
Love Untold: Let's meet again

She remembered him at first sight, he was the one who had saved her, the one she was searching for all these time. Asha Kings and Levi Kai, One an Idol figure, and the other the daughter of a Luxurious family, meet at an Unforgettable moment. Their swift yet unforgettable Meeting felt an Impression on Asha, of which she can never forget him. After 9 years of Parting ways the two meet at the 2nd year of 12th grade, Were Asha recognizes her saviour at first sight. Sadly the same cannot be said for Kai as he had shut out all memories of his past including Asha.

ChungHwa17 · Teen
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12 Chs

Chapter 12: Jealousy

Asha felt her cheeks turn warm as Kavin gave her a wink before leaving the table. Aarina couldn't contain her excitement as she gushed about how dreamy Kavin was and how lucky Asha was to have caught his eye.

"Looks like someone's got a crush!" Aeri teased, making Asha roll her eyes.

"He was just being friendly," Asha muttered, trying to hide her disappointment that Kavin hadn't stayed longer.

But as the day went on, Asha couldn't shake the feeling that there was something special about Kavin. She found herself scrolling through his social media profiles, admiring his athletic prowess and charming smile.

*Close of school*

"Are you coming?"

"Yeah! I just need to return this textbook to the library, I'll be back in 7mintues"

"Okay!" Aeri responded as she packed her things.


While walking down the hall ways,Asha could hear some laughter coming from the relaxation hall. Eager she opened the f

Door slightly and to her surprise she saw Kai hanging around with no other than Vanessa, the two seemed happy and relaxed with each other like they had known each other for years, this kinda shocked Asha since she knew Vanessa was definitely an introverted person.

But not giving an F, she quickly moved on quickly.

*B3 walking to the school gates*

"Omg! Kavin just dropped an update look!" *Aarina showed Aeri her Phone*

"Wow! He's so.."

*Aarina cuts in*

"I know right he's so hot and handsome! I can't handle him" *Aarina said smiling to her phone*

"Then quit" Aeri said


"What you said you can't handle he's hottest so I said you should quit"

"Oh my God that's such a mean thing to say Aeri are you even my friend"

"Well sorry" *everywhere goes silent for a while, the. Aeri breaks it while Turing to Asha*. "Hey! Ashy are you okay? You haven't spoken anything since you came from the library are you okay?"

"I'm okay, it's just.."

"Just what?"

"You know on my way to the Library I saw Vanessa and Kai together, they were at the relaxation room, and they were talking comfortably, it was like they knew each other so well."

*They got to the bus stop where the bus would be dropping soon*

"So?" Aeri asked unbothered

"What do you mean so? Aren't you worried about Vanessa being friends with Kai I mean come on she's an introvert she isn't surposed to mingle with someone like Kai."

"Stop! You're not worried but jealous, you're jealous and you're trying to hide it but we see it already"

*Asha laughs*

"Me jealous? No way, I'm Not, I'm just sincerely worried."

"Well say what you what, cause I know you like him"

"You..well you also say what you what, I don't wanna argue with you"

*They enter the bus*


6:27 pm

Phile trudged wearily down the dusty road towards her home, her stomach grumbling with hunger. She had had a tough day at school, enduring taunts and snickers from Angeline, as usual. But the thought of the warm meal that awaited her at home made the journey seem bearable.

However, as she turned the corner and saw her house in the distance, her heart sank. A group of men was gathered around her front door, shouting and pulling at her father. Her mother was sobbing hysterically, trying to hold them back. Phile's legs froze in terror, and she watched from behind a nearby tree, afraid to move.

One of the men turned to her father, his face twisted with anger. "You owe me money, and you know what happens when you don't pay up." He raised his hand, and before Phile could blink, her father was on the ground, writhing in pain. Her mother tried to intervene, but the man shoved her away, and she fell heavily, clutching her swollen belly.

Phile's heart raced as she watched the scene unfold before her. She felt helpless, unable to do anything to stop the men from hurting her family. Tears streamed down her face as she realized that the money they were demanding was the same amount her mother had saved for their groceries that month.

Just when she thought things couldn't get any worse, her little brother, Timmy, burst out of the house, clutching a wad of cash. "Please, sir, take this," he pleaded, holding the money out to the men. "Just leave my family alone."

The men sneered, but took the money and left, promising to come back for more. Phile's mother hobbled over to her son, clutching him tightly to her chest. Phile watched as her mother's eyes met hers, and she knew that they both felt utterly defeated.

Tears streamed down Phile's face as she realized that her family was powerless against the bullies who tormented them. She wanted to scream, to fight back, but she knew it would do no good. She felt a deep sense of despair, wondering how they would survive if this continued.

As the night Time already came, Phile trudged back to her room, her heart heavy with sorrow. She knew that tomorrow would be another tough day, but she had to keep going, for her family's sake. She fell onto her bed, tears still flowing, and whispered a prayer that somehow, someway, things would get better.