
Boys are dull

Lian is a native girl of Sichuan, a city located in the southwestern province of China with Chengdu as its capital.

It contains a stretch of Asia's longest river Yangtze where lovers go for sightseeing or have their first kiss. 

Chengdu is famous for spicy foods and giant pandas. It is very close to Beijing where Feng stays. A couple of lovers go to Jiuzhaigou, one of the most beautiful places in China, Lian and Feng attend the same college Chengdu aerolite college. 

Lian is a native of Sichuan, a city in China, from the Nerjiang Buddhism religion from a strict family as well. She's a teenager but way bigger than her age. She is a very social person but with limited binary friends Chuan and Mei. They all attend the same college.

Lian is a feminist as she is always at the top of her class, she and her friends don't rate boys because they see teen boys as being useless and dull but their dad's exclusive because they are adults. They have this strong belief they don't need boys' help until they age out of care and special treatment as children by their parents. 

They see boys as insignificant because girls are always outperforming boys in every academic session. 

This whole feminist mentality changed for lian when she met a newly admitted student below her class but way out of her expectation of boys. His name is Feng, a native of Beijing from a flexible wealthy family and of course handsome. He was just the type of guy to fit in the Lion feminist mentality because he also sees girls as a piece of shit. He has zero dreams unlike Lian whose dream is too big to fit into one picture. He depends on his family's wealth for the future, and he came to the school to have fun.