
Love Untold: Let's meet again

She remembered him at first sight, he was the one who had saved her, the one she was searching for all these time. Asha Kings and Levi Kai, One an Idol figure, and the other the daughter of a Luxurious family, meet at an Unforgettable moment. Their swift yet unforgettable Meeting felt an Impression on Asha, of which she can never forget him. After 9 years of Parting ways the two meet at the 2nd year of 12th grade, Were Asha recognizes her saviour at first sight. Sadly the same cannot be said for Kai as he had shut out all memories of his past including Asha.

ChungHwa17 · Teen
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12 Chs

CHAPTER 11: Kavin

Kai climbed the stairs to the rooftop, excited to meet Asha and get to know her better. As he reached the top, he spotted a girl sitting on the edge of the building, looking out into the distance. Her blonde hair was tied up in a messy bun, and she was wearing a crop top without her school jackets despite the slightly chilly weather. She had a carefree attitude, and there was something about her that seemed typical of an Australian teenager.

As Kai walked up to her, he greeted her with a smile. "Hey there, I'm Kai. Do you know if Asha is around?"

The girl turned her head to look at him, sizing him up. She raised an eyebrow and replied, "Hmm.. No! Why?"

Kai was taken aback. "Uh, she's the girl I was supposed to meet here?"

The girl laughed. "Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not Asha. I'm Vanessa." She patted the space next to her on the rooftop. "But you're welcome to join me anyway. What brings you up here?"

Kai shrugged and sat down next to her. "Just wanted to clear my head, I guess. It's a nice view up here."

Vanessa nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it is. I come up here to escape my problems sometimes."

Kai chuckled. "I can relate. I'm the new kid in Grade 12 A, and my family's been driving me crazy since we moved here, they're never home."

Vanessa turned to look at him again. "Sorry! Oh, you're that new guy. Levi Kai, right?

Kai was surprised. "You know who I am?"

Vanessa smirked. "Word travels fast around here. I'm Vanessa Collins, by the way. Grade 12B."

Kai smiled. "Nice to meet you, Vanessa."

They fell into an easy conversation, talking about their interests and hobbies. Vanessa was into surfing and photography, and she was excited to tell Kai about some of the cool places she'd been to in Australia. Kai was into music and movies, and he shared some of his favorite bands and films with her.

As they talked, Kai realized that meeting Vanessa had been a blessing in disguise. He hadn't expected to find a new friend so quickly, but he was glad he did. They both laughed and joked around, enjoying each other's company on the rooftop. For a moment, all their worries and stresses seemed to fade away, and they were just two teenagers enjoying the view and each other's company.


"Seems you didn't turn up so late today, I wonder why,. must have been a miracle" Aeri Jokingly said to Asha

"I got a lift" Asha replied plainly

"From who your Dad? I thought he wasn't giving you lifts anymore?"

"Yeah! He's been busy, and it's not him, it's someone else"

"Really? Who? I didn't know you knew so many people" Aeri said Sarcastically.

"I don't know him, he just helped me "

"OMG! It's a HIM" Said Aarina emphasizing as she smiled to Aeri who gave her a returning beam.

As they continued with their lunch, Asha couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment that she didn't get to know the guy better. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy, and she wondered why she hadn't seen him around before.

Suddenly she could hear the sounds of female students cheering raising her head, it was no other than him, the guy from earlier.

"It's him"

"Who?" Aarina asked looking around

"The guy I was talking about it's him" she replied pointing her index finger at the direction of him "OMG he's coming here, don't look"

*She quickly turned away nervously, pretending to not see him, but still before she knew it, He was at her table suddenly with a Plate of Salad, and Refined Soda.*

"Hello Again!"

Raising her head sharply Asha relied "Hi" with an Awkward smile which somewhat shocked Kavin a bit

"Hi! I'm Kavin, I guess I didn't get to introduce myself better earlier"

"Yeah! You didn't"

"I'm Kavin and you are..."

Opening her mouth to speak up, she quickly went dumb when Aarina took the words out of her mouth

"Asha! She's Asha!"

"Oh! Nice to meet you! You are?"

"I'm Kavin...I mean Aarina!" *Kavin laughs* "I'm Asha's friend, and i follow you on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, all your accounts I follow you, I'm your biggest fans, I want to become a great swimmer like you someday, and win lots of national and international awards"

"Really? Well I'm flustered! Thanks for being my fan" He picks up Aarina's hands and Kisses it! "Hopefully we'll meet again" He said with a smile, as he soon looked away from Aarina and turns to Asha giving her a flirtatious Wink and leaves.