
Love, Tale

Strikingly beautiful young Tale is a girl whose hearts longs for adventure, love, excitement and all the beauty of this world. Find out what happens when she finally finds the courage to leave the four walls of an office into an intriguing world she had always only dreamed of with a man who forced his way into her life and maybe her heart. Zhang Su Yan is the heir to the biggest civil engineering company in all of China, the only son of his parents and a carefree human deep down. He finds himself in Africa, on Nigerian soil to break grounds with the government of one of the states in the country. He had dealt with a past love that had left a physical scar and was content with his life as it was, or so he thought. The boy within him takes over when he meets with a stubborn accountant with a shrewd head for business. A black skin goddess, who wanted nothing more than to live a life full of beautiful moments and memories. Find out what happens when this two discover the price for desire, risk, adventure...and maybe, Love. Love, Tale. —————————————————————————— "I've had quite a bit of Nigerian food and i can say yours might be good" he replied ending the topic as he finally dug in. Tale had been avoiding his face since the moment they met but now she could see clearly under her mini chandelier. His face was well sculpted and all clear with a jawline to die for and It embodied the very essence of masculine beauty, he had a perfect forehead and his eyebrows were perfectly winged that they made her fingertips throb and made her a little jealous. The only place that held a little softness were his eyes, there were as dark as night but beautiful. His hair was midnight black and fell to one side of his face covering a scar she couldn't see yet. Such a face did not belong to a man who was sweet but of one who commanded, demanded and took action. His lips were so fine and firm, it sent a seductive shiver down her spine. Men like this-- who looked like he did led women to sin... And into loosing their peace of mind. "You know it's rude to stare?" he said when he felt he had allowed her have her fill. DISCLAIMER All characters asides from the lead female character Tale which part of her is about my life (I'm an accountant, i never liked my job and I really want to travel the world, someday soon) is fictional. All characters are fictitious and any resemblance to a real life person or place is completely a coincidence. Original Cover photo by @Bre. Lexis. Source (Pinterest) UPDATE 1 chapter a day

withlovetale · Fantasy
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137 Chs

...long shot

...."Tale, wait up!!!"

Precious caught up to her right outside the school entrance.

"You walk fast, will you slow down!" Precious pleaded.

Tale looked at her silently almost void of expression.

"What was that back there? And what happened?" Precious asked out of breathe.

"I know right, I couldn't stand him and he had one chance to say the right thing and he blew it." Tale answered.

"Why are you in a hurry?"

"Because!" she laughed now releasing her breath. "No wonder they were on to you. They are worried about the school image."

"Obviously, its all business here and God forbid I ruin it for them,"

"Yes, but I hope it's over now on this end,"

"Me too..." Precious paused... "Or we will get the governor involved. She mimicked Tale.

Tale laughed as Precious joined her.

"Damn, that felt nice to say."

"You surprised me today, I almost thought you knew the governor for real,"

"What if I do?" Tale asked still laughing.

"Tell him I said hi and we need health care,"

"Amen baby!" Tale added "Let's go home, this was fun."


Su Yan and Woo Jin had barely gotten into the house when a happy Precious ran to the door to deliver the good news of the day.

"Welcome, welcome welcome," she repeated smiling from ear to ear.

"Y'all I'm out of the danger zone!" She announced. Following them closely as she spoke. "You guys needed to see the look on the face of my HOD when Tale served her words cold." Precious rambled on. "She not only put my HOD in his place but I think she made sure they didn't have to worry me again for the time being. How cool is that!" She was over the moon excited.

"Where is Tale?" Su Yan asked when Precious gave them a minute to say a word.

"She went out," Precious replied absent minded about the effect the statement could have and it did have.

"What?" Su Yan went into hyper drive, calling her phone as he headed to the door.

She picked on the first ring.

"Hello dumpling,"

"Don't call me that, where are you? It's seven pm" he announced.

"Exactly it's seven pm, not late at all and I'm safe," Tale assured him.

"I'm coming to meet you."

"No you're not. I am on my way home and will be fine."

"Five minutes." He told her through clenched teeth.

Actually it's going to take thirty minutes," she replied laughing.


"Su, I am on my way home. I promise." She assured him

"Fine" he dropped the call and set a timer giving Tale an extra one minute to get home.

"What?" He turned around to see Precious and Woo Jin looking at him crazily.

"You are even crazier than I thought," Precious said.

"Don't patronize me," he warned. Picking up his jacket, he marched upstairs to go change.

"What is his problem?" Precious asked.

"Work stuff, it will be alright," Woo Jin peeled off his jacket before going to the kitchen for a drink.

"Is it something we can help with?" Precious asked innocently. She felt happy tonight and here they were having another problem arising.

Woo Jin turned towards her smiling tiredly . "No love, it will be alright." Kissing the top of her head, "I'm happy it's over for you."

Su Yan wasn't happy today.

Why did he ever decide to be all hands on in the family business. He should be in a office, his office. Away from the labor, signing papers, meetings with associates, parties, drinks, award shows he never understood the reason for, assistants at his beck and call. More parties, luxury! Away from the sun and harsh weather.

He was tired and even if it has been a long time coming, today had just been a sucky day.

The locals were upset they weren't giving enough jobs on site. They wanted more and he wasn't going to give it to them but he had a feeling it was going to backfire.

And now Tale was nowhere to be found, checking his phone again she had twenty five minutes to be home. He quickly entered the shower. Water, he needed cold water.

"I'm home!!!" Tape yelled from downstairs moments later

Precious greeted her with a smile before pointing upstairs with a face that made the wide smile on Tales face disappear

She took the stairs two at a time and entered without knocking.

"Su?" Tale called out.

He came out of the closet wearing a pj trouser.

His hair was out of the way thanks to it being wet. She gave him a hug and stayed there.

"I'm sorry I stayed out too long, I didn't mean to worry you,"

She thought he was upset because of her.

"It's not you Tale. It's not you," he hugged her back.

"So you are not mad at me?"

"No, but I missed you." And that was the gospel truth. Her fake bandages were gone leaving only the real one

"And a little scared something may happen to you. All this is still new and you went on a hero mission today,"

"That can't be it, you look worried over something, tell me." She pressed on.

He was loosing his touch, was he easy to read now or that was just Tale.

She sat down making him sit beside her.

"Work, the locals again. They want more job on the site." He summed it up for her.

"Let me guess, there isn't more work on the site to be given out?"


Tale drew close to him and pulled his head down on her shoulder making him rest there for a while.

"It will be okay, I promise," her voice was quiet in the dark room.

He knew deep down there wasn't much she can do but those words meant she cared and that was enough for him.

He had been more upset when he came home and she wasn't there, he just wanted her around. Her presence made him feel better by a long shot. That scared him but for now he refused to feel that fear and just be.

I got us all something. I'd be back" she ran to the door excited before stopping.

She came back to him kissing his forehead and his scar before settling on his lips.

"It will be okay alright." She said again. Not giving him time to respond she finally dashed out to go get what she was so happy about.