
Love Untold: Let's meet again

She remembered him at first sight, he was the one who had saved her, the one she was searching for all these time. Asha Kings and Levi Kai, One an Idol figure, and the other the daughter of a Luxurious family, meet at an Unforgettable moment. Their swift yet unforgettable Meeting felt an Impression on Asha, of which she can never forget him. After 9 years of Parting ways the two meet at the 2nd year of 12th grade, Were Asha recognizes her saviour at first sight. Sadly the same cannot be said for Kai as he had shut out all memories of his past including Asha.

ChungHwa17 · Teen
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12 Chs

CHAPTER 3: Bibliophile

*classes ends*


"Wow! That almost took forever, Glad it's finally over

"What? Don't you like it?".


"Classes?" Asked Kai

"I do but I'm not really the biggest fan of Math Class"

"Me neither" Added someone who suddenly Jumped into their conversation uninvited.

"Hello I'm Christian, Chris for Short" extends his hands out to Kai for a handshake

"Hello I'm Kai" Shakes his hands.

"So you're like the schools celebrity right?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're popular, look" he brings out his phone and shows Kai a 20 Seconds clip of him going Viral "This clip of you entering onto the school gates like a Prince is everywhere"

"Really? Let me see!" Felix demanded as he collects the cellphone from Chris. "Woah! So you're not just a celeb outside school, but also inside the school? Daebak"

"What? Don't use Korean Phrases randomly in a sentence, it sound Cringe" Kai Voiced Irritatedly

"Why? I like it." Protested Chris

"Well I don't."

"Whatever! So do you mind sharing me Tips on how you managed to looks so Good?"

"Idol Benefits" He simply stated

"Idol? I thought you were a model?". Asked Chris in a Mocking Manner

"Same Different"

"Well Good for you, I'm thinking on going into the Modeling world too, can you share me some tips?"

"Sure! Number one tip is Be Good Looking"

"Ay... You're so mean".

A Chubby Girl enters the class, Carrying loads of books and places them on the table

"Alright everyone settle Down! Settle down please" 

*They all turned to her quietly*

"So Mr Jamie won't be available for English Class, so he assigned me to give you all an Excerise as well as score you. So everyone please turn to page 147 and Do the Excerise Thank you."

Few minutes later

*They all submitted their Notebooks to her*

"I'm sorry, but are you going to be Scoring my Notebook?" A Pretty Girl asked as she drops her notebook

"No! I'll just give you scores on a sheet of paper, and who ever gets the lowest scores, gets to Wash the Class room On Friday"

"Whatever! Just Handle my Book Properly okay, it's worth more than You" She walks back to her seat.

MINTUES after the Scoring.

The Chubby Girl goes up again to read out the scores to the class.

"So basically everyone did very well, and except a few people, and I'll just be reading the names of those who did poorly only.  So basically the test was over 20 scores, so the average should be a 10. Which means anyone who got below a Ten is a Fail. And those includes Rei, she had a total score of 6, Daniel a Total score of 8 Eliot total of 7 and Angeline a Total of 9."

"What? 9? This Crazy Bitch...Hey! Bibilofat, are you Crazy? How dare you score me a 9, do you even know what you're doing?"

"I'm sorry Angeline but that's your real score" Explained the Chubby Girl.

*Angeline gets up annoyed and walks up to her*

"You crazy bitch, how dare you? Real score, do you even know how to calculate scores?"

"Well I'm guessing that's already something proven since she's the class captain right?" Asha said as she walks up to Angeline Cutting into the conversation

"Yeah! Ebony I wasn't talking to you"

"I know, but I just don't get why you're lashing at her, when you clearly failed the Papers. What? Are you shocked? Did you expect to come at the Top?" Asha asked Provockingly

"Yah! I don't wanna get into a debate with you, so Get Lost."

"No! I think you should get lost, besides you're the one who's harassing a Poor girl who did nothing but pointed out your wrongs. What? Are you that immune to Corrections? Or do you think you can always outshine others?"

"You..." She raises her hands to hit Asha

"Go ahead hit me and Face the consequences, Principal Devon would really need a Scapegoat on the first day of School you know.

*Angeline withdrawals her hands*

"Look I'm only letting you off for the sake of the School, If I ever catch you out there you're dead" she walks aways while purposely knocking Asha's shoulders with hers as she walks pass.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes! Thanks you For protecting me again Ash"

"No problem, don't let her words get to you, she's a Crazy Lunatic"

*The Chubby Girl nods*

"Hum! Thanks again".

       Lunch Time

*At the CAFE*

*The Chubby Girl from Earlier Approaches Asha and her friends*

"Asha! I wanted to give you this"

*stretches her hand to offer her lunch*

"What? you don't have to" Asha rejects it Swiftly

"But I want to, I want to Thank you properly for always standing up for me, Even though it's hard to do it to someone like Angeline. Thanks a lot"

"Phile! I under that you're grateful to me, but I didn't do that to earn praises or rewards from you, it just want wasn't right, and no one deserves such nonsense" Assured Asha

"I Know, but still, I want you to have This"

"I Can'ttt..."

"Please take it as the Only thing I can give you, I really want you to have it"

"Sure! we'll collect it Thank you." Aarina Collects the box from Phile.

*Phile Leaves*

"Jeez Asha were you really going to reject a thing as Precious as a Klootbox? you know these cause over $40." Aarina expressed in dissatisfaction

"You should return it" Stated Asha Simply

"Why! it's not that expensive?"

"The more reason you should, you know how much it's hard for her family, she's a Scholarship student Rina, It seems easy for us, but for her, it must mean a lot, she can't afford these, she must have gone to great lengths to get these."

"See! She Went to great lengths to get it for you, The more reason you should accept it"

"Rina! Listen to me"

*Rina ignores her and proceeds to opening it*

"OMG! Orion Choco Pie, I've always wanted to have one of these" she brings it out and hugs it tightly and then turns to Aeri "You want some?"

Aeri who is buried in her Phone, just nods to show she wasn't interested.

"Aeri! No Phones doing Class time"

"But Ashy this isn't the class am I right?"

"Still.. it's School hours you could be in seriously trouble"

"Well only if I get caught Right?"

"Well Whatever just be careful, I won't make any Pleads for you this semester! Guys excuse me I'll be back*

*At Phile's Table*

"Well, Well, As Usual, The Whale of the School is sitting here, doing what Whales all do, EAT!!"

*Laugher outburst in the Cafeteria*

"How do you manage to sleep at night, knowing your so overweight, I heard Chubby People Snore a lot, I didn't believe it at first, but after seeing you, it must be true, just one glance at you, I can't help but imagine you snoring"

Another Outburst

" You know, your parents were so unlucky, they had to give birth to a thing like you, do you think your parents were sinners, that's why they were punished with a Disaster like you????..."

*Phile Angrily hits the table and stood up as she moves closer to Angeline*

"Stop it, don't say anything about my Family, It's okay if you insult me, Bully me, and abuse me, but you mustn't insult my parents" Phile says almost in tears.

"And so what if I do? What are you going to do? You can't Sue me, you're too Poor for that. Bibliophile! You're TRASH! You should go die! I'm Pretty sure your Parents wish so too"

"Stop it! Please stop it" Tears drops down her cheeks

"Why? Are you hurt?"

*She raises her index finger at Phile's shoulder and uses it to Push her hard, and Phile Staggered Back*

"Do you feel bad Cause I told you the truth? Bibliophile, You're parents want you dead too, Because you're nothing but a Burden to them. I'm pretty sure you know that better than anyone elsee..."

"Stop it! Stop it!"

*She drags Angeline's Uniform Collar as tears drops down her cheek*

"Hey! Bitch Did you just Grab my Collar? You..Do you have a Death Wish? How dare you?"

*She Slaps Bibliophile Hard*

*Asha Returns*

"You Bitch! How dare you, do you know how much these collars cost? it's enough to feed your entire home"

"STOP IT" Asha Yelled as she walks towards Angeline