
Love Story In Isekai

Tells the love story of Yuna who is in a coma and enters isekai. his presence in isekai will actually build a love story with Hiro. but will Yuna stay with Hiro, later when Yuna wakes up from her coma?

Ani_Pri · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Meaningful Journey

Suddenly Yuna heard a stomach growl.

"Hahah...are you hungry?" Yuna asked while laughing.

"Don't laugh, normal humans can definitely feel hungry" Haru said while blushing.

"Gosh I'm just kidding, I'm also hungry. So, in this house there is food or maybe ingredients that can be cooked?"

"Nothing, usually I forage by fishing or hunting."

"Jesus, so you don't have any ingredients to cook?"

"Nothing, I won't use my money just to buy some groceries."

"I also have no money. All right, then let's just go fishing. Don't hunt, I'm afraid."

"Okay, you just wait here I'm going to the river to fish."

"No, I'm coming. Maybe I can help with something."

"Alright then, let's go."

Haru and Yuna went together to the river to look for fish. Some time after walking, suddenly a group of soldiers caught Haru and Yuna. However, Haru fought the soldier. But Haru outnumbered them. And finally they were both caught by the soldier.

"Hey... who are you guys to let us go" shouted Yuna while scared.

"Never mind those soldiers here. Let them take us." Said Haru who was also worried about Yuna.

"Soldiers" replied Yuna while feeling confused, why today there are still soldiers. They were brought by horse-drawn carriage. Then, halfway through Yuna spoke to Haru in whispers.

"Hey Haru, are they really soldiers? I can't believe nowadays why are there still soldiers?" Yuna asked who was getting more and more curious.

"Right, why do you ask like that. Not only soldiers. But this village is also led by a king."

"Oh my... king!!!" Yuna said in shock.

"Yeah, don't you know that yet?"

"Erm...no it's not like that. Forget it." Yuna deliberately did not say that Yuna was not from this village.

"Gosh... that means this isn't the real world, it's not where I live. I understand now. I'd better keep quiet and not tell Haru." Yuna said in her heart.