
Love still saves everything.

''My heart has never jumped so much, and I've never been so happy como na primeira vez que nos vimos, and I love you for it. Some people you meet by chance, others you meet because you had to.'' Penelope is the daughter of a Colombian immigrant who came to the United States very young, when she was little, she always wanted to be an actress. But that wasn't her focus, never was. Her life began to change when she auditioned for a major role in a very famous book saga. Penelope ended up becoming the lead actress, thus starring in countless films, even at the age of twenty-four. However, addictions of a life in the spotlight very soon invaded his life, and worst of all his ex-best friend ''Samantha.'' has just been murdered, by what would apparently be a serial Killer who is after all the actors in the series. saga in which Penelope starred as a child. Investigating all these threats they've been receiving and Samantha's murder is David, one of the best detectives in New York, but despite being on the case he needs to stay on ''Penelope's Security.'' David is a charming widower who doesn't believe that deserves to be happy because of the great guilt he carries in his chest. Eventually his life becomes intertwined with Penelope's and something new begins to rise in her chest. Over time she comes to see him as protective and calm, and he tries to avoid it but he can't forget how good it is to see her smile. Can someone so discredited love again? Who is behind the crimes? Come be amazed and fall in love with the twists and turns of this innovative love story.

Isadoraalvezzz · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter Seven.

Penelope Martinez Narrating:

As soon as I left there was only one place I wanted to go, it was more of a want mixed with duty. As soon as I left I felt suffocated, and hungry. The people taking pictures, I was used to that, but not with all those policemen.

Detective David looked at me angrily, as if he was angry when he finished talking on his cell phone, we squeezed between the numerous people in front of the apartment. Did something leak and I wasn't aware of it?

I rolled my eyes when I saw Esme crying and giving all the information she could.

Katie, the other detective, taking advantage of her size, was kicking people in the legs.

— Miss Esme, you can't say such things. Excuse me... — She asked loudly, stepping on the feet of the journalists who were asking millions of questions. — Then I would be arrested if I went through this every day!

The chatter was so loud that Katie disappeared into the crowd, I scratched the tip of my ear, irritated. Until a redheaded reporter with black lipstick, her style extremely gothic, passed the microphone to Katie when Esme shut up, angry.

— It turns out that we can't say anything that will hinder the investigations, please stand back.

After a few hours I got in the car, when I stopped David got in, I raised my eyebrows without understanding, I settled in the car seat.

— Do you want a ride Officer? — I straightened my skirt, looking at him quietly.

— I'm staying to lead the guard at your house! — He scratched the tip of his nose, as if the air conditioning were bothering him.

— What? But, I'm not going home... I'm going to visit a friend. Her house is kind of in Paris. You know, City of Light? Home of the artists, I have a friend there I need to see.

He raised his eyebrow in disapproval, I only had his name, "David," but I've seen him as the most boring person in the world,

— You can't leave here... Technically it's good that you all stay together.

My heart pounded, I increased the force of the air just for this, I asked Rodrigo, my driver and friend, to please stop the car, the paparazzi were still there, their flashbulbs on the car, I could see David's uneasiness, he was not enjoying this one bit.

— Detective, am I a suspect by any chance? — I asked, twisting my mouth sideways in irritation.

— I don't know, should I be?

He smiled, and my God! I blinked, staring at him without reaction, his closed face was closed to keep a beautiful smile hidden, his whole face changed and what I loved most was there, his eyes shrinking when he smiled.

But, I remained angry at his ironic response. — I can't believe you're going to stop me from leaving the country, that's absurd, I haven't done anything, I haven't even received threatening letters, and...!

He interrupted my speech with his hands up, starting to swing his legs.— Wou, wou, wou, do you really think I would like to be here babysitting? Honestly, I didn't even want this case. — David turned his face looking forward, I clenched my fists in the air. - But, I am here and I need to do my job so, as long as I am here in New York I will be coming with you.

I grimaced in dissatisfaction, and immediately pulled my cell phone out of my purse and called Cassandra, who answered with never a flash-in-the-pan speed.

— Hello, I knew you would call! Where is your mother, she said she hasn't taken the jet yet?

— Sandra, I won't be able to go.— I looked away holding the cell phone to my warm ear, I glanced at David who was reading something on the cell phone. — I will explain later, I want you to know that as soon as I give my statement I will come there. - I finished by putting my lips together, crossing my legs.

I really missed her, Cassandra was alone. But, those people who had no one, since her son was stolen from her, she was never the same, it was a sad story and quite old long before I met her.

— Darling, don't worry," she coughed, her voice sounding tired. — You and Alice are the only ones who come here. But these terrible events caused Esme to call me just yesterday wanting to know if a sequel would be possible, now that you're in the news. Can you believe it?

I gave a bitter laugh, along with hers. — Well, I have to go now, and I'll talk to you later, okay?

— Before I hang up, I want you to know that you have always been my Liandra! I know I always say that but I saw something in you, my fairy heroine, strong and fearless. You know that deep inside you are all that! Never stop believing. I love you.

— Thank you for everything. — I smile, leaning my head against the car seat, closing my eyes. — I love you too. Take care!

I curled up in my seat, wondering if this nightmare was ever going to end.


One week later:

David was officially a stone in the shoe, the only thing I could get out of him, coupled with his curious expression of surprise along with an air of certain disapproval of my habit of eating beans for breakfast.

At least I told him he liked to run, I ran around the garden these days and he stood there almost dying to go. He must be married, so he didn't want to get that close, or I don't know, maybe he hated my movie.

I laughed thinking to myself, trying to relax while choosing the books on the bookshelf. It relaxed me but it was not working.

I didn't relax at any point this week, yet I gave myself nights not to spend in my house crying with panic. Give up meddling in the investigations, Katie was a real fan.

Something about that day made me realize that I love my family, Audrey was still unable to make the wedding, in fact at that point in the championship I believe she was afraid to get married.

Not of the wedding itself, but of doing the ceremony, the first time Samantha died in the same week, and soon after her mother was shot and now with the threats to Esme, she didn't have much time to think about marriage.

I had a strange week, even more so with all the paparazzi following me everywhere I went, crochet club with my grandmother, ballads with Audrey, business dinners, school presentations for my child godchild from the foster home.

Well, that was the irrevocable that last activity was the only one I wasn't obligated to, still I wish I had enjoyed myself.

Now I am in the library, David looks at me with a frown, so charming, he came out carrying the pile of books by himself, his face hard as stone. His perfume was always the same woody smell and his hair was always combed back.

Last night the tire of my car withered, I could be tortured watching him take out the toothpick, standing in the rain with only his white blouse glued to his healed body.

I don't know why I focused so much on his firm hands as he loosened his tie, which was always very well tied.

— But, anything Miss Cristina?

— Yes — I ran my fingers through the books on the "Science Fiction" bookshelf. — Stop calling me Miss, just Penelope is fine.

— I'm sorry, but that's the way it has to be, miss! — He gritted his teeth, but his expression remained impartial.

I could have sworn he was trying to annoy me, he chuckled, a flawed disguised laugh, but I noticed it. I wrapped my arms around my body, it was raining outside.

However, no noise was heard there, it was quiet, silent, I could swear I heard his heart beating, but apart from that nothing, no honking of horns in the crazy New York traffic, nothing... Just the soft rustling of book leaves.

— Do you do this to annoy me? — I closed my hands and felt my rings tighten on my fingers, raising the pitch. — Oh I see, you've never been close to a celebrity before?

I straightened my blazer, and a child with dark curls beside us in the huge hallway, put her index finger to her lips, "shi.

— I'm sorry..." I said in a disdainful tone.

I grimaced briefly behind her, although she was right, after all, we were in a bookstore. But, the little girl called again for silence when my cell phone started ringing, I grabbed it from my pocket quickly but the call was soon lost.

He took two steps towards me, with his arms in front of his body holding a tower of books.

— I don't know if you're that famous, I've only seen one of your movies.

His black eyes were on me, and I reached into the small Prada bag I was wearing, looking for the cell phone to turn it off, and held back my laughter, what did he want with his debauchery? I took the card, held it between my fingers, I was going to pay.

— Yeah, which one? — I put my hand on my chin.

And I watched him, there was no debauchery in his face, David was just being sincere apparently. He drew his eyebrows together and blushed, and I asked him how it was possible to think he was cute at a moment when I was angry with him... or trying to be.

The girl passed by us scribbling a coloring book looking at me as if shouting ''Shut up'' We noticed this and moved away, he remained silent and I wondered if this was some kind of trick.

We went to the parking lot and some fans recognized me and I had to sign autographs and take some pictures, David snorted, looking worried. I loved a natural, calm approach, but at the same time I also enjoyed the noisy and loud ones.

I contended that the silence of the sealed bookstore room had been left behind by the hysterical screams of a fifteen-year-old teenager, she hugged me so tightly that I thought I was running out of breath, she touched my hair, I could see in her eyes that she was happy to have seen me, and that made me happy.

We were in front of the open door of the car but I felt that I couldn't get in without saying.

— Okay, if you're going to be escorting all day at least talk. — I rested my hand on my hip. — I am friends with all my employees!

—I am not your employee!

I feel like I have cut the jaguar with a short stick, he looked irritated and put the luxury bags in the car, I sighed, and before I could excuse myself a smell of Chanel number five invaded my nose.

I shuddered trying to hold back the stomach-churning smell, I looked around the parking lot and yes! I confirmed, it was her. Sebastian's mother, when she was a little girl, used to say that if the devil had a shape it would have Helena's face.

— Look where we are! Are you lost, dear? I'm sure you thought this was the sewer you came out of. — Helena sighed, adjusting the blue scarf she was wearing over a classic black and white Gucci suit. - I see you're hanging out with cops now, I hope you didn't get arrested for being a failure.

She narrowed her eyes, looking down at me, she was tall, about sixty-six, no match for my sixty-nine... with heels. Her sagging skin stretched into a Machiavellian white smile, the old Penelope would say so much and then drink a lot, but, I took a deep breath.

— Who do you think you are to talk to someone like that?

David's green eyes looked disdainfully at her, Rodrigou laughed loudly from inside the car. He spoke before I could say anything, I shifted from one foot to the other looking down quickly at my boots that I wished I could take off and throw at her.

— Who are you to talk to me like that? I am a marchioness. — She analyzed David from head to toe. — And you're just a regular guy who lives a normal, mediocre life... You'll never know how great that means.

— No, I'm sorry! — He made an ironic expression, and I put my hands on my neck feeling uncomfortable.— I'm just a guy with a mediocre life... but if there's one thing this guy knows, it's that greatness is knowing how to treat people well, and right now you're not introducing me to any. — David He puts his hands in his pockets, and laughs in a corner. — Except for his giraffe size.

I bit my lips, the Marchioness looked at me with the same expression as always, my heart felt like it was going to stop when my ears perused her brief but insulting words, I ran my hand down my neck feeling sick.

The Upper East Side had always been my favorite neighborhood, best bookstores and cafes, but it also had its bad side, people like Helena who reminded me that my place wasn't there, that it was pure luck, normally I didn't care but, I was going through a fragile period.

I blocked the cell phone screen and a picture of my mother and me in the kitchen baking cookies appeared. He approached with a calm countenance, I was going to rebut her but, I called out to him.

I walked with shaky legs to the car, but I wasn't going to get in, I wasn't going anywhere, I needed to cry, but I didn't want to in front of David. I couldn't call Audrey, she was planning a romantic evening with Victor, I couldn't ruin it.

I sighed, looking for my firecracker in one of the many hiding places in my car. I hadn't had an asthma attack since I was eight years old. I inhaled the medicine, sneezing and breathing, David looked at me with pity and how I hated it.

David acted desperate as if he had never seen it, Rodrigo stopped the car and helping me, I just needed to calm down, he cared about me and helped me.

But, I was out of air, my lung felt like it was being expressed. My hair flew up as my shivering body felt the warmth of the car heater bidding farewell to the cold, cozy environment, I was weird, even minus twenty degrees I still wanted air conditioning in the car.

— I'm fine, I feel much better. — I said, pushing the hair out of my face.

His face still looked fearful but now calmer.

— No, you need to go to the doctor.

My lips were trembling; deep down I knew it wasn't just asthma, I wanted alcohol. Before he could speak, I continued.

— No, I just need a moment. I sank my fingers into his hair, and he took a deep breath, staring calmly at me. What do you usually do to calm down?

Was he interested in my daily life? I cheered, putting my hand on my chest. Rodrigo started to drive again, and I blinked, looking into his eyes.

— Because if it's something very public, the killer might know about it too. — He added, "Yeah, I guess he's just acting like a detective anyway.

— No, I think that's impossible.

— But, everyone knows you. How can you go unnoticed? I think it's very difficult, I've seen you give about twenty-seven autographs today alone. — He looked me deep in the eyes with a wry smile, I mean, how different can you get?

I raised my eyebrows, remembering my anonymous kit. — Well, I'll show you...

Samantha and I created the anonymous kit. It was nothing much, just a wig that would make us different, different make-up and of course an outfit that would make us invisible, David laughs when I put on my wig, I laugh with the sound of his laughter.

We were close then, I proposed that we stop at the central park. David told the patrol to stay close, and it was what I never expected, he was funny, and as I had seen before he knew how to smile, more than once...

David warned the patrol to stay close, and it was what I never expected, he was funny, and as I had seen before he knew how to smile, but more than once.