
Chapter115 He is special to you

As she spoke, her tone changed and she smiled ambiguously. "However, ever since you appeared, this rumor has changed. Mr. Chavez is the most special to you."

Emily immediately turned her head to look out of the car window. Her soft voice was devoid of emotion. "He treats me differently from what you think."

Matteo had always had a purpose for her.

Even his own father thought that he was the kind of person who was so idle that he was ignorant and had no skills. However, the Matteo she saw was clearly not the seemingly idle young master.

To be able to have a table with Bronson, and to be able to easily ask Ronald out, how many young masters in Tade City could have this kind of ability?

Abby continued to gossip, "But I heard that he took you to see Mr. Chavez."


Emily closed her eyes and squeezed the space between her eyebrows speechlessly. How could the news of what happened last night spread so quickly?