
Friends Don't Last Forever

It was a hot summer's day down at Canary Islands as usual and Jay was asleep on his bed not paying attention to the time or anything around him.

"Hurry up Jay!" Cassie called for Paul's friend who was constantly late for everything and barely came out his room.

"Poor guy he hasn't been the same since Peter passed away." Paul whispered.

"What can we do?" Cassie retorted "We can't have him moping all the time!"

Jay jumped 2 inches in the air and landed on the floor in fright from Cassie's yelling.

"Stop yelling or he will hear you!" Paul whisper-shouted back angrily.

Jay slowly got up of the floor and got a random outfit out of his cupboard and put it on.

(Outfit below)

On the left is Paul's outfit. In the middle is cassie's outfit. On the right is Jay's outfit.

"Hi guys sorry I took so long!" Jay slumped over the brown chair right next to the breakfast bar,"I guess I slept in again."

"Oh really I didn't notice!" Cassie replied sarcastically and obviously out of patience to deal with Jay.

"CASSIE!" Paul screamed, "He already feels bad enough now you do this, some friend you are!"

"I only came here because you made me come here." Cassie answered to her boyfriend.

"Wow your so hollow I can see right through you." Paul fired back.

"Well at least I don't smell like a baboon's but!" Cassie returned.

"Maybe if you didn't look in the mirror so much maybe you'd be pretty on the inside to." Paul muttured.

"ENOUGH!" Jay fell to the floor sobbing. "Just enough a- already p- please..."

"Of course mate, anything for you." Paul comforted Jay.

"Are you gay?" Cassie asked, "Because the amount of times you've noticed how he's feeling over me is just ridiculous!"

"Just leave already Cassie!" Paul got up from where Jay was and shoved her out the door.

"This won't be the last you've heard of me!" Screeched Cassie.

"I'm sure it won't be," Murmured Paul.



I'm sorry if you love these actors but this is my first story I'm typing where there are visual characters. I have nothing against these actors in fact I chose them because they appealed to me and are on my many long list of favourite's! :)

Hope you enjoy the rest of the story. Feel free to comment any ideas on how I could improve or some ideas I can interpret into this. Please don't put any hate on this. I am trying to make it interesting for you guys.