
Love Untold: Let's meet again

She remembered him at first sight, he was the one who had saved her, the one she was searching for all these time. Asha Kings and Levi Kai, One an Idol figure, and the other the daughter of a Luxurious family, meet at an Unforgettable moment. Their swift yet unforgettable Meeting felt an Impression on Asha, of which she can never forget him. After 9 years of Parting ways the two meet at the 2nd year of 12th grade, Were Asha recognizes her saviour at first sight. Sadly the same cannot be said for Kai as he had shut out all memories of his past including Asha.

ChungHwa17 · Teen
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12 Chs

CHAPTER 4: Bibliophile (ii)

"Ay.....Here comes the other Bitch"

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Nothing that concerns you, Get Lost"

"Angeline! Aren't you tired, Why must you Bully others in order to feel better about yourself? Only weak people do that you know!"

"Weak people? Are you referring me to someone weak?"

"Isn't that the reason you doing this? Because you want others to fear you, and to feel Superior over others?"

"How dare you? Do you want to die?"

"Kill me! I don't think the School Will let you get away with it any ways"

"Yah! don't you dare try to threaten me with the school rules again! I'm bit Afraid of any of them"

"Fine them, Kill me!"

*She moves closer to Angeline, and their faces almost met*

"What? Seems like you're Afraid after all, What can I say, You're just human, a weak amd feeble human"

"Shut up"

*She raises her hand to slap Asha, but soon felt someone Holding her hands back. Turing to see who it was, it was none other than Kai*

*Both Angeline, Asha, and the whole students present at the cafe were amazed by his Sudden action to protect Asha*

"Wh... wh..what are yo..ou doing?" Angeline asked as she stuttered

"Don't hit her"

*Crowds whispered*

"Did he just help her out?"

"OMG! Kai just stepped in to protect Asha"

*Whispering Dies*

"Why? Why can't I hit her? Do you have a problem with that?"

*stares at Asha for a while, then turns to Angeline*

"No! But I'm Afraid you'll get into trouble"

*Crowds whispered again*

"Omg! he was actually worried for Angeline"

"Why would he even care about Angeline"

"I thought he wanted to protect Asha"

*Whispers dies*

"Wh..Wh..y? Why are you worried for me?"

"Because you're Pretty" Kai stated simply.

*The entire Cafe goes Wild at this statement*

"Come with me" Without Angeline's consent, he drags her out of the cafe leaving everyone including Asha Stunned.

Lights Fade

"Stop Dragging me! Let me go!" she removes her hands from him. "What the heck are you doing? I get that you like me but you can't drag..."

"You're wrong!"


"You're wrong! I don't like you"

"But earlier, you said I was pretty"

"Oh! that, I didn't finish the statement, I was going to say you're pretty stupid"



"Is this a Joke? you acted like you liked me, and was worried about me Earlier at th cafe so why are you..."

"I'm sorry if you misunderstood my intentions, I was I don't like or find you pretty at all, and I was Indeed worried, but not for you."

"What? Then who?"

"The other girl, I didn't want you to ruin her pretty face"

"What? you find Asha pretty but not me?"

"I don't find her pretty, I'm just stating Facts. Look! Angeline, you're not so bad yourself, but You're disgusting attitude makes people feel disgusted with you. I'm pretty sure you don't want to be a Bully yourself, you're just doing this to help cover up your flaws and insecurities" Stated Kai

"Stop trying to act like you know me" in an upset manner

"I'm not acting like I know you, I'm just stating what your kind do. And you're only upset cause it's true. I won't ask you to stop asking in this manner, but as long as I school here, I won't sit still when I see you harassing others."


*Kai cuts in*

"So I hope we can co- operate and not step.ok each others bad side, OKAY?"

*He walks away*

*Angeline Sighs defeated*

"That son of a.."

Back in Class

"OMG! I can't believe his close to a Wench like Angeline, to think I had a crush on him" Aarina expressed disappointedly

"Crush! What? Rina he's only been here for Half a Day, how could you have a Crush on him?" Aeri opposed in Shock

"What am I supposed to do, he's dead Gorgeous, and I don't even know his name yet. Asha! what should I do to get his attention?"

*Rina asked Asha, placing her hands on Asha's, but Asha who was in a Daze didn't respond*

"Ash!" Aeri called out Softly, while tapping Asha "Ash!" This time she hits at her a little bit hard and calls her louder than before.

"Yes!" Asha responded confused " where you talking to me?"

"Are you okay? You haven't been yourself since we came back from the Cafe" Ae ri asked expressing her worries " Or did Geline Say something to you?"

"No! I'm okay, I'm just.. I'm okay."

"Really?" Aeri asked again, this time more bothered than before

"Really!" Said Asha in an Assuring tone.

"So I was asking if you knew of any method I could use to Capture the new guy's attention"

"What? I don't sorry"

"What? But you haven't even checked to see if you do, how can you just reject me without any efforts, Come on Ash I know how good you are at matchmaking"

"I'm not"

"You are! just help me please" Rina pleaded more

*raises her voice a bit*

"Stop! I said I don't know how, so why are you trying force me?"

"What? Why are you raising your voice, i was only pleading, I didn't mean to force you, it's okay if you don't want to help me, you can just tell me, you don't have to raise your voice"

"I'm sorry, I was just out of it for a second. I have to use the bathroom"

*she walks out of the class and goes up to the school's Roof top*