
Love still saves everything.

''My heart has never jumped so much, and I've never been so happy como na primeira vez que nos vimos, and I love you for it. Some people you meet by chance, others you meet because you had to.'' Penelope is the daughter of a Colombian immigrant who came to the United States very young, when she was little, she always wanted to be an actress. But that wasn't her focus, never was. Her life began to change when she auditioned for a major role in a very famous book saga. Penelope ended up becoming the lead actress, thus starring in countless films, even at the age of twenty-four. However, addictions of a life in the spotlight very soon invaded his life, and worst of all his ex-best friend ''Samantha.'' has just been murdered, by what would apparently be a serial Killer who is after all the actors in the series. saga in which Penelope starred as a child. Investigating all these threats they've been receiving and Samantha's murder is David, one of the best detectives in New York, but despite being on the case he needs to stay on ''Penelope's Security.'' David is a charming widower who doesn't believe that deserves to be happy because of the great guilt he carries in his chest. Eventually his life becomes intertwined with Penelope's and something new begins to rise in her chest. Over time she comes to see him as protective and calm, and he tries to avoid it but he can't forget how good it is to see her smile. Can someone so discredited love again? Who is behind the crimes? Come be amazed and fall in love with the twists and turns of this innovative love story.

Isadoraalvezzz · Urban
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21 Chs

chapter fourteen.

Audrey Violetiné narrating:

I hung up the phone smiling, Penelope had no idea her parents had gotten married which is strange. In the meantime I was already shipping horrors.

- Penelope, you're not coming either.

Esme looked at me, her hair back wet, her skin as red as if it was going to explode as soon as I warned her that Penelope was not coming to the party.

- So that's it? - She wiped her hand across her face in the pool. - Nobody's coming?

- You've had several confirmations too, Esme. - I twirled the cell phone in my hand. - And I'll be here.

She snorted, frowning. - That's because Victor canceled on you! - She scrunched her forehead, more than five hundred guests cancelled. Well, what about Francine? Did you check with her?

- She said she'd come, well, I guess she's coming since Mary's staying with her father. I need to get my costume.

- Still? - She shouted, diving from a dive.

- Yes, it was last minute, remember?

I stood up and grabbed my purse, still sick from the smell of sunscreen. I had been nauseous for a few days, and yes, the possibility of being pregnant was on my mind. But, to tell the truth, Victor and I were not in a good mood.

- Okay! What's it going to be?

- Poison Ivy. I'll get it and then stop by Francine's house! She's the cat lady.

- Why are you a redhead? - She rolled her wet eyes. - So original. - She sneered.

I raised my middle finger at her in the pool, Esme responded by raising her index finger in disapproval from inside the pool, throwing water, swimming calmed her down. And she was a beast, I didn't want to make it worse by stating the obvious, no one wanted to come because she received threats and almost. I approached the pool and knelt down next to her.

- Esme, stay calm. Your party is the event when it comes to Halloween, two of the Kardashians are coming, and just because several people canceled, you still have over twelve hundred people to entertain today. - I squeezed his cheek, giving him a smile. - It's going to be okay, sis.

- You sound like you care, now go on, I have to get ready. - She swam to the stairs, out of the pool, drying herself off.

I was trying to go easy on Esme, even though she was so difficult and well... Difficult was a euphemism for what she had become, I gave her a hand wave, not reciprocated.

Later, almost to party time, I was ready and apprehensive. As I walked and looked at my cell phone through the hallway of the building, I came across several children trick-or-treating on the doorsteps, and I smiled.

But, I soon broke the smile when I confirmed, more than four unanswered calls, Victor didn't even answer the messages.

I took a deep breath, I'm sure we would get past this. What I don't understand is why he is pushing me away.

Now I was waiting for him to win me back after the fight, he always called me, I waited for him to try a little to have me back by his side, and then the idea of traveling came to me.

But Victor was doing everything the opposite way, pushing me further and further away, and today I no longer recognize certain attitudes, such as choosing to work even when he is on vacation.

It might even be a work addiction, I thought to myself as I went up the elevator floors, that was what I admired most about him, he loved to take care of people. I still remember the first time he saw me, I had twisted my foot playing Twister.

I have a great desire to care, he confessed this to me on our first date. It was different from the badboys I insisted on dating.

I was so into the idea of meeting him that I confessed that I was very careful about this desire to take care of people because there are people like my mother, who don't want to be taken care of, much less stay. And that I learned with time that I can't be hurt or hurt by the care that someone didn't want to receive.

Suddenly we found ourselves in a deep conversation about people who don't know how to stay, it was strange, at least something for a fifth or sixth date.

He smiled and said that being receptive to affection is one of the most personal things, and not always the other will be. And that seeing who we love, who we want to care for leave us, certain trauma will consume us with each loss.

And it hurt me at the time, because we shared the same story, I've been in that moment of not accepting, or rather, of forgetting how to accept good things. But at that moment I knew how to accept David into my life.

We were going to go through this, yes, of course, without a doubt. I shrugged leaving the elevator, my cell phone rang and I got more excited it was Francine, I answered in a hurry.

- Hi ami, you need to see how I look as Hera. - I passed the hand on my hair. - Where are you? You know how Esme gets late.

- I need you to come here, there is something I need to tell you, we need to talk away from the hustle and bustle of the party. - I heard her take a deep breath, her voice was heavy. - And then we'll go to the party, okay?

- Wow, did something happen? - I lifted the cell phone more to my ear.

- Just... come and we'll talk here, okay? I love you.

- I love you, see you soon.

She turned off her cell phone shortly after, at the door I realized that I had to get off the elevator, I had to go all the way back again and go to the parking lot. There, from the penthouse to the first floor, I snorted, looking at the clock, there would still be time.

- Audrey? Hold on.

- Mom? - I shook my head, looking around remembering that she hated to be called that. - I mean, Kendra... What are you doing up?

I turned and saw my mom, she was dressed up as Cruella in a long red twirly dress, and black and white heels, I smiled looking at her from head to toe, and put my hand on my waist.

- And dressed up like that? You should be resting.

She said with her hands on her wig. - I'm fine, and I wouldn't miss the failure of Esme's party this year.

- Mom! Don't talk about her like that. - I spoke on purpose, closing my fists in anger, as two children passed by holding hands with their mothers, and I pointed briefly. - You know what, just go away!

- What? Honey, I'm sorry if the truth hurts. - She put her hand on her chest, her voice sounding dramatic. - I took a bullet for your sister and a week later she throws a party.

I could see where Esme got her drama from. She took my hand and I let go, I went over our history, we were born with mom and dad married, until one day when we were ten she couldn't stand "Staying locked up" Her excuse was that she didn't belong in the same place all the time.

And of course she only left because she owned the rights to Esme's image from the movie saga, it was ridiculous, I still believed that we would go back to being what we never were.

So I squared my shoulders over my costume, answering her. - That's what you heard, Kendra keeps saying that she's changed and that she's going to be a "better friend" when you should be thinking about how to be a "better Mom"! And that. -

I held up my fingers pointing at the children in the large hallway. She stood there, watching me with her typical proud look that she would never admit to a mistake.

- We've never had this with you, because you're only interested in yourself and money. So tomorrow I'll limit the allowance you asked for, and you can cut up that card of mine tomorrow and I'll cancel it.

She looked at me from head to toe. - And to think that if it weren't for me you wouldn't even be here, talking like that.

I rolled my eyes and left, not in the mood to listen to her whining and tantrums, I was fed up, especially with the way she treated Esme, like nothing, at first she said it was to show how sincere the artistic medium was, but then it just seemed mean.

I wiped my face, and got into my red BMW X4 xDrive28i, which I thought was an exaggeration but it was a gift from my father, I stopped at the traffic light wishing for a glass of rose wine and half an hour massage, I left driving to my friend's house.

When I got in, I walked to her apartment, there was no door, it was one per floor. It was a replica of Blair Waldorf's, we loved Gossip Girl like no one else, I called for her in the living room and found it strange that no one answered so I walked through the living room, crossing the living room when she, I heard a noise of notification, it had been in the kitchen.

I shouted her name, I heard some groans of pain, promptly ran towards the noise leaving the door open, I was nervous when I saw Francine on the floor foaming, there was coffee everywhere near her, she was dressed as alerquina, I threw myself on the floor sitting on my knees helping her up.

I wiped her desperate mouth, she pulled air with the veins in her neck jumping with the size of the effort she made to breathe.

- Cell-cell phone. I'm-i -q-q-who m-ato-u.

She spoke with her voice almost fading, only a few syllables came out, but I put it all together in my head, she pointed to the cell phone, I lifted it with difficulty, a tear fell from her eye. I felt as if it was her last breath, and it was.

I called her name in desperation holding her shoulders, the smell of coffee made me nauseous, I controlled the stomach lump. I shook her call, my eyes swam in tears at the same moment I held her, my breathing quickened even more when I put my head against her chest, no heartbeat, no sound at all.

My hands were shaking to the point that I couldn't hold her anymore, I let go of her body on the floor, I was crying so hard, I let go of my cell phone that I was holding with the other hand in the air, I heard the sound of the cell phone hitting the floor, at the same time a tearing and intense pain made me lose the strength of the rest of my body as well.

My heart felt like it was going to come out of my mouth. Half of me was pain and the other half was fear, I reasoned looking at that huge blue kitchen that I needed to get out of that kitchen, call someone, I took a deep breath gathering strength to get up slowly and picked her body up bringing it to the living room, with difficulty.

I sat on the couch and called the police, with my eyes flooded with tears I looked at her there once again, I wanted it all to be a bad joke, for her to get up and say it was all a lie.


When the cops arrived they asked a million questions, I didn't hesitate to answer them but without blinking and sitting on the couch, it all seemed like a movie.

Francine Carson was adorable, addicted to chess, a Kesha fan and known for being too sweet, one of her biggest problems was always being on the fence about any decision.

I knew her when I accompanied Esme in the recordings, she also acted in the Lullaly Saga, her character was Katrina, she was not so prominent and her powers consisted in moving the winds and causing storms and she loved that.

She continued to be an actress even though the heartless critics of hollywood, Francine was never a good actress, she was just a pretty face. But, she didn't care about that, she was a mother now and Davina was everything to her.

But, it didn't matter what the tabloids said about her, Francine was amazing, and I couldn't get her words out of my head before she died, that she needed to talk to me.

I walked around her apartment in a daze, I needed to find her cell phone, but the police had already taken it as evidence. I took a deep breath, my eyes watering, Esme and no one was there for me, a detective who had blonde hair, came in black from me. She looked at me with an unfriendly expression.

- Miss, Audrey Violentiné you are under arrest on a charge of being the mastermind behind the murder of Samanta Bouvier.

I looked at her uncomprehendingly, she asked me to stand up and walk to the police station, I ran my hand over my face and protested, she kept citing my rights, and I got angry.

Everything seemed to be in slow motion. Victor arrived at the same time, two policemen immobilized me by putting my arms behind me and handcuffed me, I began to cry even more.

- My love, what happened? Why are they taking her away? - He said hugging me and I leaned my head on his shoulder, wondering why that night had turned into such chaos.

He kissed my forehead, looking deep into my eyes. And when I couldn't wait, paparazzi were already there, all over the hall, even kids were taking pictures on their cell phones, flashbulbs everywhere, my eyes were burning when we left.

Victor followed us downstairs, when I got into the car, he desperately threw himself between the police barrier near where I was standing, getting close to the window.

- I didn't do anything Victor, I don't understand what's going on. - I shook my head, shedding cold tears over my face.

He gave me a quick kiss. - It's going to be all right, my love! I'll call the lawyer right now.

I nodded, swallowing hard. I cringed in the car, feeling anger, hunger, sadness, and loss all together, and I was terrible at managing it.


When we arrived at the interrogation room after having passed a thousand reporters at the door of the police station.

The last time I had been in a police station was in Ibiza, Samantha had tried to bribe the policeman, who had stopped us for speeding. He seemed to be trying, but suggested staying with me or Penelope, who was in the back seat.

We said no, and went to the police station to report him, and when I told my father, he only said one thing that night, and it was a long lecture on how the paparazzi could make things up by watching me leave the police station, and how it was bad for business. That night I could tell that all my father cared about was business.

Kim took my hand I came out of my thoughts realizing that I was still there, the handcuff had been removed, my hands were on my lap I looked around that big gray room, that intimidating glass, you never could tell who was watching you.

Dr. Kim Liu sat beside me in a salmon suit asking what evidence they had to base that accusation on,

I had known her for a long time, she was related to Ian's family and that made me a little calm, I already knew her and could trust her, my chair was crooked and uncomfortable, the Detective climbed into the chair still with that unfriendly face.

- Well, days before she died Samantha received a phone call from Cassandra arranging to meet her at the candy store where she died. -

Star continued talking, but Kim interrupted her.

- Cassandra? - She raised her left shoulder. - Impossible, she's also my client and I'm sure she hasn't left the house.

- Well, but we still investigated. We went with a search warrant to her house, seized her cell phone, and investigated. - This afternoon we listened to every call she made, every call log, we called her phone line until we found that in fact, it was not her. Of course we thought whoever it was, could have used Cassandra's name on a disposable number. Until... We found out that the phone number was yours Miss Audrey.

- Why go to all the trouble of flying to France when you could have just not looked at Samantha's cell phone and checked what the number was? - Kim said firmly.

I looked at two, still confused in my head I could only think of Francine, I wiped my face, focusing quickly to the glass.

- We looked, it only took so long because her phone was completely left. That is, someone before she died had completely wiped it clean.

- But, I already told you, I didn't call anyone.

I exclaimed in desperation, Kim squeezed my hand urging me to calm down with her small lips curving into a corner smile, she looked confident, I caught my feet behind the chair, not understanding why she was smiling.

- So, you arrested my client based on a supposed phone call? This is absurd.

- No, not only that. Your client withdrew an amount of five million days before Samantha's death, which is suspicious to say the least, and of course these audio files...

I turned pale, never having been to the bank since everything went online before I could scream and squawk as much as I wanted Kim put her hand on my back and gave me a firm look, it was almost as if she was saying, "Calm down.

I sat anxiously on the chair, dangling my feet. The detective threw her cell phone on the table that separated Kim and I from her, it started playing an audio.

Samantha, stop calling me. You should be ashamed of yourself, how you call yourself someone's friend and stay with her husband. I hope they both pay for making my friend suffer, that they die. That's what you deserve, for destroying everything.

"I know you'll never hear this but, I'm glad you're dead, finally someone had the courage to kill you.

- Stop it! Stop it! - I shouted, my breathing hitched, and I spoke in tears, "This proves nothing, everyone knows that I... - I swallowed dry, bewildered. I got up from my chair in a huff. - Kim this isn't fair is legal I need you to believe me, I would never do this. I .

I coughed, but swallowed hard. Kim promptly stood up and hugged me and asked me to stay calm.

- How can I stay calm about things I haven't even committed. I... I was drunk when I sent this last audio, and the first one, well, she destroyed our friendship and still wanted us all to put our hands on her and Sebastian's heads. - I ran my hand through my hair, pulling it away from my face. - And yes I was hating her, but I had other reasons. But, I would never send someone to kill her.

- Oh yeah, what reasons?

I was about to jump on her neck to get her to undo that cynical, disbelieving face that was making me so angry, when I was interrupted by the sound of the door opening wide.

- Star you had no right to do that. - A dwarf woman with blond hair entered the room completely upset. - How can you take my case like this, and arrest someone without even my permission, this is my case and David's is out.

- Well, I detained Rivera. I can't do anything if the captain assigned him to me after you didn't want to go to France. - She ran her hand over the pearl earrings in her ear. - Now deal with him, I'm in the middle of an interrogation right now.

When all that was over the worst news came, Kim said that he had asked for a writ of habeas corpus but that it would take a few hours, all that worrying finished me off,

- We need the judge to understand right away that there is an absolute illegality. There is no flagrante and the charge is based on supposition, don't worry, I won't let him put you in jail. - She looked at me steadily, and with her lips downward she spoke. - But, they will seize your phone, I'm sorry.

- And why don't they just set bail? I hate these handcuffs.

- Because they know you can pay any amount they set, something tells me that that detective Star wants you to stay here. - She took my hand. - But, rest assured, no judge is going to leave you here.

I just wanted to get out of there and clear this whole thing up, to go to my friend's funeral. Her murder would not go unpunished, I will do everything necessary to find him. I took a deep breath with my heart pounding with nervousness, biting my nails, realizing that this was going to be a long night, and the worst of my life.