
Fun Times

Life isn't fair and when life in'st fair you don't be a Elsa and run or a Anna and fall in love at the first time you see the 'one'. You wait. Peter coulden't wait for so he threw Jay across the room.

'Why don't you see in need you?' Peter took her shirt of and threw it in Paul's direction.

'LEAVE HIM ALONE, NOW!' bellowed Jared, though he was frightened as hell but managed to grab Peter shirt, put it an and grab him by the collar.

'Let me go pig!' Peter screeched.

'NO!' Jared pulled him out the house and chucked him outside going back to his friend and boyfriend.

'Don't be long' Jay called.

'I'll try.' Jared soothed still pulling Paul out.

'K' Jay whispered shaking.

It broke Jared's heart to see him like this but he had to get the problem for his boyfriend's crying out of his room.

'He'll be safe with me promise.' Ricco hugged Jay.

He loved Jay but in a brother/bestie way.


Cassie was making out with Paul but deep doen Cassie wanted both Jared and paul but she wasn't sure how that would work they hate each other. Paul pulled away and got his guitar of his back and played the song below for her and sang these words: (You can use the song if you wish in any of your stories because I created it.

Verse 1:

We've spent too much time hiding.

Hiding from everyone.

We don't know how to love yet completely.

But we can Improve on our quirks.


We've kept running in circles hoping to get somewhere.

We've finally discovered how to handle waves bigger than us.

I'm beautiful and so are you, beautifully perfect.

Song Lyric 2:

We can love ourselves the way our loved ones see us.

I don't see one ugly person that walks this Earth.

But sometimes people just make ugly choices.

It doesn't mean they are bad, it just means they need direction home.

Nothing is ugly or weird, just beautifully weird.

Beauty isn't everything eyes should look for.

Everyone can overcome anything!


We keep running in circles hoping to get somewhere.

I've finally discovered how to handle waves bigger than me.

I'm beautiful and so are you, beautifully perfect.

Verse 3:

You can discover how to surf your waves.

All you have to do is accept the waves are there and bigger than you.

It is possible and I know you can do it.

We can do anything.

But it starts with faith.

You need to believe you can do anything.

Because together accomplish everything.


We keep running in circles hoping to get somewhere.

I've finally discovered how to handle waves bigger than me.

I'm beautiful and so are you, together we're beautifully perfect.

Verse 4:

Don't just fly soar!

You don't have to be afraid to fall.

You can do this because we are all the same.

We all make mistakes and we all fall.

Because we are all humans.


We keep running in circles hoping to get somewhere.

I've finally discovered how to handle waves bigger than me.

I'm beautiful and so are you, together we're beautifully perfect.

Verse 5:

Together we're who we are supposed to be.

Mistakes don't make us who we are.

We are stars waiting to shine.

We need each other.

Dreams come true only if you wish hard enough.

The path ahead may be tricky.

But I believe in us.


We keep running in circles hoping to get somewhere.

I've finally discovered how to handle waves bigger than me.

I'm beautiful and so are you, together we're beautifully perfect.


Verse 6:

Together we're who we are supposed to be.

We keep running in circles hoping to get somewhere.

Don't just fly soar!

You can discover how to surf your waves.

All you have to do is accept the waves are there and bigger than you.

Because we can love ourselves the way our loved ones see us

Jared sang Robin Hood to Cassie when caught them kissing after he calmed his boyfriend down..

'I always knew you were like that Cassady... I'm glad I dumped your sorry ass!' Jared spoke calmly.

He knew she cheated on him with Paul multiple times but he always welcomed back Cassie with open arms and called her his. It wasn't until he found Jay that he realised he was worth more than anything.

A/N You dont have to listen to the full hour of this track or any songs for that matter they are just added beacuse one/more characters are singing or beacuse they are listening to it. The hour track is the track Ricco is listening to with Jay to calm him down.

Hope you enjoy. Feel free to comment, vote and share. Stay safe, stay strong and stay beautiful.

Till next time!

Love JayCarterSkyewood+Nat-Bat101.