
the god of the sky [M]

"I'm skyler the god of the sky and your future wife-" she replied

Eclipsia turned bright red after hearing what she said

what did she mean she was her future wife?!

"future wife?" Eclipsia questioned

"wasn't that your wish? The god of wishes Wisteria granted your wish and I was the one chosen, and I had been watching you from the abyss with Necrosima- the god of the Abyss and Desirae the god of destiny brought us together" she explained

Eclispsia's eyes widened

3 gods?!

the god of wishes the god of the abyss and the god of destiny the three of them brought her

"So, you're saying that three gods brought me you? I'm thankful but why?" she replied

"Well, it was your wish and I have been watching over you and I wanted to be with you

since I first laided my eyes on you-" skyler replied

"how long exactly have you been watching me?" she replied

"Well, it's been several centuries since you first came to this world and made your wish but I have been there the whole time watching over you" Skylar explained

"Centuries?! That long?! I was only in this world for a few months!" she replied

"Yes, but you were chosen by the gods to be with me and I was chosen to be with you and we were chosen to be together-" Skylar explained

"Why was I chosen? I'm nothing special" she replied

"You are special, all gods would choose you- and I was chosen to be with you-

How long have you been here? The Gods have been with me for centuries too!"

Skylar shouted

"Really? Then why haven't we met before? I would remember you and your existence, you being here and you being with me-" she replied

"I don't know, I'm sorry about that, I honestly don't know! But I will always be with you and I will always wait for you and I will always love you" Skylar said as she started to cry

"I love you too" she replied

"Well, I guess we should get married so that we can be together forever," Skyler said

"Yes, let's get married!" she replied


as such, she was swept away by the wind

and cosmo went back to cupid

this their story anyway

but here is Skylar's

who is Skylar you may wonder

well she had been an observer

she controlled the sky

back when Eclipsia was human

Eclipsia looked up to the sky

and she felt something looking up

some kind of warmth- like an angel was watching over her which was true in a sense

they never truly met but- they were able to communicate with eachother

the sound of rain the whispers in the wind

thunder and lightning sunshine the fall of snow the clouds in the sky all had meanings

and one day the sun would meet the moon

the sun covered by clouds- it was true they were destined and written in the stars

I don't know who you are but if you feel what I felt-just who are you? why me? why do you call me? what do you want from me?

who am I to you? who are you to me?

whispers of the past - whispers of an uncertain future- when the sun meets the moon the clouds cover the sky- on a night like this- I feel your pull - I'm drawn in - and there's no escape all that is left is a whisper in the night-

I've waited so long for this moment

my angel of the sky

it was sad that she had to forget to become a god but now looking at her angel

she remembered what she had forgotten

and hugged her tight

"Eclipsia?" she replied confused

"I'm just so happy that I have you my angel-"

Skylar blushed-

Eclipsia leaned in and kissed her lips

and slipped in her tongue rocking against her

slipping her hands down her dress skirt

pulling down her underwear and grabbing her ass - Skylar was overtaken by pleasure

as Eclipsia wiggled her tongue

"Ah- Eclipsia that- was amazing-"

"don't worry angel I'm not finished yet-"

she then pushed her down and f*cked her ass

hard - Eclipsia is much like her brother/ sister


while- Skylar isn't- it was a strange sensation

as her ass tighten around her cock

"Faster!" she shouted

Eclipsia obeyed quicking the pace

Skylar loved having Eclipsia inside her

and Eclipsia loved being inside her

two halves finally together

and they never wanted to let each other go

they had finally found eachother

they had two different rings

Eclipsia's ring was a sun covered by clouds with a blue heart on the sun

and Skylar's was a crescent moon and half of the sun an eclipse - like their birthmarks

they were the happiest they'd ever been

and so that was their story