
1. Wait what?

While Rose Is working in the fields nobleman and woman laugh at her dirty clothing as though it was rags and she was poor but she didn't care because her mother was ill."dear it's getting late you shouldn't be out at night" her mother said. " mother you shouldn't have gotten out of bed "

' cough cough' " see you need to take your medicines" Rose explained. Even when Rose was poor she cared for mother very much.

The next day a man with polished shoes and a nice rather expensive coat on was knocking on Rose's door. " Hello I hear your mother was ill". the man said. " Well yes my mother is I'll but I'm taking care of her " Rose said. ' cough' " Who's at the door " Rose's mother said walking to the door to see man

" I will make this quick you for your mother's medical aid " he proposed " wait what" Rose said as she was in shock.

Author's note: sorry this chapter is short the next one's will be longer.