
Love Unfolding

Be brave enough to take off the mask you’ve been wearing and be who you are underneath. I think in life, happiness comes from deciding to follow your heart over your fears. So, let’s follow Kaileen Andy Lewis together with Erika Leigh Parlam in their journey through depths of finding, accepting and loving themselves despite the views and opinions of others simply because they view the world from a lens of impossible. That it’s tiring to spend most of their nights where their mind is at war with their heart; fighting between what they knew and what they felt. ***************************************************** Author’s Note: Join the group https://discord.gg/RMJAEMC Hey ladies, gentlemen and non-binary pals, enjoy reading…

viLelouch · LGBT+
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116 Chs

So Cunning

Chapter 76


I'm sleeping over at Andy's apartment as we have agreed to study together till late night when I was kind of bothered of her spacing out often.

We sat opposite each other on a table in her bedroom.

I was sneaking glimpses of her above my books, I could really tell something's bothering her.

"What's wrong Love?" I worriedly asked.

She snapped and looked at me with distant eyes then smiled wryly.

"Nothing Love."

I narrowed my eyes but decided to let it go. I let it slide for now and I went back to my studying.

She then put her palm to support her face with her elbow on the table and smiled at me annoyingly.

More so; looking intently at me with that grin in her face.

At first, I wasn't giving it attention, I would just peek a glimpse at her then back to my book, then back at her, then to my book until I can't take it anymore.

She's looking at me lovingly with a playful face.

I shot her a stern look.

"Stop it."

"I'm going to melt."