chuyu felt quite despondent and lethargic. With Zhou Chuqi busy studying at Sun Zuo's drugstore every day. There was hardly any time for them to be together. Being in unfamiliar place and feeling cautious, Zhou Chuyu didn't dare to to venture out much, making him even more bored. He spent most of his time reading or studying. But during reading or studying, he always held that little jade pendant on his neck in his hand and even kissed it. He couldn't help but laugh as he reminisced about the days traveling with Nie Huanzhang. Sometimes, when Zhou Chuqi caught him doing these odd actions, he couldn't help but find his youngest brother a bit peculiar. However, knowing that Zhou Chuyu was always a bit eccentric, he didn't think too much of it. Wanting to prevent Zhou Chuyu from being cooped up at home, Zhou Chouqi had Uncle Zhao take him out of a stroll.

In fact, Zhou Chuqi was quite interested in what his youngest brother had told him about the study of medicine. He took the opportunity to consult Mr. Sun Zuo on the matter. Surprisingly, Mr. Sun Zuo had studied medicine in the Imperial Medical Academy in his youth and after discussing it, he advised Zhou Chuqi:

"If you have the chance, you should definitely attend the Imperial Medical Academy. There are experts there in the art of Chinese medical, each with unique medical skills that will broaden your horizons."

This advice strengthened Zhou Chuqi's determination to go to the capital for further studies.

"Is that true, Chuqi? Are you also going to the capital? To the Medical Academy?"

"Yes, Mr. Sun Zuo suggested the same."

"That's great. I also want to study there. Chuqi, can you wait for me until I finish the provincial examination so that we can go together?"

"Next year your eldest sister, Zheng, is getting married in the capital. Being her brothers, Chuqin and I will definitely accompany her to the capital so it's a good time to go to the Medical Academy."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Chuyu immediately expressed his reluctance, saying:

"But my provincial examination won't be finished by then."

"It should be fine. Our eldest brother and I will speak on your behalf when the time comes. After you finish the examination, Dad can send someone to escort you to the capital. I'll make sure everything is ready for you in the capital."


"Of course, when do I ever lied to you? I promise you. So what's your plan now? Are you going back home?"

"No, I've come all this way. I don't want to go home now. Chuqi, can you find a school so that I can listen to lectures from other teachers on broaden my knowledge. Don't you think it is good idea?"

Zhou Chuqi patted Zhou Chuyu on the shoulder. That means he gave his approval to his youngest brother.