
Next On Celebrity Crush

『Third Pov』

As Kageyama walked out of his apartment with his suitcases, he immediately regretted his decision of packing all of that shit. But, he wanted to record, so he ended up dragging his stuff all the way to the bottom, and out the door. Tanaka was in a car waiting for him. Tanaka looked like he was about to collapse though, considering it was about 8:00 Am, not a time he liked to wake up at.

"Oi, Tanaka." Kageyama said, continuing to drag his stuff out of the building.

"Hm- oh, Kageyama, hey there! Ready to go!? We are gonna go all the way to Tokyo!" Tanaka said, immediately waking up from his drowsy self. Kageyama did not respond, all he did was throw one of his suitcases at Tanaka, who caught it flawlessly.

"No response? Okay then! We should hurry up, the train is leaving in 30 minutes! Here, I'll put your shit in the back." Tanaka said, tossing one of Kageyama's suitcase in the back of the car.

After about 10 minutes, they got to the train station and Kageyama decided to put on his headphones, that were sitting around his neck. He pulled out his phone and began to play his favorite music. He and Tanaka got on the train, and Tanaka pulled out his phone and started to watch 'Celebrity crush' with his Airpods.

"Next up on 'Celebrity Crush', with Koral Shinoshī, and,"

"Enio Kamado!" They spoke,

"So, with the NEWEST, AND MOST HOT TEA, we saw, as many others, that the singer Tobio Kageyama and the new band 'Crow Flock', are going to be doing an album together! Be sure to watch the train if you're on it! Their headed to Tokyo!" The girl Shintoshī said, pictures coming up along with her voice. Tanaka eyed his friend, before turning back to the screen.

"And, we have interesting news along with it! Apparently, after their album, they are going to go on world tour with him to sing the whole album, with quote-on-quote surprises!" Kamado suggested, grabbing a cup of water. Tanaka was so confused.

The fuck they meant by WORLD TOUR?

We're to poor to afford that! Even if Kageyama is so popular! All of the money goes to that bitch ass 'boss'...

Tanaka thought tapping Kageyama's shoulder. Kageyama opened his eyes and shrugged at him. Kageyama looked at Tanaka's phone and read the subtitles.

"World tour!? The fuck they meant by that? We have like 200¥ in our bank account right now!" Kageyama yell-whispered to Tanaka while taking off his headphones.

"I know, but maybe they'll pay for us! But if they aren't, then were fuuuuuuuucked." Tanaka responded, looking around to make sure no-one heard or saw them. Tanaka slightly made a worried smile before shrugging Kageyama off, leaving them both in thought. They never went on tour, rarely panels.

Well, I mean I see no difference. They just throw my ass around and make me sing, and then I get hurt for 'Doing it wrong.' Don't really see the difference. Thought Kageyama while getting to know the band's music. These are sorta about love aren't they? Like having a crush you'll never meet? I'm probably just stupid, whatever.

Kageyama is definitely thinking that this is going to be no different, but I'm breaking rules to do this shit. Not like I don't want to, but I honestly hate our lifestyle. I bet we will be feeling spoiled when we get there. Tanaka thought, scrolling through 'R/anime memes.' as Tanaka scrolled, and Kageyama relaxed, the Crow Flock was getting ready for their arrival.

"Rā-san!" Shoyo called, tossing a small rag inside of the washing machine.

"Yes tiny!?" They yelled back, running down the unhelpfully spiraling stairs. They skidded on the tile floor with their socks, sending her right onto the floor. She threw herself up, scratched her short blonde hair, and continued to run to Shoyo.

"Oh I was just gonna ask if you knew where Yamaguchi was, but now you can help me with these dreaded counters." Shoyo said to the tall boy/girl/person. (This is a Tri gender character so please don't be confused when I use He/her/they for Mirā/Rā-san/Rā-chan. :D)

"Fuck you and them counters, I'm just gonna find Yamaguchi for your lazy ass." Mirā said, brushing a few bits of dust off his white shirt. He walked towards the back door, lightly opening it to quickly find Yamaguchi's dark green hair, behind some pink and purple vine flowers.

"Oh! Yami-chan, that was quick! I need you for a bit." He said, tapping the smaller males shoulder. Yamaguchi slightly jumped at the sudden contact and shattering of silence. He turned to Mirā, and gave a small sigh of calm anger.

"Yes Mirā?" he said, standing up from his squatted position on the floor. His dark green hair had a small amount of pollen in it, disting it yellow, and his brown eyes with the sun reflecting off of his eyes perfectly gave him a shoujo manga vibe. He wore a sweatshirt, much too big for him, with a tiny crow with blonde hair and glasses sewn in to the sweater.

"Sho-chan need you for something in the kitchen. I'm not sure why but uh just go see him?" Mirā said, patting his head lightly. Yamaguchi shrugged and walked away, not saying a word.

"Damn, so rude, but still my favorite." Mirā said putting her hands up to her hips. "Ooh lily's-"

"Hinata? What do you need? Mirā-san said you wanted me for something?" Yamaguchi said, walking towards the kitchen where Hinata was.

"Oh, Yamaguchi! I needed you to help me with the floors, since Rā-chan is such a bully to me." Hinata said, putting the large sponge he had into the soapy water in the plastic bucket. Yamaguchi gave him a disgusted look, but walked to the pantry behind him, and took another sponge.

✨𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑆𝑘𝑖𝑝✨

"This is the place right Tanaka?" Kageyama said, looking through the gates of the enormous house. Actually, more like a mansion than a house. He didn't mind, but it pissed him off that they actually could afford that, when they could barely afford their apartments, food and gear for recording and stuff. Tanaka let out a huff and tapped the little box next to the gates, which was definitely designed to keep out anyone that wasn't supposed to be there.

"Uhmmmmm Hi it's me Ryunoske Tanaka and Tobio Kageyama?" Tanaka said into the box while holding down a button. A sharp and deafening beep was heard, and the gates opened up, only halfway, letting them in. They dragged their stuff through the gates, followed by one short but strong boy with a cart driving up to them.

"Hi, I'm Nishinoya, and I'm y'alls guide and supervisor for your entire time here." The boy said, hopping off of the cart. He looked only a few inches bigger than 5 feet, spiked hair with a small blonde part let down freely. He didn't look too formal, considering he wore a wrinkled dress shirt, with a black tie badly tied around his neck.

"Yo, buzz cut. Are you Tanaka?" Nishinoya said.

'Hehe. Buzz cut' Kageyama thought, leaning slightly on to his suitcase while chuckling lightly under his breath.

"Uh yes- can I call you Noya?" Tanaka asked, cracking his knuckles 'Kaneki-style' Nishinoya looked sorta confused that someone he barely knew wanted to call him the nickname that Shoyou gave him. Noya nodded and motioned for them to put their stuff in the back of the cart. They accepted and soon after got in the cart, sitting next to Noya. After going past the mansion Tanaka and Kageyama were insanely confused.

"Is that not where they liv-" Kageyama's sentence was cut short by the vehicle coming to a sudden stop, throwing Kageyama and Tanaka forward. Noya laughed, and Tanaka soon followed suit.

"HAHA! Y'ALL SUCK AT THIS! THERE ARE A LOT OF SUDDEN STOPS! HAHAHHAAHA!" Noya yelled. Tanaka continued to laugh, not even listening to him. After those two idiots stopped laughing, they continued their commute to the 'Crow Nest.' That's what they called their house. 'Crow Nest.'

When they finally got to the house 5 minutes later, Mirā walked out of the house, wearing black pants, black long sleeve shirt with a white shirt on top and a crow that looked sorta like her sewn on. The background was yellow white and pink, resembling flowers, vines, and other objects. The rest of the band walked out, wearing something similar.





"Welcome, TO THE CROW NEST!"




This is the longest chapter I've ever written, and I suck at writing, so sorry if I don't update often.. Also, I'm literally failing most of my subjects, so I'll be slow. I have i m m e n c e writers block. :D

Tamsxncreators' thoughts
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