
Guess I'm stuck with you

I sat on the tail gate of the Tacoma, just watching her as she sat against the wall on the other side of the parking lot directly in front of me. She just sat with her head on her knees, she didn't speak, she didn't cry, she just stared at nothing. Mikey, Zander, Lil Jay and Colten were with her. More of my guys were showing up, so I left her be after she told me who she had been sneaking off to. We still need more information, but I just wanted to give her a minute.

"Brenden and Blaze sent guys over to Kearen's. Waiting to hear back. "Johnny said as he sat next to me on the tail gate.

"Okay," I said to Johnny still watching Baby.

"Do you believe her?" Johnny asked me

"Believe her about what?" I asked him looking at him finally

"About everything, about how she didn't know and that they never told her how serious the situation was" he asked me looking at her, she still hadn't moved

I answered without even thinking about it, but it was my honest answer. "She doesn't even know about Bryson's offer, yeah I believe that they forgot to mention the part where the guy she is fucking, is probably working for Tyler."

I don't doubt Baby when she says she doesn't know for a second. Especially when it comes to her family, they seem to be pretty good at keeping things from her. Things that she really should be aware of. I get why she feels the way she does. You can see how hurt and betrayed she feels. They didn't even sit her down and talk to her about why they wanted to know who she was running off to. I mean I flat out told her the truth and I didn't push, I was talking, yeah, we were arguing. But I have gotten more out her in one night than they have in three months. This is why I like to keep shit transparent. Its easier for everyone.

"DJ?" Johnny dragged me out of my thoughts

"Yeah?" I said lighting another cigarette

"What are we going to do with her now?" he asked still looking at her.

I thought about that for a second. "Well, I'm going to go talk to her, I have gotten her to open up to me this much, let's see what else she is willing to give now that she knows how severe the situation is, then we will get our shit and leave." I said as I walked over to her.

I walked over to Baby, she was still in the same spot, sitting with her head on knees. Silent as can be. I sat down on the ground right in front of her. The guys crowded around us. Georgie, Eric, Gavin and Zander joined Johnny. Still surrounding us both. More of my guys stood a little further behind but they could see us, I'm not sure they could hear though.

"Baby, I have some questions I need you to answer" I asked very calm

She lifted her head up and looked at me. "And if I chose not to answer those questions are you going to beat them out of me because I was fucking the enemy? She asked very cold.

The look in her eyes, scared me, it was like there was nothing there, no life.

"No, no one in Devils Desires will ever hurt you, especially because of that. We know you didn't know; I know you didn't know how severe the situation was." I answered her question.

"Here we go with that friend thing again" she said and put her head back down on her knees.

"Yeah, we are at it again and we will be doing this everyday if we have to" I said agreeing with her that I was trying to be a friend and not an enemy.

"Begin the interrogation" she said not looking up at me.

I moved in closer to her, I lifted her head gently and made her look at me.

"Its not an interrogation, if it were, you would be beat down, you would be raped, you would be scared. You would not be sitting here talking shit to me. I am here as a friend. I just need to know a few things, and yes they are personal things, but its need to know, so we can make sure that we have the right guy." I said looking at her, pleading with her to cooperate.

Something flashed in her eyes, I couldn't tell what it was. But I definitely seen it.

"Okay, what are your questions?" she said very calm, leaving any and all sarcasm out.

I pulled my hands from her face, but I sat right there, close as can be. And I watched her.

"How long have you been messing around with Kearen?" I asked keeping my calm

"About six months" she asked keeping eye contact.

Okay this is working, she is talking. I'm going to keep the same tone with her.

"Was there another reason the two of you were keeping things on the low?" I asked hoping she will answer.

"Not that he mentioned to me. I didn't want my family to know. He just agreed to it" she said still looking at me.

"Did he ask you questions about the industry, like things that your dad would only talk about with your Uncles?" I asked yet another question.

"We didn't do much talking, but when we did, it was never about the industry or my dad" she said as she picked up her cigarettes and lighter

"Did you ever see Timmy and Alan with him?" I asked

"No, not when it was just the two of us" she said quietly.

Okay so far, I have absolutely nothing. Nothing shows that she was in danger from him. She is the one that wanted to keep the secret and he just agreed to it.

"Does he come to you often? Like he did tonight?" I asked knowing that this is very personal and probably uncomfortable, but I need to know.

"No, only when I call him, he comes right away, usually he texts me first and we meet up if I have time or want to later that day." She said as she leaned back against the wall completely

Now we are getting somewhere. Colten looked at me, he caught it too.

"So, you were not expecting him tonight?" I asked because that could mean something.

"No, I wasn't. I went to the restroom, and on my way out he grabbed me and pulled me into this closet that was right there in the hallway, things happened and then I walked out of the closet and I was standing there for a second, then Kenny came around the corner and kept me there because I said I had to use the restroom, then you showed up and seen the rest from there." She explained.

"Did he tell where he was going before he left?" I asked

"No, he was still in the closet when I left. I knew I needed to get back to Braiden, because I had been gone for too long and he was going to get upset and start looking for me. I left before he did." She explained further.

DJ's Flashback


"Hold on." Austin said as we started to turn to leave.

"Why put more guys on Baby, when you, DJ, can easily get what you want from her?" Austin said and that caught everyone's attention

"What do you mean?" Braiden asked with a twisted look

"Well, think about it? Say DJ's guys find out who he is. Baby being, well, Baby, is gonna throw a temper tantrum and she isn't going to cooperate with any of us and we all know she will never trust us again. We all know that except for DJ of course. But…. DJ could move in on her… get her to talk to him. He can get her to give him more information that way." Austin explained to our little circle.

We all sat there thinking. If I were to move in on her, then that's it, that's my freedom. No other chicks, no nothing…

"if he does that though, that's it, Bryson will know, and the deal is sealed." Corey said

"True but just because the deal is sealed, doesn't mean he has to act on it right now. Not only that, Austin is also right. Baby has been getting more distant from me, but I can pull her back. She finds out that DJ is following her, that's the end of their relationship before it even began. What kind of life is that going to give the two of them? We all know Baby can hold a grudge.'' Braiden said trying to find another solution.

"Okay, so I don't want to trick her into telling me, but I also don't want to just put my guys on her because she will find out. So that really only leaves one option here if you think about it." I said to Braiden, Austin and Corey

"What's that?" Corey asked as he stood up from leaning on the closet door.

"Well, she wont tell anyone where she is going, she wont talk about who this guy is, we know that there is a third person, according to Georgia, working for Tyler. And that this third person is getting closer to Baby, also according to Georgia. So, I remove her from the situation. I take her out of harm's way." I suggested.

"Okay so how the hell do you remove her from the situation?" Braiden asked me confused

"She moves in with me. She doesn't know me, she doesn't trust me, and she doesn't like me. She will crack under the pressure. Being ripped away from her family, and her security. She will eventually give in and star talking.." I said looking at all of them

"Okay, I like this idea. Take away the things that make her strong, make her feel alone. But how do we get this past Bryson." Austin said thinking about the impossible.

"We tell him the truth, everything about tonight and how she lied to you in front of us, I'll take her with me though because if he sees her and she throws a fit, he won't go through with it. Based off of everything I have heard about him and her, and everything you guys have said she will turn him against us, then we will never figure it out, so you guys go. The only way to keep her safe is if I remove her from the situation, because anything else I do, will jeopardize her happiness with me in the future, and he doesn't want that. Not only that this will give us some time to get to know each other and I can figure her out." I said, it was a good plan.


"Johnny! Get Braiden on the phone now!" I said as I got up off the ground.

Johnny grabbed his phone and immediately dialed the number. Baby looked at me so confused. But she just sat there, watching and listening.

"Yeah, DJ needs to talk to you" Johnny said as he handed me the phone.

"Hey man" I said as I took the phone.

"Hey what's up" Braiden asked

"Kearen, was at the club, he was in the hallway, in the closet when we went over everything, he knows the plan. Get guys out on the streets looking for him. He probably already had tome to get back to his place, pack and leave. "I said to Braiden over the phone.

"How do you know that?" Braiden asked confused.

I pointed at Baby sitting on the ground and yelled "Because she told me! She told me when he took her, where he took her, and she left before he did, she left, and he was still in the closet. He never had a chance to leave because Kenny found her immediately! They were right there when we showed up and she left, and we stayed there talking. He knows we are onto him. He knows everything! "

Braiden was silent on the other end of the phone. Then the voice that I heard next I was not expecting,

"She told you all of this?" Bryson asked me. Amazement was all I could hear.

"Yeah, she did. I didn't lie to her, I told her we needed more information. I also understand that I was asking some very personal questions, but she told me everything. They have been seeing each other for six months, he never brought up anything about you, or the industry. They usually plan to meet up, but tonight, was different, he just showed up. They…" I paused looking at Baby, I don't know if she is comfortable with this, but it has to be said.

"They had sex in a closet down from the restrooms and she left before he did. She said right after she came out of the closet, Kenny came around the corner, and he contacted Braiden immediately. Braiden, Austin, Corey and I came to the exact spot, Baby and Braiden got into it and she left. There was a door there, it was a janitor's closet. He was in that closet and he heard everything that we discussed. Which means he knows I have Baby he knows we are looking for him." I finished explaining.

I was watching Baby as I spoke, she just laid her head back down on her knees.

"Okay, they know" Braiden said and then Blaze came on the line

"DJ, are you guys still at the hotel? Blaze asked

I answered him "Yes we are, in the garage parking lot"

"I'm on my way" Blaze replied and disconnected the line

Is he coming for her? I thought we had a plan.

I disconnected the line and picked up my phone to let Terrence and Cody know to get the car ready. I need to see my niece. She is scared, and she is upset. I looked over at my brother. He was stone cold frozen, no emotion.

"What are you doing Blaze" my brother Brandon asked

"What the fuck does it look like I'm doing" I said as I stood up and walked to the door

He is a complete dick, I really don't get a long with him that well. I love him, but he is pissing me off.

"Brother you need to sit down, you need to leave her be, she will be fine?" Brandon stated in a cold tone.

I turned on my eldest brother, "No, she will not be okay, Brandon, she is scared, she doesn't know what is going on, and she is fighting DJ every step of the way. The least I can do, is go and talk to her, let her know that we know she is safe."

"She will figure that out on her own" Billy stated agreeing with Brandon as usual

This guy is fucking unbelievable. No matter what, it seems like if it hurts Baby, he is okay with it.

"Shut the fuck up Billy" my brother Brian yelled.

"Blaze is right, Baby is scared, she is now refusing to talk to Bryson, two of us need to go see her." Brian explained

"She is just pissed, cause she is isn't getting her way, you guys spoil her too much" Billy retorted taking a drink of his Vodka

I swear he can be a real piece of shit sometimes

"Leave her be" Brandon ordered me and Brian

"No" this time Brenden spoke.

My brother Brenden is very close with Bryson, they have been close since they were little. So, he tends to have more say with Baby then the rest of us as he was there almost everyday with Bryson when she born.

"Blaze and Brian are right, Brandon. She needs us. You are trying to push her into DJ. I'm not stupid, I see your motive here. You want us to cut ties, so she only has him. Well, its not going to happen, we are her family. She may hate us right now, but that's only because we haven't given her any information on the situation." Brenden explained standing up from the sofa

Brandon glared at Brenden. Brandon believes that if Baby gets away from us, she wont be in harms way. But the honest truth is, she will always be in danger because of her father is.

Then finally Bryson spoke "Brandon, you may be okay with your boys never speaking to you again, but I am not okay with my daughter never speaking to me again. I knew I should not have went through with this. There was too much that was never said to her." He was really upset, and you could hear it in his voice even though his face was cold.

No one ever talks to Brandon about his relationship with his boys, but we all know its wrong. I mean we will be at a gathering and the boys will talk to all of us, except for him. And he is fine with it. Bryson has never been that kind of father, its not in his nature. Not when it comes to Baby.

"Blaze, Brian and Brenden you guys go talk to her, don't tell her about the arrangement with DJ but just talk to her about everything else. Let DJ know that we will come by his house day after tomorrow to bring more of her things. Braiden, did your guys get her clothes she took to your house?" he began as he just sat there

"Yes Uncle, they also stopped and grabbed more stuff from your place. Bobby let them in. They are taking it to DJ's now." Braiden stated

Braiden wasn't okay with the situation either. He was hurt by Baby's words and he knew that she blamed him. It was kind of his fault. He didn't talk to her, he didn't explain either. He just acted and came to us with the plan in motion. I know I agreed, but after hearing her struggle and fight against DJ and his guys. I just have to see her. I know Bryson wants to see her, but he is scared. Even if he won't admit it

"Good, send Gemini and the guys to me. I need to get them prepared to go to DJ's with Baby. Brenden let DJ know he will be getting them, and he needs to train them to be the best. Braiden get the 4 Runners over to my house this way Brian can take a look at them, and we will make sure they get to Baby. Also tell Johnny to get a move on getting her a phone and to give her knife back. If she stabs them, they will just have to fucking deal with it." Bryson ordered as he walked out the door with Frankie and Chris trailing him.

Bryson changed up the plan a little bit. Billy and Brandon are speechless. You can see the shock on their faces. They should have known. Hearing her fight and hearing her scream at DJ like that, Bryson wasn't going to completely go through with the plan. He would give her back Gemini, now we know who she was running off to. Billy is just jealous about the 4 Runners because he wants Baby to always be like us, but she is not and Brian spoiled her.

"That's fucking bullshit!" Billy yelled as soon as he knew Bryson wasn't within ears reach.

"That's life, she is not your daughter and you two" Brenden stated pointing at Brandon and Billy "Are just going to have to deal with it." He ordered them

Billy stood up to Brenden, "You guys treat her like a fucking Princess, and she is not one. She is just like the boys, she needs to learn to fend for herself!" he yelled at Brenden.

Brenden never stopped looking at him, but next thing I know, he just decked Billy in the face as hard as he could. Billy flew back onto to the couch holding his face, his nose was busted and bleeding. His lip was red where it caught the force, but it hadn't swelled up yet.

"Understand this little brother, she is Bryson's daughter. He is the King of all of this. He created it when he took out the Cartel here. So that makes her the Princess. And no matter what, she will never have to fend for herself. She will always have us. Watch your fucking mouth, or Ill let Bryson know what you said, and you won't like how he will deal with you. You may be a brother, but his daughter comes before any of us, he has always made that clear." Brenden stated in a deadly tone.

Brandon just sat on the sofa, just watching. None of us thought Brenden would do that. Usually, he is calm, and he gets irritated with Billy, but he never acts. Although it doesn't surprise me that he finally did. Someone needs to put Billy in place. And Brandon too.

"Johnny, where we at?" I demanded an answer on Baby's belongings.

"Braiden's guys met up with Trick and Romeo, they have her things. She has a bag that's already packed, so I told them to bring that here, they looked in it. It has clothes, makeup, shower things that chicks need. So, she will be set to leave with us. As for the rest of her stuff, its all being taken to the house." Johnny explained

"Okay good, make sure we have a blanket in the truck for her. She needs to sleep on the way" I said as I watched eight black escalades pull into the garage.

Blaze, Brian and Brenden all got out of the escalades once they parked. Their men, all dressed in black pants, and white tees, spread out through out the garage, some were checking between cars, some stayed next to the escalades. They didn't talk, they just stood there watching. Others went to the garage openings and they were keeping watch

Brenden and his brothers walked up to me. "Where is she?" he asked looking around but didn't see her.

I pointed down the garage a little way. "Down there, I have five of my guys with her including Colten, she took off on us and that's where we stopped her. She is refusing to move right now, so I figured I would give her some time to cool off" I reported to the three brothers.

They all looked to here I pointed and seen her sitting on the ground next to the wall, with her head on her knees as my guys stood around her watching out for her.

"Okay good" Brian said as he watched her from where he was standing

Brenden spoke again '' Your headed to Red Cloud in the morning?" he asked

"No, tonight. Braiden's guys already delivered her things, the sooner I get there and get these guys, the better off she will be when we get back" I explained that I was sticking to the plan.

Brenden nodded his head looking at Baby. So, they are not here to take her then.

"Okay, well make room for Gemini, Traeger and the other three. When you get back, they will be sent to you. Baby has for 4 Runners, they are top of the line" Brenden was interrupted by his older brother

"Do not work on them, do not fuck them up, if they need to be serviced, you call me, if something happens to them, you call me. Understood?" He gave me the death stare

"Understood" I said. Damn she is fucking spoiled rotten.

"Johnny needs to get a move on with the new phone for her. Bryson's orders. Also, the day after tomorrow you need to be back in town with her. He is coming to talk to her. "Brenden finished explaining.

I am getting Gemini and the guys, her trucks, and she has to have her own phone. That's not exactly stripping her like we planned.

"Okay I can make that work" I said as we started walking towards Baby.

"Oh yeah, one other thing. Bryson said to give her knife back to her" Brenden said as he made it very clear, Bryson ordered it.

"What happens if she stabs one of my guys or myself?" I asked with complete shock

"Bryson said to just fucking deal with it" Brenden said as he continued to walk, but I stopped, still clearly in shock.

Blaze walked by laughing. "Come on DJ, your not afraid of a little tiny girl with a knife are ya?" he teased walking past me.

Brian past me just shaking his head and laughing.

I can not believe that Bryson is ordering me to give her back the fucking knife. She will kill us! Jesus fucking christ what did I get myself into? She is a spoiled little brat. I stood in place, watching as her three uncles walked up to her. She was still sitting on the ground, with her head on her knees. She looked helpless. Each of her Uncles knelt down in front of her, and she looked up at them.

I didn't know Kearen was working for Tyler. He never said anything, He never talked to me about anything. He came to me when I called, we had sex, then he left. What was he after? DJ said that Kearen was using me, but nothing adds up. He never asked for anything. I'm on birth control so I'm not pregnant. Nothing is adding up.

Just then, three people knelt down in front of me. I looked up and seen my uncles. Brenden Blaze and Brian. Are they here to take me home?

"Hey gorgeous girl" my uncle Brenden said with a small smile

Uncle Brian and Uncle Blaze just looked at me.

I went to say something, but I couldn't. I just started crying and I reached out for my Uncle Brenden. He pulled me closer to him and he held me, as I cried.

"Uncle Brenden, I didn't know, I didn't know Kearen was working for them, if I had known I would have told dad, I would have said something to you guys," I cried into his shoulder.

He held onto me, and he just listened. Uncle Brenden is good for that, He doesn't say much as it is. But no matter what when you are talking, he will give you his full attention and just listen.

"Baby, we know. We know you didn't know. And your not being punished for this, do you understand?" he said gently pushing me away enough so he could see my face.

"I'm not?" I asked confused.

Uncle Brenden looked into my eyes and he shook his head no. Uncle Brian answered vocally "No Baby your not being punished. Your dad and all of us know, we didn't sit you down and talk to you correctly about the situation"

Uncle Brenden moved behind me and I scooted back so that I could sit next to him. He put his arm around me and pulled me in close. My dad does this whenever I sit with him. Uncle Brian and Uncle Blaze sat all the way down on the ground, so I knew we were going to be here a while. I reached for my purse and got my cigarettes out.

"So, you guys heard what I said about you all?" I asked knowing that Uncle Brian used almost my exact words that I used with DJ when I was trying to run away from him.

"Yes, we heard it all" Uncle Blaze answered this time

"I'm sorry, I was just angry" I started but Uncle Brenden pulled me in closer and I started to cry.

I hate being upset with my dad and my uncles. I love them so much and I hate that I said that.

"No Baby, you were right, we handled the situation all wrong" Brenden said still holding me close.

"Where is he?" I managed to get out. I didn't need to say who I was talking about, they all knew.

"He went home with Chris and Frankie, he is pissed off at himself right now, but he will be okay." Uncle Brian said reassuring me that my dad was not falling off the wagon.

Dad usually doesn't do so well when we argue, sometimes it drives him into a binger, then my uncles and Frankie have to pull him out of it. It's not very fun, and I hate seeing my dad like that. I don't understand why he allows himself to go that way when we argue.

"I'm scared, I don't know what is going to happen to me now" I said to all three of my uncles.

Uncle Brenden kept me close, I couldn't see his face, but I could feel him nod his head as Uncle Blaze and Uncle Brian looked to him.

"Baby remember you are not being punished. But you cant go home to your dad right now." Uncle Brian said, but before I could answer Uncle Blaze added "We can't take you either, it's not safe"

"So, I have to stay with DJ" I said looking down now.

"Yes, you do. You see DJ is good at what he does, he is ruthless, he is hard, and he doesn't take no for an answer. His guys are trained better than Braiden's guys which is why you only ever really see DJ with Johnny. He doesn't need all the extras to keep him safe. They are out doing what they need to do." Uncle Brenden explained.

As he explained, I looked down the garage to where the truck parked when I first I arrived, DJ was leaning against a black Toyota Tacoma, he was watching us. Why is he watching us? I turned back to my uncles.

"DJ is the best person to protect you right now. His guys are trained like your dad's, except for DJ has their loyalty all the way. "Uncle Brenden finished

It makes sense, Timmy, Alan and Kearen are my dad's guys. They turned against him.

"I don't want to be his prisoner" I said looking at Uncle Brian and Uncle Blaze.

"Your not, Gemini and the guys are being sent to you the day after tomorrow, along with your trucks, Johnny is getting you a new phone, but do not give out your number to everyone. You can come home to visit whenever you want Bryia Marie, your dad still needs you. But right now, it's just safer if you stay with DJ." Uncle Brenden said.

This made me feel a little bit better about the situation. I don't exactly look forward to having to be with DJ, but at least my uncles are here. They are telling me the situation. I don't like it, but I know I have to do this.

"Can I call him please?" I asked my uncles.

I know I am upset with my dad, but I'm scared without him and I really need to hear his voice.

Uncle Blaze got out his phone and he dialed a number and put the phone to his ear. When someone picked up on the other end, Uncle Blaze started talking.

"Hey, she is asking for you" he said, and he handed the phone to me

I reached for the phone and I put it up to my ear.

"Daddy?" I asked wanting to make sure it was him.

"Hey Baby" I heard my dad's voice and teared up even more

"I love you" I said still holding onto the tears but knowing very well he could tell I had been crying

"I love you too gorgeous" he said in a gentle tone.

I miss him so much, and I am so worried about him. I wish I could go home.

"Don't cry Baby, its okay, I'm not mad at you. I don't want you to think that okay?" he said through the phone.

"Okay" was all I could manage.

He wasn't mad at me. My Uncles were right. Uncle Brian and Blaze just sat there watching me, they looked like they were going to cry with me. Uncle Brenden just kept me close to comfort me. They all know that my dad is my everything. My whole life it has always been me and him.

"Did your Uncles talk to you about DJ?" he asked calmly.

Before I answered I looked back over at the guy standing in a black shirt, black pants and a black hat, just staring at me and my uncles while I was on the phone.

"Yes, they said that I needed to stay with him, he can protect me right now, while you handle things." I said explaining that I understood what I needed to do.

"Okay, as soon as you get a new phone you call or text, you talk to me. I don't care how pissed off you are at me Bryia Marie, you talk to me so we can make it right. Is that understood?" he asked me

"Yes understood" I replied to him while I wiped my tear away.

My dad has a rule, no matter how angry I get with him, I'm not allowed to cut ties with him. We are a family. And family sticks together. I'm pretty sure he came up with that rule when Brandon stopped talking to his kids. My dad was pissed about the situation, it still bothers him. My dad never wanted kids, but he had me, and he always tells me, I come first no matter what, no matter how old I am. I am his whole world. I just hope he understands that, as much as I am his whole world, he is mine too.

"Once this is over, I can come home right?" I asked my dad through the phone

"Of course, Baby, if that's what you want you can come home. Your room will still be here. But just because you cant live here now, doesn't mean you cant come here. DJ just needs to be here in case something goes down, he can get you out and keep you safe." He explained further

"Okay. Where are you?" I asked wanting to know.

Typically, I don't ask my dad that question because I know that no matter where he is, he will be home that night and I will see him. But right now, I just want to know where he is.

"I'm at home, the guys are here with me, we are sitting here talking, going over a few things that we need to do" he said reassuring me that everything was fine.

"Okay" I said feeling a little better about things, "Please get this handled so I can come home for good" I pleaded with him.

My dad laughed" yes ma'am" which made me laughed because he took that as an order.

My uncles all laughed too because they knew what my dad had said to me, it made me smile, he says that to me all the time in front of them. My uncles were happier now that I am better about the situation.

"Ill see you in a few days, okay?" my dad spoke

"Okay, I love you, be good" I said still smiling at my dad's voice.

"I love you, I will" he replied and we both disconnected the line.

I feel a lot better about the situation, especially talking with my dad. I wish he would have came here with my uncles. But I get he has to get things done. But he seriously needs to hurry. I want to go back home. I don't want to stay with DJ.

I handed the phone back to my uncle Blaze, I said thank you. We sat and talked for a little while longer. It was made clear that I am not a prisoner, I do have my own room, and I can do whatever I wanted. But DJ has to be with me. I felt like I was being forced into a marriage that I didn't want. I didn't tell my Uncles that, but they could see I was still not very happy about it.

We eventually got up and started walking over to DJ. His guys that were there, they surrounded us as we walked, but they watched me as if I were going to disappear in front of their eyes and they had to be the ones to witness it. I am used to security watching me, but these were not my guys, not my dad or uncles guys. They were DJ's. As we approached DJ my Uncles made a few things very clear to me, but they were meant for DJ.

"Gemini and the guys will be sent to you the day after tomorrow. You need to keep Gemini and Traeger close to you. They can learn from Johnny and Colten. You heard what your dad said, call him as soon as you get your new phone. That should be here soon…" Brenden said turning an eye to DJ.

"DJ will not mistreat you in any shape or form, so stop running from him. If you need anything Baby, call. You are our Princess, we love you. We will be there." Brenden continued.

"Okay Uncle Brenden" I said giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

I turned and gave my Uncle Brian a hug and a kissed him on the cheek as well. He and my Uncle Brenden walked off towards their escalades.

I turned to my Uncle Blaze. I'm very close with him. Like Braiden's house, I also have a room at Blazes. I usually go over to his house when Braiden is handling things, Blaze loves it. He always has. We talk every day, and on Sundays he usually comes for me to take me out to lunch and shop for clothes. He is ten years older than me, which makes him the baby of his brothers, as I am the baby of the entire family. So, we have a lot in common.

"I love you Baby" he said looking at me.

"I love you too Uncle Blaze" I said as I gave him a hug

"I thought I was doing what was best for you, I don't want you to be mad at me." He said right in front of DJ and his guys

"I know and I'm not mad Blaze" I said looking at him.

"okay, call me, text me, we will meet up every Sunday as we always have. Understood?" he asked me with a smile.

I smiled "Okay promise" I was happy about that. I still get some normal here.

Blaze gave me one last hug, I kissed him on the cheek. But before he headed back to his escalade, he turned on DJ.

"You treat her with respect, you protect with everything you have. Don't fuck up" Uncle Blaze said with a death stare.

He may be the baby, but he is also extremely crazy like my dad. Recently Blaze has been working closely with Levi who is DJs youngest Uncle, so Blaze knows DJ a little better than anyone else and like me and Blaze, DJ is close with Levi.

"I won't" DJ reassured Blaze.

Uncle Blaze turned to me a smiled "Be good, gorgeous girl, see you in a few days" and he walked to his escalade

Uncle Brian and Uncle Brenden got into their escalades as Uncle Blaze was walking up to his. When Uncle Blaze got in his, the last of the security got in and they all drove out of the garage and out of sight. I turned to DJ and his guys who apparently had been watching me.

"Guess I'm stuck with you" I said to DJ as I looked at him.

He looked at me for a moment, I know he could tell I was crying when my Uncles were with me.

"Yeah, looks that way Princess." He said still looking at me

I laughed a very dry and cold laugh "Do not call me that, my uncles and my dad can because that is something they have always done. But you are not them, you do not call me Princess. Next time you do it, ill hot wire your fucking car and run your ass over" I said as I pushed past him to go sit on the parking block.

She will hot wire my car and rum my ass over if I call her Princess again? What the fuck I was trying to be nice!

"Do you even know how to hot wire a car?" I turned to her as she sat on the parking block

"Want to find out?" she said as she lit her cigarette

Okay so we are back to the this now. I don't get her.

"Okay can we not argue please? I'm exhausted and we still have a long night ahead of us" I said to her standing in front of her.

"Don't call me that then" she said looking up at me

"Fine I won't, everyone just refers to you as the princess, so sorry." I said turning around to walk away.

She was not following me, I could feel it.

"I know we have been here awhile, and you have picked out a few favorite spots including that parking block, but we are not staying here, lets go." I said walking back to her.

Baby got up off the block and started walking towards me, she past by me, and elbowed me right in the stomach "Fuck you DJ'' she said as she kept walking.

Colten got in front of her and guided her to the truck. I followed shaking my head, what the fuck did I get myself into I thought for the hundredth time tonight.

"Do I have to ride in here with him" she asked Colten as if he was giving the orders.

"Boss said you cant leave his sight so yeah, you have to" Colten answered her.

I stood there listening, smiling. Cant escape me now.

"Stay on your side of the truck and don't talk to me" she said turning to look right at me, so she knew I was the one she was talking to.

I nodded my head and she climbed into the backseat. I followed her.

Johnny and Colten got in the front seat and we began to drive. We had been driving for a few minutes when Baby asked Colten a question.

"Where are we headed Colten?" she asked curiously.

Colten looked at me through the rearview mirror asking permission to tell her, I shrugged and looked out my window.

"Red Cloud, Boss has to get more guys" Colten replied to Baby as he was driving.

"Okay" she said still looking out the window.

I glanced at her, she didn't fight back, she didn't ask to go home, she didn't even complain. What the fuck did her Uncles tell her? What did Bryson tell her? I couldn't hear him as I was too far away. But I know that's who she was talking to on the phone.

About an hour had passed, and Baby, then began shifting around. I looked and she was digging around in her purse. She pulled out a black thin, container, from inside her purse, she also pulled out a long silver bullet on a chain from a pocket on the side of her purse that was hard to see.

"DJ can I have my knife back please?" she asked me as she opened the thin black container which turned out to be a mirror.

"Why?" I asked. I know I'm supposed to give her knife back to her, but I'm kind of scared too.

She opened one side of the bullet and started to tap it against the mirror. Johnny turned around to see what she was doing, I looked from her hands to him and he glanced at me.

"Fine, fuck you too then" she said as she finished pouring the substance on the mirror.

She went back to her purse and pulled out her wallet, she had a razor that she pulled out next and she began breaking up lines.

"You should sleep" I said looking at her.

I mean she really should. Its midnight and we have a six-hour drive. Braiden also told me she didn't get much sleep last night.

"I don't sleep in the car" she replied right after taking the line.

She then passed the mirror over to me. Fuck it, might as well. I took the mirror broke up a line for myself and handed it to Johnny who then broke up two lines, one for him and one for Colten.

"Your dad know you do this shit?" Johnny asked her

Baby looked at him. "Who do you think gave it to me?" she said calmly

"Wait so he gave this to you? Does he do it with you?" Johnny asked again

I was curious too, I mean I have done lines with her dad a few times, but I never thought in a million years he would do this with his own daughter.

"Yeah, he gave it to me and yes we will do lines together. Usually when we go out." She explained to us.

"Where do you guys go when you go out?" I asked curiously.

Does he take her to the mall?

"Dinner then, to the strip club, pool hall, or he takes me dancing" she said looking out the window.

"So, it's like a date?" Johnny asked really confused.

Baby turned back to him "Yeah, its our father daughter date night. Usually happens twice a month. He makes everyone go away and spends the whole night with me." She gave more information

A father daughter date night huh? Why does he do this?

"So why did you guys start doing that? Johnny asked exactly what I had thought

I looked from him to her as they were talking.

"It gives us a chance to spend time together, he is usually busy with the Industry on both ends and likes to cut loose with his friends and my uncles as often as possible. I'm older now, and I'm off with my friends or Braiden. So, we don't always get to spend time together. He made up two nights a month where its just me and him. We go out to dinner at a place he chooses, and then I get to choose where we go next. It can be anywhere I want, and he gives me all of his attention. No one is to bother us." She smiled at the end and looked out the window.

"Damn, I didn't realize Bryson was like that" Johnny said shaking his head

Baby laughed "Just wait, when we see him, you guys will see a whole other Bryson Henderson" she smiled still looking out the window.

"You know your dad well then?" I asked since she clearly thought she knew how he was.

"You mean, do I know that my dad is a sadistic fuck who will not only kill any one at any given time, but he will also rape and torture any bitch who crosses him? Yeah, I know exactly who my dad is, and I still love him. Have you ever seen our basement?" she asked looking from the window to us.

I know my eyes popped out my head, I did not expect that she would know everything about her dad, including the basement. I looked over at Johnny, I hope to god my face didn't look like his. I mean, he was in pure shock, jaw dropped and everything!

"What's in your basement?" Johnny asked wondering if she really knew or if this was a front.

Baby caught on though, she laughed, and she looked at Johnny, "Well when you walk down the stairs, there is a row of 10 cages lined up against the wall, on the other side there are a few tables with whips, chains, needles, knives, and some sex toys that are made for pain, and an area where there is only a chair sitting over a drain, to drain any blood or other bodily fluids when my dad has to beat someone to death. There is a bed, a shower, and a closet." She said explaining to Johnny

Om my fucking god, so she really does know. And she has been down there. Johnny's face was priceless as she was explaining all of this. I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"What are the cages used for?" I asked her wondering if she had seen anyone in them.

"To hold people" she said looking at me now

"How many are in the cages?" I asked to see if she would tell me

"Can't tell you, you know that" she said keeping eye contact

I smiled and nodded my head. Smart girl. Bryson has taught her more than I thought. It works in my favor because now she knows I have a basement to. I don't rape girls that cross me, I pass them around my guys, but I do use the basement to get information and even kill sometimes. At least this won't scare her away.

We drove for the next several hours. Johnny talked to me, Johnny talked to Colten, Johnny talked to Baby. To sum it up, Johnny just talked the fucking whole way. He was getting comfortable around Baby, which I was okay with. I want her to be comfortable around my guys and myself of course. We are just trying to protect her. Unless Johnny asked her a question, she didn't say anything though, she just stared out the window silently. I couldn't help but glance over at her from time to time. I kept wondering what she was thinking about.

"Baby? You have anymore blow?" Johnny asked her.

Baby looked at him, "no we did the last of mine about an hour ago. "she said looking at him.

Which was true, she did the whole metal bullet with us. Each time she did a line, she gave us one. I thought that maybe she was doing too much there for a minute, but she didn't get hyped up, or crazy. She just chilled. I guess she was doing enough to keep herself awake. I had Johnny put a blanket in here for her so she could sleep, but she took off her boots, crossed her legs and covered herself up to stare out the window the whole night.

"I got some" I said as I reached into my pocket and pulled out and eight ball.

Baby got into her purse and handed me the black mirror that we had been using all night. I took the mirror from her, broke out four lines, I did my line, handed it to baby and she did hers and passed it along.

"We are almost to town, DJ" Colten said doing his line as Johnny was steering for him.

"Okay, stop in town, let's get a room for the night, we will head back in the morning." I ordered.

"You got it" Colten said as he continued to drive.

"So Baby, what's up with your Uncle Brian and your 4 Runners?" Johnny asked yet another question.

I swear to god, I found out more about Baby through his curiosity then my own. I mean, I will be thinking of something I want to know, and bam, he asks her ten questions in a 20-minute span and I just learned even more so I forgot my question.

She laughed, "He just bought me my 4 Runner for my birthday two months ago, he spent a lot of money on it. And then when my dad wanted me to get my own security, Billy wanted me to sell my 4 Runner so I could just have escalades like all of them. I didn't like that, so Brian asked if I wanted more 4 Runners. I said yes, and so he bought ne three more. He spent a lot on them to make sure that they match mine almost." She finished explaining.

"Why did Billy want you to sell your 4 Runner?" I managed to ask before Johnny could ask something

"Because Billy doesn't like when the other Uncles and my dad spoil me, he thinks I should be treated like the boys" she replied.

I thought about that. I know Billy is a dick, I don't really like him, but damn. Sounds like he and Baby, don't exactly get along.

"So, you and Billy don't get along?" Johnny asked

Fucking Johnny. I shook my head and hid my smile behind my hand as I looked out the window

"No, not really, we tend to argue a lot. Don't worry you'll see" she said as she looked out the window.

We drove another thirty minutes before we got to the motel in town. Johnny and Colten went to go book rooms. Baby and I got out of the truck and stretched our legs. Gavin came to me and stood by me. Aaron and Lil Jay went to baby who had been playing a balancing act on a parking block. She stepped onto the parking block, I don't know how the fuck she was able to balance on it in those boots, they had like four-inch heels that was no thicker than a pen on them. She walked back and forth on it smoking a cigarette.

"Be careful" I said walking over to her.

"Okay Daddy" she said with sarcasm, I'm pretty sure she rolled her eyes but her sunglasses were on so I could not tell.

I shook my head. Aaron and Gavin busted out laughing. Lil Jay looked away from me. Fucking smart ass

"I'll show you Daddy" I said as I looked at her.

She was wearing the same thing from yesterday, a white spaghetti strap that only covered her tits, and the upper part of her abdomen, she had her double black chain that was around her waist and connected to her belly button piercing and her black leggings. Not going to lie, she was gorgeous as fuck.

"Not interested" she said as she continued to walk back and forth on the parking block

"How the hell are you doing that in those shoes? Johnny asked as he walked up next to me

I slapped my head. Fucking Johnny, where the hell did, he come from?

Before Baby could answer I interrupted. "You get the rooms?"

"Yeah, Colten is getting the keys now Daddy" he joked with me

I punched him in the arm. He had been standing behind me long enough to hear that comment.

"Fuck you" I said and just then Colten, man of the hour showed up with keys to every room at this hotel.

"Okay so no singles, only doubles." He said to me and Johnny as we walked over to him.

I turned and looked at Baby who was still walking back and forth. She seems to entertain herself.

"Let's go Baby" I said to her.

Baby used Lil Jays shoulder as a railing as she stepped down off the block and they all headed towards us. I brought eighteen guys with me, this way we could have plenty of security for Baby and be able to get everyone back to Colorado. There were only nine rooms available, which didn't surprise me. They only have ten rooms here. The new guys we will pick up first thing in the morning and head back with them.

As we walked to the rooms. We stopped and sorted out the keys, I paired everyone up, I put Colten and Johnny together on one side of my room and Gavin and Aaron on the other side, since Baby was staying with me in my room. I wasn't going to let her out of my sight.

We walked up to our rooms, and as I opened the door, I urged her to go in first. "Fine, but if you snore, Ill suffocate your ass" she said not too happy that she was in the room with me

"Then who is going to protect you?" I asked her as she walked into the room.

"Johnny and Colten" she said as I stood in the doorway.

Johnny, Colten, Gavin and Aaron hadn't even gotten into their rooms yet, so they were once again laughing at us. I flipped Johnny and Colten off and closed the door behind me.