
Love Upon A Wish

What's it like to have a wish you've so long wished, being granted for you? You could be anything you want to be, anywhere you want to be, but whatever wishes you made shall not be regretful. For you shall pay the price. - Luna, a maiden in her middle age who possesses a name that defines the beauty of the moon yet never obtained it. All those around her shunned her for her looks and her background, yet she paid no heed to their words. However all changed when she fell in love but was humiliated instead. She soon came to a critical point in her life where she couldn't take it anymore and decided to end her life, when suddenly before her a strange occurrence occurred and she was granted a chance to have her wishes granted. Luna's wishes were unknowingly granted and she decided to take her chances and thus starts a new life for her with her future unknown but little does she know the situation she has gotten herself into. -- For readers who wish to contact me, before you lies my details to my social accounts; [Insta: @e_g_o_insta] [Facebook: @EgoBan D Myrthong] [Discord: @E_G_O #3445] Do try out my other book "My Demon Life:Lucifer's Quest" And don't forget to leave a review and some comments for me to read ^-^ .

E_G_O · Fantasy
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The Wedding Part 1

The time has come. I look at myself in the mirror, seeing this beautiful maiden in her teens with such a tender body and a sweet looking face, I cannot believe that this would be me. That I would possess such beauty that princes would die for. I am finally living a fairy tale and my life of fantasy. I couldn't take my eyes off the mirror seeing this sight. Ohh how gorgeous I look, how pretty I am and my oh my this dress is way off the charts. It's the best wedding dress I have ever seen and the best part is that I am in it. I can't believe I am actually marrying a prince in my second life. It all happened so suddenly. I thought I had died and the next thing I knew, I was here in this girl's body and living her luxurious Life. I do pity her but what can I do. Maybe I am doing her a favor too, who knows. I will marry the prince and show her what she would have missed out if she had rejected him.

"There, it is done.''

The maids have finally done with putting and setting up my wedding dress perfectly. From the make up to all the styling that needs to be done from head to toe, they had done it perfectly like they were made for this. My mother looked at me with tears in her eyes and tried her best not to cry.

"Oh My Luna. To think you would leave us at such a young age. As a mother I am extremely saddened to let you go".

She had such a worried and anxious look deep with sadness that even though she was not my mother, it touched me too. Then there was a knock on the door. A tall man in some really good looking clothes came in. This man according to these memories should be my father. He looked at me and I thought that his first reaction would be that he would be excited to see his daughter in a wedding dress. However, the first expression he had was that of a very sad old man who looked like he had lost his most precious daughter. But even so, he smiled.

"My dear daughter, how incredibly beautiful you look in that dress. I had been waiting all morning for you to finally put that on. The designers from the Capital really did not disappoint. I knew you would look good in any dress but you have exceeded my expectations. How proud I am and as well as your mother to have given birth to an angel like you."

"You flatter me father". I can't get used to their way of speaking but I have to try.

"Ohh, what is this? You finally learn some manners now that you're getting married, Little Sister".

A young man and another one entered the room too. I don't have to guess. These two are my elder brothers. Although I don't have much memory about them, I can tell that they do not really like me as I was the most pampered child in the family. And the one who spoke to me was my eldest brother, Rayn while the younger one is Kurt. They both came closer and stood before me. Rayn raises his hand and gently pats my head.

"Although you had been annoying, it still saddens us that you had to leave us so early".

Huh! What? Are they actually good people. I thought they hated me. Maybe I was wrong to base them off a small part of the memories.

"Rayn, your sister had just done dressing up. Careful that you do not mess her hair now." said the mother.

"Ahh ..Yes yes, I will remove my hand now. Well anyway, since we will soon move to the capital anyway for our studies, be sure to visit us once a while."

They are actually really sweet. It's kind of embarrassing now that I had thought they were here to actually make fun of me.

That small talk changed the mood of the room and brought a smile to everyone's faces. But now it was time.

"Alright. Let us go now. Everything is set. Let us move out now. Call the maids who will accompany the young lady with us." The moment he said that, one of the maids left the room and then a few minutes later, a group of really beautiful women came in. They were all incredibly well dressed and apparently they will act as my attendants as well as the few servants who will accompany me to the King's castle. A butler came in and he said that the crown prince had arrived. Now it is time for the Bride to move.

The setting is really grand. Two of the maids led the way in front and all the others followed me and held onto the wedding dress. I walked side by side with my father while my mother and my brothers were behind everyone else. The moment we left the mansion, I was dumb struck. We were welcomed and cheered by the whole town! I had not expected so many people to have been there that I almost choked on my own saliva. I had forgotten how much of a big deal this is. I started to have second thoughts and my introverted past life is starting to kick in. However I tried my best to hold it in. Soon we were joined by musicians and the crowd cheered louder and louder. The musicians led us in front and we followed them through the streets of the town with the whole street filled with people and decorations and confetti and so much stuff that I had never even once taken into consideration and now it is really bothering me to the point that I really want to run away at that moment. I couldn't look anywhere and I held on to my father's arm tightly and looked down. My father looked at me and smiled.

"I thought you seem different now that you're going to get married but you're still my Luna afterall. Look up Luna. This is your once in a lifetime experience. It may have not been in your favor but these small moments, you must not keep your head down. You're going to be an adult soon and you won't see anything with your head down like that. The future is unknown and I do not know what will happen. But I do know that putting your head down like that won't help you one bit. You may be scared, confused, anxious or worried, you may feel like there is nothing you can do. But trust me there is always something you can do. That is to look forward and walk towards all these obstacles. That is the only way. So look up."

I listened to every word he said and I could only feel like crying. My whole life I had never known what it was to have a father who cared and now this man right here is talking to me and giving me life lessons that only a father could. I could feel my heart melting and my eyes getting blurry but even so I held back. I can afford to cry now. I took a deep breath and looked up. The moment I did so, I felt like my whole life had changed once more. I have never felt more alive than at that moment. I saw the crowd happily dancing and singing, throwing flowers on the path and on us. It was a beautiful day and the clouds were so pretty. A perfect day for a couple to get married. I smiled and this got the crowd more riled up that they started shouting and saying things like if the prince were to make me sad, they would rush to the castle ground and stuff like it was thankful it was the prince who asked for my hand in marriage or they would never be satisfied. I could only hold out my laughter. I never thought they loved Luna a lot. I could tell they really cared for her. I really wished I could see more of this girl's memories.

But something was bothering me, I looked back and saw that we were actually moving away from the hill where we were supposed to get married. Shouldn't we be heading up there?

"Umm Father, where are we going? I thought we had to climb that hill?"

"Climb that hill? Are you kidding me? That takes about half a day. We are not going to do that and how are you supposed to do that in your dress? Haha."

"Then how are we going to reach the top?"

"I thought you knew. After the party, the King said that he really loved the view on top of the Hill and said that he would hold your Grand Wedding at the top of the hill. And because this is his son's wedding he delayed the wedding by a whole three months to set up the Teleportation Array that will get us to the top in no time. The Royal family is really great. I could not imagine the amount of resources spent on this Array just so that this wedding could be successful."

"Teleportation Array?"

"Yes. The king is truly generous. You should have seen the Court Magicians. They were here for a whole month to complete the construction of the Array. I thought you knew about this."

"Court magicians? Umm why are they called so….haha..do they perform magic or something? Just saying. Hehe".

"Haha. Of course. You had always wanted to become a magician yourself. Are you telling me you have forgotten your long dream?"




I remember now. I remember what my last wish was. Come on... That counted as a wish? Ahh how could I have forgotten what I said at the last moment before I jumped off that bridge.

"SEVEN WISHES! Then hear me Gods above, these are my wishes…"

"I wished to be reborn and given a second chance! I wished to become the most beautiful woman that ever existed! To have an incredible reputation in both wealth! And fame! To have a great and loving family and not like the shitty one I had! To find love and marry the most handsome man ever! Let me experience the wildest FANTASIES!!!"