
A Fresh Start

The game, Two Blades Nine Worlds, lay in her hands.

Mu Xiao had been waiting for this game to be completed for over a year now.

"Bring me my Dream Viewer please," she said to her maid standing next to her bed.

"Yes, miss," she said subserviently.

The year was 2021. The gaming world has advanced from the days of simple handheld games, though they were still sold. A new age of gaming technology had arisen from the Japanese and China was not far behind.

Dream Viewer was a creation from a Chinese company, WorldTech, that was in the forefront of this new wave of gaming, and with a partnership with a Japanese company. The Dream Viewer had the ability to bring a person into the world of gaming like never before, allowing the user to experience gaming as if it was truly reality.

And in Mu Xiao's hand was the first copy of the game created for this system.

She plugged in the game into the system and put on the headset.

[Opening [Two Blades Nine Worlds].]

[Game Start.]

Something like scales seemed to fall from her eyes and an explosion of colors burst into the scene.

Her feet were no longer like weights hanging her down, and her body felt freer from all limitations than ever before. Before she could understand what was happening, she felt the presence of someone behind her.

"Welcome to the world of "Two Blades Nine Worlds"!" A voice suddenly exclaimed.

Mu Xiao looked up in surprise to see a young girl with wings floating around her.

"Please enter your name and do note that the name is permanent and can't be changed once the game starts."

"Uh, I would like to be called Falling Blossoms. May I ask who you are?"

The fairy figure tittered, "I'm sorry, I'm the AI, Elwing. I will guide you for the start of the game and once you have gotten the hang of it, I will remain at elf village of Alfeim. Whether you see me or not is up to you."

"Please pick your race."

Options presented themselves on the screen- human, dark elves, light elves, and trolls.

She chose light elf.

"Pick your primary skill." "Swordsmanship."

"Pick your secondary skill." "Healing."

"Your face will roughly be the same as your real face and you can't change that, but you can change your hair color and style, add accessories, anything of that sort, and that can be changed later on as well. Also pick your clothing, which can also be changed later."

Popups appeared to let her add the changes. She only changed her hair to a periwinkle shade and chose a dark purple qipao to match. "That's all I want to add."

"Good good. Oh I almost forgot! Since you are a light elf, you have the ability to fly. Tense your body and push upwards, and your wings will start to flap."

Suddenly she felt two wings pierce through her skin, and after the brief moment of pain, she suddenly couldn't feel the ground. A multitude of emotions flitted across her face as she spun around in the sky clumsily.

"Great! Now you will start in the first world, Midgard. Hope to see you soon," the fairy tittered before vanishing.

"Wait what? Where are you going?!" Mu Xiao yelled as she was forced onto the ground. The ground began to shake and fall apart from under her and she fell through the sky into the world below.

Suddenly she was all alone in the middle of the forest.

[Welcome to Midgard. Would you like to save your progress?]

She smiled, saved the game and exited.

This was a whole new beginning for her, a fresh start.

New author here. If you somehow find this, and for some reason enjoy it (or hate it, that's fine) please leave a comment or something below. If you do read it, just thank you for reading. Aghh I'm awkward ><

lol if anyone wants to make a cover for me, ples do. This cover is temporary until I get a better one.

If you want a reason to keep reading, the male lead's going to appear next chapter. :D

dreamyaxolotlcreators' thoughts