
Love, Tale

Strikingly beautiful young Tale is a girl whose hearts longs for adventure, love, excitement and all the beauty of this world. Find out what happens when she finally finds the courage to leave the four walls of an office into an intriguing world she had always only dreamed of with a man who forced his way into her life and maybe her heart. Zhang Su Yan is the heir to the biggest civil engineering company in all of China, the only son of his parents and a carefree human deep down. He finds himself in Africa, on Nigerian soil to break grounds with the government of one of the states in the country. He had dealt with a past love that had left a physical scar and was content with his life as it was, or so he thought. The boy within him takes over when he meets with a stubborn accountant with a shrewd head for business. A black skin goddess, who wanted nothing more than to live a life full of beautiful moments and memories. Find out what happens when this two discover the price for desire, risk, adventure...and maybe, Love. Love, Tale. —————————————————————————— "I've had quite a bit of Nigerian food and i can say yours might be good" he replied ending the topic as he finally dug in. Tale had been avoiding his face since the moment they met but now she could see clearly under her mini chandelier. His face was well sculpted and all clear with a jawline to die for and It embodied the very essence of masculine beauty, he had a perfect forehead and his eyebrows were perfectly winged that they made her fingertips throb and made her a little jealous. The only place that held a little softness were his eyes, there were as dark as night but beautiful. His hair was midnight black and fell to one side of his face covering a scar she couldn't see yet. Such a face did not belong to a man who was sweet but of one who commanded, demanded and took action. His lips were so fine and firm, it sent a seductive shiver down her spine. Men like this-- who looked like he did led women to sin... And into loosing their peace of mind. "You know it's rude to stare?" he said when he felt he had allowed her have her fill. DISCLAIMER All characters asides from the lead female character Tale which part of her is about my life (I'm an accountant, i never liked my job and I really want to travel the world, someday soon) is fictional. All characters are fictitious and any resemblance to a real life person or place is completely a coincidence. Original Cover photo by @Bre. Lexis. Source (Pinterest) UPDATE 1 chapter a day

withlovetale · Fantasy
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137 Chs


"This means war though Woo Jin, war!" Tale said again.

Later that night when both Tale and Precious were in bed upstairs, they claimed they had a lot to talk about despite spending all day with each other.

Su Yan and Woo Jin talked about the work of the day and Su Yan realized he had so much to worry about that he just wasn't going to worry about anything right now.

"You want to go back home?" Woo Jin asked. Handing over a drink to his friend. When they were alone, they spoke their language freely.

"No, why would I want that?" Su Yan frowned

"It's not easy and you shouldn't be slaving away at all."

"I'm not slaving away, what do you say about the people who are actually working on the grounds?"

"Okay that's a fair argument." Woo Jin shook his head. "What now?" Woo Jin asked looking like he was lost in thought.

"Live everyday and not be sad about the situation or even over think it," Su Yan took a sip of his drink. "I will have everyone take a break for now. I will talk with the commissioner and come to a fair agreement for all parties involved."

"Orange is doing well enough." Woo Jin tried to change the topic. He wasn't an engineer, but he knew a good share about it all, and trouble, he understood trouble too. Su Yan was making the right choices, he wouldn't worry about it.

"Yes it is. I am actually proud of it," Su Yan smiled. However thought through him owning a restaurant was, it was still something he wouldn't have done, his family don't really know he has a business outside the family one.

"What about Tale?"

"What about Tale?" Su Yan was confused for a second.

"She's changing you, your plans?"

"I had no plan after here, I only wanted new, was desperate for change, and with that all that was going to come with it." He took another sip before he continued. "And you, you've changed up a bit too," Su Yan pointed out.

Woo Jin was the one people could easily classify as playful between the two of them but that didn't mean he was easy to get to. Tale did that, she and Precious had his friend smiling and frowning at same time. And three times outta four they made him question a lot of things he thought he knew about his best friend.

"What about Precious?" Su Yan asked after a moment silence.

Woo Jin smiled shaking his head. "It's...just for fun,"

"Play safe," Su Yan replied before standing up and walking back inside the house.


It was now a month since Tale had moved in with Su Yan and Woo Jin. Hell they were now a big happy family like in the tv sitcom FRIENDS and she loved every minute of it. But she had to move out for her sanity. She needed to go a whole day without looking at Su Yans handsome face or Woo Jin walking around with muscles and...

"Where are you going?" Precious cut through her thoughts.

And her best friend always doing that she reminded herself, "I am going out," she replied adjusting her jacket.

"Can I come with?"

"No," Tale answered.

"I don't want to be alone in here," Precious argued, "Please!"

"I wanna go alone just this once, I'm sorry." It wasn't easy for her to say but she had to do it. She just needed alone time.

"Okay, get me something," Precious called after her.

Woo Jin and Su Yan were on their way to Garden City Estate, the minister had asked them to come over for yet another meet up. He had told them he had something he wanted to talk about. They could only hope it was good news.

The Garden City Estate was new, some houses were fully complete while others still needed a little bit of work to be finished but it looked beautiful already, the only challenge were the roads and streets still needed much work.

"Hello Sir," Su Yan greeted once he got down from the car.

"Mr Su," the old man greeted. He looked rather rough today, and Su Yan thought he must have been carrying blocks and bricks around.

"What do you think?" He asked smiling as he looked around.

"Beautiful sir," Su Yan complimented honestly. "Still a long way from finished."

"Not a long way Mr Su, it must be completed in a month,"

"Great." He was over it already. "Why did you ask to meet you here?" Su Yan shouted so his voice was heard over the loud machines that sounded off in the distance."

"Yes, now. I know you've had to pause your work and sort things out. Do not worry that will be resolved,"

"Thanks," Su Yan waited for more news because surely he didn't have to drive down here for this.

"But while you recharge and work things out, I would like to give you the contract of making the roads in this estate," the man smiled widely.


"Ah Mr Su don't look so surprised, you are good with your job and I believe you will get the job done in record time."


"Forget the major road. What I am saying is that, that will be finished and the Governor has asked you be the one to do this. It's a detour but you will get to your destination, trust me." The man pulled Su Yan forward like a child to show him he needed to get on same page with him. "Life's constant is change, what is happening right now is no fault of yours but our own people, we know you will get the job done but while you wait over things you can't control, focus on the one that you can," he said sternly and rather serious.

"Okay sir, I will see what I can do."

"Positive answer, i expect better by the close of work tomorrow."

Su Yan frowned. He frowned deeper when he heard a familiar voice from the building he was standing not so far from. Tale?

"Sir are there people checking out the houses already,"

"Yes of course, some are even ready to pay but all that will be worked on when it's been completed. Although the houses that are finished can already be rented."

"Can I take a look?" Su Yan pointed to the one he heard the noise from.

"Sure lets go," the man led the way.

Woo Jin got down from the car then and followed suit.

"I'd take it from here," Su Yan assured the man smiling.

"Sure, and do not forget what we talked about,"


It was really her, Tale. She was totally focused on looking around and talking to the man that was showing her around for her to notice anyone else.

"Tale?" Woo Jin looked surprised to see her.

The look on her face said it all, she was looking for houses and was definitely going to keep it a secret. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Uh, I—"

"Lie about it, go on." Su Yan let his surprise ride on each word.

Tale kept quiet, what was she going to say.

"Let's go, now." He ordered.

Tale wasn't sure why but she quietly followed. She was angry but here wasn't the place to have a fight.

The drive home was the longest ever. But once the car was parked she got down as quickly as her legs could let her and dashed for the door.

"How could you?" Su Yan was still angry. Tale stopped halfway up the stairs and came down to face him.

"How could I what? How could I what exactly Su?" she managed to say quietly.

"What's happening?" Precious ran out of Woo Jins room looking sleepy.

"Your friend is moving out," Woo Jin said plainly.

"Why? Do you guys not want us around anymore?" Precious looked from the both men to her friend.

They looked like she had just betrayed them and that hurt her spirit and held her guts.

Before Su Yan could get to her, Tale was out the door and running to nowhere in particular. He would chase her but maybe it was better. He let her go and shut the door behind him heading upstairs to his room, slamming the door behind him.

Our couples first fight about to get down... will there be a hot make up session after???

I have no clue either. Lol

Thanks for reading.


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