
Sumo's anger.

Sumo, Ritika and Prem, seeing the woman unconscious, started going towards her, but then about 4 women and 6 men came there, as soon as they reached there, they all started making noise.

Seeing this, Sumo, Ritika and Prem started thinking, why are these people making so much noise, then they all came to those three and said, you have hit this woman with your car, now you have to pay us for it. Have to give.

After listening to those people, all three of them understood that all these people are frauds, they all work together to loot money from everyone.

As soon as she understood this, Ritika said, what should we pay for? Our car stopped just a short distance away from that woman, she had become unconscious on her own, she was not even hurt anywhere.

But even after Ritika spoke, they did not agree, then a woman said, no, you are lying, we all have seen, you three have hit it with your car.

On talking to that woman, Prem said, "Okay" if she collided with our car, we are ready to take responsibility for it, let us take her to the hospital, whatever expenses will be there, we will pay. But here we will not give you money.

At the thought of taking that woman to the hospital, all of them got nervous, and then one man said, no, you give us the money, we will get her treated ourselves.

Seeing them all arguing like this, Sumo, who was standing silently till now and watching everything, got angry, and he came forward angrily and said, If you all do not stop your drama, then you There will be trouble for everyone.

Seeing Sumo's anger, all of them got scared for once, but then a woman came forward and said, look at him, he is making a mistake and on top of that he is also threatening us.

Having said this, they all started making noise again, the people around who were just looking at them, were thinking that it was Sumo and his friends' fault, they all started abusing Sumo and his friends. .

An old man looking at Sumo said, children these days have become very selfish, first of all they make mistakes, and then they also behave in reverse.

Similarly, all the men standing there started speaking ill of Sumo and his friends, hearing which Sumo's anger increased even more, and he silenced all the fraud people who were making noise in front of him by shouting.

When all those people heard Sumo shouting in anger, they all started feeling that perhaps today they had tried to trap the wrong person.

As soon as all those people calmed down, Sumo said, I am also a doctor, I will cure this woman right now. Having said this, Sumo left everyone aside and went towards the unconscious woman.

Reaching the unconscious woman, Sumo, hiding from everyone's sight, took out a small electric spark from his hand and threw it towards the woman.

As soon as the lightning touched the woman's body, she got a jolt of shock, and the woman immediately got up and sat down. Sumo had brought the woman back to her senses without even touching her.

Seeing this, all the people standing around became interested. Seeing the woman suddenly regaining consciousness, everyone understood that these people are frauds.

As soon as they understood this, all the people standing there started abusing those fraud people.

After the woman regained consciousness, Sumo stood up from his place, and started walking towards his car. Upon reaching the car, Sumo took a look at the old man who was calling Sumo Batamij, and Then he sat in his car staring at everyone, as soon as Sumo sat in the car, Ritika and Prem also came in the car, then Sumo started the car, and quickly drove away from there.

Within a short time his car reached his store, his store was very big, in front of which it was written in big letters, SKP Stores. As soon as they reached there, all three of them got down from their car, then after reaching near the store, Prem opened the shutter of the store.

As soon as the store was opened, 4 people came there. As soon as they came, a man said to Sumo, Sir, why did it take you so long to come today? We have been waiting for you for the last 2 hours.

But even after listening to that man, Sumo did not say anything, and quietly went inside the store. As soon as Sumo left, Ritika said to those four men, Sumo is very angry today, so no one should bother him today, whatever work you guys have to do, come and talk to us.

After listening to Ritika, the man said, don't worry ma'am, we will not trouble him, anyway Sumo sir is always angry, now we have become used to seeing him angry.

Having said this, the man went into the store with the three men standing behind him, all four of them worked in the same Sumo store, the man who was talking to Ritika, his name is Manish, and the three men behind him were Were standing, their names were Ravi, Kishan and Amar.

As soon as the four of them went inside, Prem said, today those two girls who manage the upstairs counter are nowhere to be seen.

His store was in a two-story building, with a large grocery store below and a women's makeup store above.

As soon as she heard about Prem, Ritika looked here and there for those girls and said, "Looks like they both did not come today again, these two girls take a lot of leave."

Then Prem said, both of them are delicate girls, they must be tired while working, that is why they take leave.

Hearing Prem's words, Ritika started staring at him, then as soon as Prem looked at Ritika, Ritika pointed her finger at him and said, you always hover around those two girls, it is because of you that Sumo has to bear both of them. Otherwise Sumo would have fired them long ago, but today Sumo is very angry, you see, as soon as Sumo comes to know about this, he will immediately fire both of them.

Hearing Ritika's words, Prem immediately ran to the cabin inside the store. Sitting in this cabin, Sumo, Prem and Ritika used to handle their work. As soon as Prem reached inside the cabin, he saw Sumo sitting on his chair, watching CCTV footage on the computer screen.

When Prem saw this, he said in his mind, Today Sumo will definitely remove both of them from work, after both of them leave, I don't know what will happen to me?

Prem had just thought this much, then Sumo said angrily, today again those two girls have not come, I had kept them at work only on your request, but today you call them and tell them, now they are at work. There is no need to come.

Having said this, Sumo left the cabin and went out into the store. As soon as Sumo left, Ritika came inside the cabin. As soon as she came inside, Ritika saw that Prem was standing there with his face hanging.

Seeing Prem so sad, Ritika understood, Sumo fired those girls from the work, as soon as she understood this, Ritika said while sprinkling salt on Prem's wounds, it seems that Majnu's heart is broken in many ways.

As soon as he heard Ritika's words, Prem said with excitement, you are enjoying a lot, stop, I will tell you right now.

Saying this, Prem started moving towards Ritika. Seeing Prem coming towards her, Ritika ran out of the cabin, and Prem also followed her out of the cabin to catch Ritika.

As soon as they came out of the cabin, both of them looked at Sumo, Sumo was still very angry, and was angrily scolding Manish.

When both of them saw Sumo angrily scolding Manish, both of them looked at the ground and saw a rice bag, which had now burst, and all the rice had come out from it.

Seeing this, both of them understood what must have happened there. As soon as they understood the situation there, both of them gestured sorry to Manish from behind the Sumo, in response to which Manish shook his head slowly.

Both of them were feeling very bad for Manish. Ritika said lovingly, "Man, Sumo gets so angry, does anyone scold someone like this on such a small thing? Manish must have done this deliberately, he has been working with us for 10 years, we all know." "Manish has not committed any mistake till date, yet Sumo is telling so much to Manish for such a small thing.

Prem felt absolutely right in what Ritika said, but in front of Sumo's anger, both of them could not even say anything.

Seeing Sumo angry, Prem said, "Yes" You are right, I don't know how long Sumo will remain like this, since the death of that girl, Sumo has become like this since then, otherwise Sumo was of a very calm nature.

Talking about love, Ritika said, I wish I find someone who can control Sumo's anger, otherwise we will have to bear his anger.

As soon as she said this, Ritika looked outside the store. As soon as she looked outside the store, Ritika was shocked and started looking outside the store.

When Prem saw Ritika staring outside, he started looking outside the store, following Ritika's gaze, Prem was also surprised when he looked outside.

After scolding Manish for a while, when Sumo turned towards Prem and Ritika, he saw Prem and Ritika standing at their places, looking outside together.

Both of them were very scared after seeing someone, their faces had turned pale due to fear.

Seeing Ritika and Prem scared, Sumo came to them and asked, what happened? Why are you both so scared?

Speaking of Sumo, Ritika and Prem gestured with their hands outside the store.

Seeing both of them pointing outside the store, Sumo also started looking outside the store.

Sumo saw a girl standing outside the store, but as soon as Sumo's eyes fell on that girl, the girl standing outside the store quickly walked away from there, due to which Sumo could not see her face, but could see her from behind. But that girl seemed familiar to Sumo.

When Sumo could not see that girl, he asked Ritika and Prem, who was that girl? And why were both of you so scared after seeing him?

Talking about Sumo, Prem stammered out of fear, "That girl was Tina."

As soon as he heard the girl's name, Sumo came running out of the store and started chasing the girl.

When the girl saw Sumo coming after her, she ran away from the road towards an alley, running with the speed of the wind.

Seeing the girl going towards the street, Sumo also ran with the speed of the wind and went into that street chasing the girl.

As soon as he went to that street, Sumo saw that the girl was no longer visible anywhere. Seeing this, Sumo started searching for that girl here and there, but even after searching for a long time, Sumo could not find that girl anywhere, due to which Sumo got worried. Slowly went towards his store.

Even while going towards the store, Sumo was looking here and there again and again, hoping to see that girl again somewhere, but that girl was not visible anywhere, so Sumo went back to his store.

As soon as they reached the store, Sumo asked Ritika and Prem, are both of you absolutely sure that you both have seen Tina only?

On Sumo's question, Ritika said, yes" That girl was Tina, we saw her face clearly.

After Ritika, Prem also said, "Yes" Ritika is absolutely right, it was Tina, we remember her face very well, we can never forget her face, when both of us were looking at her, she was also towards us. She was looking at me, there was a very dangerous smile on her face, it seemed like something was going on in her mind, just seeing that dangerous smile of hers, we both got scared.

Sumo got a little angry at what both of them were saying, but how could she come here.

Talking about Sumo, Ritika said, "How did she come here? I don't know, but if she has come here, then she definitely has some purpose for coming to this world."

(What will happen next in this story? Who is this Tina? How has she come here? And what is the purpose of her coming here? To know the answers to all these questions, move towards the next part of "love story of the devil" , and stay connected with us on Pocket Fm!)