
Love Unfolding

Be brave enough to take off the mask you’ve been wearing and be who you are underneath. I think in life, happiness comes from deciding to follow your heart over your fears. So, let’s follow Kaileen Andy Lewis together with Erika Leigh Parlam in their journey through depths of finding, accepting and loving themselves despite the views and opinions of others simply because they view the world from a lens of impossible. That it’s tiring to spend most of their nights where their mind is at war with their heart; fighting between what they knew and what they felt. ***************************************************** Author’s Note: Join the group https://discord.gg/RMJAEMC Hey ladies, gentlemen and non-binary pals, enjoy reading…

viLelouch · LGBT+
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116 Chs

A Mother’s Love

Chapter 65


A mother's love for her children is like nothing else in the world.

For me, it knows no law, it dares all things and it crushes down everything that stands in the path.

That's how I love.

My children became exactly what I taught them to be.

I told them to be strong, they became strong. I taught them to be fearless, they became fearless. I taught them to be kind, they became kind. I taught them to be capable, they became capable that made me scared sometimes.

I also taught them to fly but not as how I flew.

I taught them to dream but not as what my dreams are.

I taught them to live but not to live the life I have.

I speak life to my kids, so they will have what it takes to tackle life on their own someday.

I don't want them to grow up and think that the aim of life is to be rich, to be popular, to be highly educated nor to be perfect.

I want them to know that life... is being humble and being real.