
Love Uncanny

DaoistDH8bS4 · Action
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7 Chs

Unending Love

As the first rays of dawn kissed the horizon, Elara stirred from her slumber. The events of the night before felt like an elusive dream, shrouded in whispers and shadows. She couldn't shake the feeling that her encounter with Adriel was just a product of her imagination. Her heart raced with confusion. Could the whispers have been real?

She sat up in bed, and her gaze swept across the room, searching for any sign of Adriel. He wasn't there. Panic welled up inside her as she scanned the garden outside, but it was empty, devoid of the mysterious man who had stolen her heart.

Her voice quivered as she whispered to herself, "Where could he be? Could the whispers I heard be true? Oh, my God, Adriel, please come back to me. Please, I beg of you."

Meanwhile, Adriel had made his difficult choice. He packed his belongings, the weight of his decision pressing down on his shoulders. He approached his father, who was already teary-eyed at his departure.

"I'm sorry, Father," Adriel said, his voice laced with sorrow. "I have to go."

His father understood the depth of Adriel's feelings and gave him a tearful nod, his silent approval of the path his son had chosen.

However, this decision left Xeus and his father gleaming with joy. They believed that the mantle of the Alpha would finally pass to them, and their treacherous plans were on the brink of success. The anticipation in the air was palpable.

But when Adriel made his final exit from the kingdom, Kadrel followed him, catching up with him on the outskirts. He couldn't hide the brokenness in his voice as he asked, "Do you really mean to leave your home for a human, Adriel? Why are you doing this? We are going to be separated if you leave."

Adriel looked into his friend's eyes, his own filled with conviction. "I have no choice, Kadrel. I have to be with Elara. Go on, Kadrel, go and rule our people. You will still remain my best friend. I will always remember you."

With a heavy heart, Adriel patted Kadrel on the shoulder, then turned away and continued on his path, leaving his friend behind.

Back in her garden, Elara's tears fell like rain as she mourned the loss of the love she believed was gone forever. Her heart ached with a profound emptiness that seemed impossible to fill. To find solace, she decided to take a walk in the garden, hoping that the serenity of nature would heal her wounded spirit. As she strolled, her mind drifted to the fleeting moments she had shared with Adriel, each memory a bittersweet reminder of the love she had found and lost.

Sobbing and reminiscing, she finally found herself a quiet spot beneath a tree. As the emotional storm raged within her, exhaustion overtook her, and she fell asleep in the gentle embrace of the garden.

Time passed, and as the sun arched its way across the sky, a gentle hand began to caress her hair. Elara stirred from her slumber, her eyes slowly opening. She looked up to see a familiar hand, and her heart leaped with shock and joy. It was Adriel.

Without hesitation, she embraced him tightly, her lips finding his in a passionate kiss. As their lips met, the worries and sorrows of the past days melted away, and a newfound happiness surged between them.

Tears glistened in Elara's eyes as she pulled away from the kiss. "What happened, Adriel? You left without telling me," she asked, her voice tinged with concern.

Adriel smiled, his eyes filled with love and determination. "No, my love, I haven't come to say goodbye. I've come to spend eternity with you."

Elara's heart soared with joy, and she embraced him again, overwhelmed with happiness. The love they had discovered in each other's arms had transcended the boundaries of their worlds, and it was a love that could not be denied. Together, they would face the challenges and sacrifices that lay ahead, united by the profound bond that had brought them together in the first place.