
Love, Tale

Strikingly beautiful young Tale is a girl whose hearts longs for adventure, love, excitement and all the beauty of this world. Find out what happens when she finally finds the courage to leave the four walls of an office into an intriguing world she had always only dreamed of with a man who forced his way into her life and maybe her heart. Zhang Su Yan is the heir to the biggest civil engineering company in all of China, the only son of his parents and a carefree human deep down. He finds himself in Africa, on Nigerian soil to break grounds with the government of one of the states in the country. He had dealt with a past love that had left a physical scar and was content with his life as it was, or so he thought. The boy within him takes over when he meets with a stubborn accountant with a shrewd head for business. A black skin goddess, who wanted nothing more than to live a life full of beautiful moments and memories. Find out what happens when this two discover the price for desire, risk, adventure...and maybe, Love. Love, Tale. —————————————————————————— "I've had quite a bit of Nigerian food and i can say yours might be good" he replied ending the topic as he finally dug in. Tale had been avoiding his face since the moment they met but now she could see clearly under her mini chandelier. His face was well sculpted and all clear with a jawline to die for and It embodied the very essence of masculine beauty, he had a perfect forehead and his eyebrows were perfectly winged that they made her fingertips throb and made her a little jealous. The only place that held a little softness were his eyes, there were as dark as night but beautiful. His hair was midnight black and fell to one side of his face covering a scar she couldn't see yet. Such a face did not belong to a man who was sweet but of one who commanded, demanded and took action. His lips were so fine and firm, it sent a seductive shiver down her spine. Men like this-- who looked like he did led women to sin... And into loosing their peace of mind. "You know it's rude to stare?" he said when he felt he had allowed her have her fill. DISCLAIMER All characters asides from the lead female character Tale which part of her is about my life (I'm an accountant, i never liked my job and I really want to travel the world, someday soon) is fictional. All characters are fictitious and any resemblance to a real life person or place is completely a coincidence. Original Cover photo by @Bre. Lexis. Source (Pinterest) UPDATE 1 chapter a day

withlovetale · Fantasy
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137 Chs

bad days...

Tale allowed the little moment take her off to dream land.

The days were going by fast. Everyone had something to keep busy with. Tale and Precious went hard looking for a new apartment and so far they didn't like any of the ones they had visited.

Tale had her sights set on the Garden Estate but it was yet to be completed and she was running impatient.

Living with Su Yan was good but she yearned for her own space, something that was hers alone.

Su Yan loved the new job, it was easier. Less time spent in the sun, fewer men on ground to work with and no one to mess up his mood. He only needed to give directions and inspect every single detail before giving a final order. It was a break from the feeling that was getting too familiar due to the stress of building a major road.

Woo Jin found out he was happy to be some place else other than around his friend. This was a well welcomed change.

Woo Jin was the first to arrive that day. He swore he had never seen a more happier Tale in a while.

"Why are you smiling like that?" He asked calmly when he got inside the house.

"I'm happy you are back," she answered truthfully.

He gave her a tired smile before going to his room to get changed. When he got back out Tale still had the same look she had when he just got in. She had set dinner on the kitchen island for the two of them.

"What's wrong?" He asked genuinely concerned.

"Nothing," she replied looking down on the plate in front of her.

"Don't lie to me," he went to the bar and got himself a drink before coming to sit opposite her.

"I just felt lonely is all," she admitted putting food on her plate.

"Where is your other half?"

Precious had to leave that day back to her home town, family problems she had pointed out.

"She had to go home for a while," she responded sadly.

"I'll stand in till she gets back," he half joked but Tale took it serious as she wore a happy look that said she was more than okay with that.

She understood how busy everyone was and promised herself she would not get in the way this time around, so she had stopped herself from calling either of them all day and waited patiently for them to come home.

Tale always had a way to get him talking and he did all through as they ate slowly. He told her off his childhood fondest memories. It was mostly about how he was able to feel invisible at such a young age and how thankful he was that he never had to deal with issues of being bullied.

When he mentioned how he used to however get his ass kicked by his mother while trying to train him herself, Tale laughed out loud covering her mouth with her hand.

"That must have been fun," Tale commented.

"I can laugh about it now," he shrugged.

"Thank you, for sharing some of your embarrassing moments with me," she raised her glass to him.

"Don't tell anyone!" He teased her. "I have to go to bed. Su Yan will be home any minute now, don't stay up waiting though." He spoke low as he cleared his plate and hers, taking them to the sink.

"Sure," she nodded with a smile.

She wasn't going to stay up waiting for she was tired as well, but a little part of her worried and before that little grows to crazy, she was going to get herself to bed.

Her phone ringing eased her up a little and she picked in a hurry not looking at the caller ID.

It was her siblings

They were back, because she knew they would always have her back Tale let them in on all that's happened to her so far as they spoke flowing from one topic of conversation to another

"So you are living with Su now?" Her sister asked smiling from ear to ear.

"Yes I am," Tale replied. "As well as Precious," she shrugged.

"Can we come visit you sometime?" her brother asked now.

"Sure I'd ask Su if it's okay."

"I'm sure it will be, he likes us." Her sister concluded.

Tale laughed, she didn't mind giving them another chance to embarrass her so she promised to talk to Su Yan about it.

It was now over thirty minutes and Su Yan wasn't home yet. I'm not worried she kept on repeating to herself. She took one look at the time on her phone again before leaving the bed a bit upset at herself and lack of calm nerves.

Because she wasn't going to find any kind of rest here, she took herself to the tent that still sat proudly in the backyard. She warmed up the food one more time and left a note for Su Yan before finally going to sleep.

It was a little past midnight when she felt something move around her. When Tale opened her eyes, any traces of sleep that might have been lingering were instantly chased away. First she was afraid as she had forgotten she was actually in the tent, then relief set in. It was Su Yan. He sat up and was about to say something when she pulled him close giving him a hug. His hair was wet letting her know it wasn't long at al since he got home.

"Thank goodness, you are home," she said holding him tighter.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

"There was a few things I had to get done, and not to worry you but my phone was taking away from me," he said still in the position her hug put him in.

She released him to look at his face. "You were robbed?"

"Technically, but I'm fine. The guy had a toy gun, I could have easily wrestled him but he seemed scared even in the face of it all,"

"And what? What if it was a real gun Su, you could have been hurt or killed." She was going to stand up but Su Yan held her hand keeping her in place.

"It wasn't, and I'm lucky it wasn't. I was at the right place at the wrong time and a hungry kid stumbled on my path. I could have defended myself, but he was just a kid and he really needed money or something worth a few bucks."

"I'm not buying it. What if it happens again?" Tale said stubbornly. "I don't like this, at all."

"I know you don't but I'm not dying anytime soon. And no word of it to Woo Jin. Please," he felt compelled to add.

Tale understood completely why he would say that but she was torn. There will never be a perfect time where Woo Jin could leave Su Yan's side, she knew if Woo Jin wasn't taking out time to get his job done now, it will not be possible anytime down the line. So she said a silent prayer that he got done with it quickly and be back to Su Yan's side in no time.

"I understand,I'm grateful you are okay," she replied touching his cheeks. "You wanna go back inside?"

"Here is perfect," he reached out to take her into his arms, laying back down as he did so. Moments later, her soft breath made him aware that she had fallen back asleep.

He closed his eyes and thoughts flooded him. He could have been killed tonight and it would have been his fault. He shouldn't have been at a construction site that late in the night, but he knew now to never do it again.

Then his mind wandered to the woman lying against him. He was angry at himself on the drive home, it was his fault he had been robbed by a kid no less, but all that feeling was gone when he saw the note Tale had left him. He counted his blessings and moved on from the incident that had happened. Even if she was yet to say it yet, it was always the love she gave him, in the little things she did on his bad days that mattered the most.

Happy Valentine’s Day

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