
Love still saves everything.

''My heart has never jumped so much, and I've never been so happy como na primeira vez que nos vimos, and I love you for it. Some people you meet by chance, others you meet because you had to.'' Penelope is the daughter of a Colombian immigrant who came to the United States very young, when she was little, she always wanted to be an actress. But that wasn't her focus, never was. Her life began to change when she auditioned for a major role in a very famous book saga. Penelope ended up becoming the lead actress, thus starring in countless films, even at the age of twenty-four. However, addictions of a life in the spotlight very soon invaded his life, and worst of all his ex-best friend ''Samantha.'' has just been murdered, by what would apparently be a serial Killer who is after all the actors in the series. saga in which Penelope starred as a child. Investigating all these threats they've been receiving and Samantha's murder is David, one of the best detectives in New York, but despite being on the case he needs to stay on ''Penelope's Security.'' David is a charming widower who doesn't believe that deserves to be happy because of the great guilt he carries in his chest. Eventually his life becomes intertwined with Penelope's and something new begins to rise in her chest. Over time she comes to see him as protective and calm, and he tries to avoid it but he can't forget how good it is to see her smile. Can someone so discredited love again? Who is behind the crimes? Come be amazed and fall in love with the twists and turns of this innovative love story.

Isadoraalvezzz · Urban
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21 Chs

chapter ten.

Samantha had stormy eyes, hair as black as night, her favorite things in the world included being on top of any high place where she could see the sun rise, unlike many she always loved height.

The second thing she loved was the feeling of laughing with someone and realizing in the middle of laughing how much she enjoyed being with that person, the third was acting in period movies maybe even participating in a rum remaker of Titanic where she would be Rose.

Samantha likes trouble, according to her it was what moved her life, it could get boring without trouble and controversy, her name was always in the tabloids even without her wanting it.

Everything about her was exciting to most of the men she got involved with. In the first months, then later, there was always something wrong, something happened and that person no longer stayed, most of the time it was something mutual.

What made those men make her sick too fast?

According to her, their beauty was undeniable, their empathy remarkable. The only people she never got sick of besides her mother and sister were Penelope, Sebastian and Audrey, her best friends in life.

Things had been strange lately, acting as people expected was a bitch, even more so when everyone in the world seemed to have a say in your life.

Everyone was going through something, each with their own struggles, and theirs seemed so much like Sebastian's, that a feeling was growing, she never thought it would come to this much.

But Samantha knew she couldn't, at first she repressed herself, stopped calling and even stopped talking to her friend. That would never end well, they ended with someone crying.

Even because she believed that nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry.

All that blood was never beautiful, it was always just red, all that crying was never beautiful and yes a big mistake on her part, but, she loved him. Yes, could she deny it?

She tried, she denied it, until Sebastian filed for divorce, and even though the media destroyed them, papers lost, she only wanted him and he her.

There is nothing poetic about death, Samantha. What remains is a pain in the chest, a lack, and depending on the place the person occupies in your life, an emptiness! These words always echoed in her head, her mother told her looking at her with those huge blue eyes, in front of her ex-husband's grave.

Samantha never forgot the grief of when Terry died, it was a hole in her chest and although he was not her father, it hurt, he was something else he was her friend. She thought she would never feel pain like that again until the day she had to look into Penelope's eyes after the confession, the pain, months later there was her friend, at Nick's birthday.

Flash Back Nick's birthday, Friday, three days before Samantha died:

Samantha walked over to Penelope who was sitting between Audrey and Francine as Rihanna's song ''When have you been'' played loudly in the party, Samanta grabbed the bottle of champagne she was holding and drank before moving closer, her eyes were soaking wet she felt dizzy, drunk she tripped over her own foot.

Sometimes your connection with the person is so strong that even if she is miles away you know their intentions because she knew that something was bothering the brunette either internally or externally, often even their mannerisms, even from a distance, Penelope felt that she would find a way to try to talk to her.

She sat up in her chair, watching everyone dancing on the dance floor, right there at that table, it was hard to watch her there, having fun, but it was her father's birthday and she was free of drama, she rolled her eyes chewing on her shrimp.

Her mother got up to go to the bathroom and Audrey had gone to dance with Francine, Samantha waited to approach her over the purple light of the ballad, the sun was setting when she got up, Samantha's hands braced on the table that wobbled with her entrance.

His face closed hard. — Samantha, I don't want to talk to you.

Penelope spoke up and got up from the table, but Samanta followed her out onto the balcony, the corners of her eyes frowning and her skin red, and took her arm.

— Please, you must listen to me. — She begged, holding the bottle.

The baby-liss in Penelope's hair was blown out by the wind from the balcony, and she became angry. — What's the matter with you? You got what you wanted, now leave me alone," her eyes could have pierced Samanta.

— I can't, because you're my Sally, remember?

She showed him the palm of her hand, their favorite movie was 'From Magic to Seduction. Where they made a promise that they would forever be friends, but for Penelope that was the past and she needed to grow up, she squeezed her eyes shut and remained silent, some part of her wanted to hear.

Samantha ran her tongue between her pink lips moistening them, her eyes shining with tears she let go of her arms, still standing in front of him.

— Forgive me for ruining our friendship. — Tears streamed down her face. — I'm sorry that I lied and betrayed your trust. It all made me stop liking myself as a person, you didn't deserve that. But I can't go on having your hatred for the rest of my life, why did you send me those tulips?

Penelope's heart was heavy every time she was inclined to forgive, she focused on the pain, it made her want to drink all the whiskey at the party, her hands trembled, remembering that for her sake Nick had no alcohol at the party.

So what was Samantha doing with that bottle of champagne? For a minute Penelope stared at that bottle, then her heart felt like it was going to stop, you could feel the blood speeding in your veins, your mouth dry and your legs trembling, your hand sounding.

Penelope could only listen to the resounding music quietly, because with that fixation she couldn't hear very well what was around her. It sounds like death, doesn't it? But that's just Penelope having a withdrawal crisis, she pulled away holding back the urge to vomit stuck in her throat.

She took a deep breath, realized she had lost focus, shaking her legs. Samantha approached, throwing the cold bottle of champagne she held over her chest away.

— Look here, I don't know what tulips you are talking about? I didn't send you anything. — She shook her head, scratching her left cheek.

— I don't recognize you anymore, you're not my Gillian, not my sister, friend, or colleague. These days you're just someone who broke my heart, just leave me alone, okay? — She sighed, taking a step back, walking away. — It's Nick's birthday and we don't need any drama today.

She fixed the strap of her dress, Samantha stood there with a stuffy nose, sometimes she closed her eyes tightly to imagine that a certain situation was just a bad dream, unfortunately this one was not.

Sebastian wasn't at the party, which made her feel lonely, Esme wasn't there to pull her leg or say that everything had been solved... Feeling alone, she picked up her purse and said goodbye to Nick, with one thing on her mind.

Who would have sent the red tulips on her birthday in Penelope's name? With a note that said, ''I found them in our favorite confectionery shop, I miss you.'' She sobbed getting into the limo, feeling like she was being followed.

Samantha grabbed her cell phone to google something, her head was spinning that she didn't even know what she wanted, she read the news slowly when her name appeared in a story in a famous magazine.

"The Hollywood Hills neighborhood the great sanctuary for celebrities, welcomes the newest celebrity couple and this one is controversial, just after one year of marriage 'Samantha and Sebastian Montorini. ' They buy million-dollar mansion in Los angels." Check out the photos!

His fingers glided over the large screen of his cell phone reading the comments, recognition blossomed on his face, it was all cruel truth. .

"Why did they buy such a big mansion if everyone hates them? LOL " "She's so ridiculous and he's a disgusting guy for cheating on Penelope" "I hope one of them finds Karma. " " As a cleaner I can say I have never seen so much trash as these two"

Some were so heavy, but of the majority cruel. She was aware that she was not an angel, she just hated so many people knowing the consequences of their actions, she always wanted to live among the mountains of Los Angels since she was ten years old and played in the poor streets of France.

It was when she found herself almost commenting on the post an unknown number popped up on her phone screen.

Her vision blurred and she barely understood the numbers, her mouth curved into a bitter and senseless smile probably caused by the many bottles of vodka and champagne she had drunk, she answered the phone, put it to her ear, stared at the car window.

— Who is it?

— Samantha, your me Cassandra. — She rubbed her palms against her calf.

— Cassandra? What do you want this time of night? — She huffed, leaning forward. — If it's another lecture, I'm not in the mood right now.

— No, I just want to know how you are? And if you're free to meet me in New York? After all, you're dear to me too. Tell me you're going to New York to see me.

Samantha was startled by the invitation, Cassandra had some difficulty leaving the house, in fact this was Samantha's euphemism for Cassandra's disorder she didn't know much about agoraphobia.

Agoraphobia was the fear of places and situations that can cause panic and other symptoms, but, she understood that this was something that made it impossible for her to leave her home in France for over four years, and out of the blue she was better?

— What? — she shouted into the phone, altered, rubbing her left hand over her eyes. — But, are you traveling now? You're out on your own just like that?

— Yes, so you can see how we no longer know any important details about each other's lives.

It broke her heart, just to hear it, because just as Nick was like a father to Penelope, Cassandra was a mother to Samantha.

— Will you be there? I just want to know how you are doing, like in the old days. — she asked, coughing.

Her voice sounded strange to Samantha's ears, but it was probably her impression because she was drunk, she just ignored the strange sensation in the back of her neck, the goose bumps, and answered quickly.

— Cassandra, this is fantastic! I'm so happy for you. And of course I'll be there, Kisses.

Samantha hung up knowing that the best part was getting home and seeing Sebastian was what she needed at that moment.

Little did she know that her intuition was correct, that was not Cassandra but, someone who the dear dead