
Love at first sight

Yes, He fell in love with her at the moment he saw her!❤ It was a place where couples made promises to eachother to never part ways!!👰 Little did they know-what God had written with their names. God has indeed created us in pairs!👫

He was encasped with her beauty and spiritual brightness on her face! 😍She wore a Royal blue gown with sparkles of innocence in her eyes!!👀she belonged to a small middle class family- she could be poor but her heart was 24 carat gold.💖

Without a second thought on his mind he dragged his mother right across there pointing towards her" mom,she is the girl!

I want her- I will marry her! (He knew nothing about her, the thing known to him was This was the girl whom he desperatetly craved for...)😩His mother smiled at him and tapped his shoulder and went away...Was he impulsive?? or God had made the right decision for him..??